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"Rishita, Vihaan! You'll are back," My mother in law said hugging me and then Vihaan. We entered the house and met Vihaan's father.

"You'll are back. How much I missed your hand made food Rishita. Your mother has literally forgotten how to cook ever since you took over the kitchen," he said.

"That means everyone misses Rishita and not me? I'm your only son remember?" Vihaan said faking hurt.

I laugh at the statements as mom glares at dad and Vihaan.

"Jealous, are we?" I say smirking at Vihaan.

He rolls his eyes and we look at my in laws who have currently started fighting because of the comment dad made. They looked soo cute together, I mean you could literally see love in their eyes even though they were fighting. I hope Vihaan and me are the same when we are this old.

We kept our luggage in the rooms and freshened up. I went in the kitchen and saw Vihaan's mother cooking.

"Hey Mom. What are you cooking? Let me help you," I said standing beside her.

The smell of butter chicken hit my nostrils making my stomach make an embarrassing growl. Vihaan's mother laughed at me and said, "go take rest for a while, you must be tired. I'm going to make lunch today."


"No buts. Go rest."

"Yess mom."

"Rishita listen," she suddenly said as I turned around.


"You do know right Vihaan's birthday is in a couple of days?"

My eyes widened in shock as I absorbed the information thrown at my face. Vihaan's birthday? Why the fuck didn't he tell me? And I'm an idiot that I didn't ask him.

I covered up my shocked expression with a smile and said, "Yess, of course."

"Have you planned anything?"


"Umm.. I guess," I thought of something really quick and something struck my mind. "I was thinking of arranging a party, a small get together with friends and family. What do you think?"

"That's an amazing idea. Just close friends and family," she said.

I nodded and left the kitchen.

Vihaan's birthday is in two days and I just said that I'm going to throw a party for him. I don't even know any of his friends that well. How am I going to get his number? What am I going to give Vihaan? Where is the party going to be? Who all will be invited.


I took a deep breath and sat on the bed in my bedroom. I took a deep breath and called the only person who I always call whenever I'm in trouble.

"I need your help," I said as soon as he picked up the call.

"Well hello to you too! I'm glad you're missing me soo much," Neel's sarcastic voice boomed through the phone.

"Neeeeeeeeellll! I'm in trouble, okay? I need your witty brain not your sarcastic comments," I whined.

"Fine lady, shoot."

"Vihaan's birthday is in couple of days and I got to know like five minutes before and I told his mother that I'll be throwing a party and I don't know what to to do! I don't even know his friends, I don't know what to gift him! Where am I going to keep the party? Ughh! Neel speak up why are you soo silent?"

"Oh my god! How much do you talk? If you keep your mouth shut then only I can speak right?"

"S-sorry! Now tell me."

"Okay tell me one thing why do you want to give him a surprise? Last time I checked you hated Mr. Fucker?"


"Oh about that! I think I changed my mind."

"Wait wait! What? This mind changing happened on honeymoon right? Did you'll have sex? Did you use my gift? Tell me all the juicy details Riri!"

"Ohh shutup! I'm not going to tell you anything." My face was burning red when I said that.

"Oh my god you had sex! I'm soo proud of you. I'm hope my gift helped," he laughed.

"You're a fucktard."

"Aww, how much you love me."

"I don't think you're going to help so I'm hanging up. Bye."

"Okay okay, let's see, you can gift him something that gives a meaning to your relationship? And about inviting his friend, you can take the numbers from cell phone when he is asleep or something. The party can be held at my Uncle's hotel, Caitlyn Gardens. I'll book it for his birthday. Okay?"

"You know what? You're the best!" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh, tell me something I don't know?"

"Self centred jerk as always."

"Your Jerk always," he laughed while I just rolled my eyes.


"Diiiii," my brother hugged me as soon as he opened the door.

"Ayush! How are you?" I said hugging him back.

"I'm great di! C'mon come inside."

I walked inside and my stomach lurched in nervousness. Why do I feel nervous whenever I'm here? And I'm comfortable at my in law's place. Strange isn't it?

I had finished up my lunch and had gone gift shopping for Vihaan. After selecting a gift for him, I decided to visit Ayush and my parents so that I can give them their gifts which I got from Nainital.

My mother was sitting in the drawing room doing some work but she stopped doing it when she saw me.

She didn't smile neither got up to hug me, she just nodded and gestured me sit down. I sat on the couch and waited for my mother to acknowledge me but she didn't say anything. Instead she quietly started doing her work again.

"Umm.. Where's dad?" I asked looking around and trying to start a conversation.

"Office," she said monotonously.

I frowned and looked at Ayush.

He just shrugged and sat on the opposite side.

"Ma, I got gifts for everyone from Nainital. And I... "

I kept my mouth shut when my mother's heated gaze landed on me.

"What?" I asked giving her a questioning look.

"As if you don't know what you've done," she said flabbergasted.

"I seriously don't know what I have done?"

"You are having an affair with Neel! Don't you have any shame and you asked him to come to the airport? I didn't expect this from you Rishita."

I stood there staring at her, her words cutting me deep. She thinks this low of me?

I just stood up from my chair, threw the gifts on the table and said,

"I'm glad you know your daughter soo well!" I laughed trying to control my tears. "Vihaan's birthday is in two days, I have organised a party for him, please do come."

With that I turned around and left as the first drop of tear fell from my eyes.

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