《Love Bands?》Dinner.


Did I just give my husband a boner?

It was really funny as well as cute when he adjusted his laptop to hide his boner. He could not take his eyes off me, not that I had put on a lot of make-up or anything. I smirked thinking I had this type of effect on my husband.

"You are ready or what?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, in a minute," he was looking at his laptop taking deep breaths pretending to work on it.

I let out a small giggle and said, "I am waiting in the balcony, tell me when you are done."

He just nodded and I went into the balcony. Cool air fanned my face as I took in the view laid in front of me. It was dark outside and garden of the hotel we were staying at was illuminated with lights. I leaned on the railing of the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Enjoying the view?" Vihaan asked as he came behind me.

"Yeah, it's soo peaceful out here," a soft smile was playing on my lips.

He hugged me from behind, his hands wrapped around my bare stomach and his chin rested on my shoulder.

"Indeed it is," He whispered.

I leaned into his touch further pressing my back into him and he hugged me tighter.

"You look beautiful tonight, Rishi."

Blush crept on my face as I whispered a thank you. His arms were soo comfortable, I did not want to let go. It felt safe to be in his arms. It felt like home.


We entered the restaurant and the aromas of various dishes hit my nostrils making my stomach make weird noises.

"Hungry are we?" He said while laughing his ass off.

"Ohh stop it!" I said rolling my eyes.


We took our seats and ordered our food.

"So, Rishi, tell me one thing you have always wanted," Vihaan asked out of the blue.

'Black coat.' I wanted to answer, but I kept my mouth shut because I did not want to end this conversation in a fight.

"Many things," I shrugged trying to change the topic.

"Many? There is always that one thing in every person's life which they want passionately. C'mon you don't have to hide things from me," he asked, his eyes gleaming with hope.

"Vihaan, drop it!" I snapped.

I shouldn't have, but this topic is really sensitive to me. I mean all my life I have always wanted to become a lawyer. Above all, a proud independent girl who will not be dependant on anyone. That dream was snatched away from me but I was adjusting to it.

A Woman should always adjust, right?

And I was obeying that too. But it does not mean that it does not hurt. It hurts, like hell! Not being able to achieve that one thing you have always wanted, soo fucking passionately.

Many girls dreamt about their Prince Charming, but I dreamt about being in that black coat and fighting for justice.

Vihaan's face got confused and I sighed. I felt bad for snapping at him.

"I am sorry, let's just talk about something else."

He nodded and till then our order arrived. And now awkwardness was surrounding the atmosphere. We ate in silence as we did not know what to say.

"What does Neel mean to you?" Vihaan suddenly asked.

"Everything!" I immediately said.

I could see his entire body stiffen and his eyes turning a darker shade of black if that was even possible.

"He is my best friend, my brother, my partner in crime," I immediately added.


"Ohh," he said looking away.

"Have you ever felt like you are locked up in a Cage? Have you ever regretted being the person you are? Have you ever felt hopeless and useless?" he didn't say anything so I continued, "I felt this every single day. Every day I was told that I am not worth it, and the person who made me feel better was Neel. He has been with me through thick and thin, ups and downs and that is why he is my everything. Please, I beg you. Atleast you don't think that he is my lover or anything. He is my best friend. It's friendship, just pure friendship," I finished my long story and looked at him for any kind of reaction.

He smiled at me and placed his hand on top of mine giving it a tight squeeze.

"I trust you," he said.

I smiled at him and intertwined our fingers. After finishing our dinner we decided to take a short walk around the garden of the hotel. Our hands were clung together all the time.

"Rishi, you know what? You can do anything you want. You want to dance, dance. You want to laugh, laugh. Behave the way you want, live the way you want. I will never stop you," Vihaan said grinning.

I looked at him with hope rising in my chest, "Anything?"

"Yess babe, anything!"

"You remember you asked me what is that one thing I want badly?"

"Yeah? You want to tell me what it is?" he asked his eyes lightning up a bit.

I nodded.

"Go ahead, Rishi. Tell me and I will make sure you get it."

"I want black coat," I said and immediately his body stiffened.

"Black coat? Rishi, do you really want this soo badly?"

"That's the only thing I have ever dreamt of."

He sighed and looked away.

My heart broke again as I understood Vihaan's answer.

"It's okay, Vihaan. I understand," I gave him a small smile and started walking towards the room.

He caught my hand and pulled me back towards his chest.

"I promised you that I will get you anything you want right? You will get it! We will take admissions as soon as we get back to our house," Vihaan said looking into my brown eyes.

I squealed, I literally squealed and hugged the shit out of Vihaan. He let out a laugh and hugged me back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said still hugging, smiling, laughing all at the same time.

"I am sorry," he said.

"Why are you talking everything out of the blue today? Why sorry?" I frowned as I let go of the hug to stare into his black orbs.

His arms were still wrapped around me keeping us close.

"I am sorry for not allowing you before. I didn't know this meant soo much to you. And Damn! That smile! I have seen you smile this wide for the first time."

"It doesn't matter. I am glad I can study now. Thank you Vihaan. This really means a lot."

I hugged him again burying my head in his chest.

His safe arms, the stars, the romantic atmosphere. I don't know what it was but in that moment I realized, I loved him.

I love my freaking-pervert hot husband!

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