《Love Bands?》Sightseeing.



It is such a beautiful place, the air is so fresh making all the worries go away. I have always wanted to visit Nainital, but my parents loved us way too much to even take us out for a picnic. Note the sarcasm.

I changed into comfortable but presentable clothes because we had to do a lot of sightseeing. So did Vihaan. We did not get a tourist guide because we wanted to explore the place on our own.

"I have made a list of all the places that we have to visit today," Vihaan said putting on his seat belt.

We had booked a car for the day. Although all the things were in a five kilometres radius from our hotel we booked a car, it was basically Vihaan's idea because he is a lazy ass.

"You are smarter than a tourist guide," I said doing the same.

"Let's cross check if we have everything we need for today. USB cable?"






We crossed check all the necessities. I was pretty excited. Vihaan turned on the Google maps and the lady gave the directions to Nainital Lake.

Nainital Lake, a natural freshwater body, situated amidst the township of Nainital in Uttarakhand State of India, tectonic in origin, is kidney shaped or crescent shaped and has an outfall at the southeastern end.

We reached the lake in no time.

"Vihaan, this is sooooooo beautiful," I gasped.

Trust me it was the most beautiful thing I had ever scene. It felt so fresh in this fresh air.

"Not more than you, munchkin," he looked at me with dreamy eyes.


His is eyes are so deep. I can get lost in them anytime. I just smiled at his reply.

We spent some time there, clicking pictures, talking, laughing, splashing water on each other. I felt alive. A new feeling was creeping up, maybe I had fallen for my husband already.


After spending some time at the lake we walked to the famous Pt. G. B. Pant High Altitude Zoo. High altitude is a home to many endangered species and is located at an elevation of 2100m.

The zoo is pretty big. We were currently standing outside the Tibetan Wolf's cage. The wolf was peacefully sitting in one of the corners. It felt like he was sleeping. I was busy admiring him when suddenly one more wolf came in front of me and I sprang back crashing into Vihaan's chest making him yelp a little.

"Ouch. Are you trying to kill me babe?"

"Ugh! Obviously no. It was the wolf."

"He is trying to kill me? Are you having an affair with the wolf? Oh my God! That's why you keep on listening to Wolves all day long and you fancy Tyler Lockwood and that hybrid guy from The Vampire Diaries."

"You are so hilarious. Your jokes kill me," I said with a fake poker face while Vihaan laughed.

"It's okay munchkin. You can have an affair with him. I don't mind, as long as you don't get in bed with him. Because woman, I don't support bestiality. It's so gro--"

I smacked him on his head making him yelp for the second time in less than fifteen minutes.

"Geez woman. You are so violent. Why don't you show this voilence tonight in bed," he said with a wink and walked away to the next cage while I just stood there with my jaw literally touching the floor.

I swear this guy has lost his mind. Like a few days ago he was going all Ted Bundy on me, not literally but his glares were enough to get me six feet under.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Fine. I give up. The animals are boring, let's go somewhere else."

"Okay, but where?"

"Um.. we have Naina Devi Temple, Eco Caves Garden, Tibetan Market, Tiffin Top and Ropeway in a two kilometres radius.


"Naina Devi Temple?"

"Temple, uh-oh, okay! Let's go."

Naina Devi Temple, is such a beautiful and peaceful temple. The temple is an ancient Indian temple. It is built on a cliff.

We didn't stay here longer. We clicked a few pictures after the darshan then left. Now it was Vihaan's turn to choose the next place.

He did not tell me where we were going next. I just followed him like a kid. We walked to all these places because they were literally less than a kilometre away.

"Vihaan?" I said panting. Obviously, I was tired as fuck!


"Why are you making me walk? When we have brought the car?"

"Tired, are we?"

"Tired, my ass."

"Don't make me imagine such things, Rishi."

"Ugh! You pervert. People are introvert, extrovert, ambivert but you my husband, are a freaking pervert."

"That I have been told before, but you definitely love this perverted soul."

"Yeah, my--nothing!" He laughed making me scrunch my nose.

"We are here."

"Woah! We were outside the Eco Caves Garden and dayumm! The place is beautiful," I said looking at the pictures.

There were a lot of people. We made our way inside and there was the most amazing scenario ever. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

"I want to live in this cave Vihaan."

"Okay, my cave woman. Let's build a cave."

"Sure," I giggled at our immaturity.

"I am sure, I am the first and the only man who has every said those words to impress his wife. What are you doing to me, woman?"

"Oh, nothing. This is love, and I very well know about your feelings."

"Oh shit! Busted!"

We both burst out laughing causing people to look at us like we are from a different planet.

We visited a few more places and now we were headed to our car which was still near Nainital Lake.

"Fucking walks. I fucking hate walking. I am fucking tired."

"You curse a lot Rishi," Vihaan chuckled.

I frowned, "you shut the fuck up. I am tired as fuck."

"Aww.. my little munchkin is tired. We are almost here."

I ignored him and kept sulking to which the only response I got was Vihaan's fucking stupid laughter.

We reached our car and drove back to the hotel. In the blink of an eye we were parked outside the hotel. Without wasting more time I rushed towards our room.

Vihaan unlocked the door and I rushed to my luggage to take the essentials.

"I will be back. I desperately need a shower. Please plug my phone to the charger."



I stepped out of the bathroom and Vihaan was nowhere in sight. He might have gone down. I checked my phone and turned on the internet.

I took my shawl and phone, and walked to the balcony. I saw the most amazing thing. My husband, the caveman was peacefully sleeping on the chair. He looked so tired and peaceful at the same time.

I should not wake him up. Let him be. I took my shawl and covered him. I fought the urge to touch his face because I did not want him to wake up.

"Even Mr. Brinjal is tired. Goodnight hubby," I said and leaned to give him a kiss on his cheek.

As my lips were about to touch his skin he turned making our lips meet. Boom! There were fireworks all over the place, not literally but in my mind and heart and pit of the stomach. My body gave into the kiss and I kissed him back making him moan a little.

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