《Love Bands?》35,000 feet.


I took a quick shower. It was the quickest shower I have ever had. I stepped out of the shower that's when reality hit me. I did not have my towel or my clothes or anything.


I took deep breaths and walked towards the door.

"Vihaaannnn," I called.

No response. I opened the door and peeked to see if he was in the room. Luckily he wasn't. The coast was all clear.

I looked around and luckily my towel was near the washroom. I stepped out and grabbed it quickly. I wrapped it around my body and went to my closet. Thank God, the door was closed.

I changed into my under-garments and wore my skinny jeans. I could not find a top. I literally rummaged through my closet when the door opened and Vihaan walked in.


I was only in my bra and jeans. I quickly grabbed the piece of clothing from the bed and covered myself. Vihaan was smirking all this while. The stupid piece of clothing was nothing but a scarf. I was freaking blushing, I could literally feel my face getting heated up. If you were to toast a bread I am sure it would be the perfect temperature to do so.


"Nice bra, wifey. But I would love to see you--"

I wore one of the tops.

"Don't say a single word. We are getting late. Just go and get ready."

"Yes sexy pumpkin."

I rolled my eyes.


We were standing at Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport with our luggage. My heart beats were so fast. This is the first time I am getting on a plane.

"Enjoyy! And get me gifts! " Ayush said laughing.

"Where is Neel? " I asked him.

"You know how he is. Always late." Ayush said rolling his eyes.


I nodded my head and went near my parents.

"Have a safe journey, dear! Call us when you reach there." My mother said giving me a hug, while my father just nodded.

Vihaan and I touched everyone's feet and we started walking inside the airport.

"You are seriously leaving without saying a goodbye to me?" A voice boomed.

I looked behind and my smile grew wider if that was even possible.

"Neel!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

"Late as always!" I said rolling my eyes.

"What can I say, I'm a busy person." He said laughing.

My father came near me and got me out of his arms. His grip on my arm was soo tight that it literally hurts.

I flinched at the pain.

"What is he doing here?" my father whispered harshly.

"I came here to meet her!" Neel said rolling his eyes.

"You shutup! Don't you know how to talk to girls?" My father said.

"And don't you know how to talk your own daughter?"

"Neel!" I warned him.

"No, Riri. I didn't say anything before because I didn't want anything to affect your studies. But now, I'm not going to keep quiet." Neel said.

"You... " My father was about to say when Vihaan entered into the scene.

I looked around and saw my inlaws and other members looking at us with curious gaze. Thankgod! They didn't hear anything.

Vihaan, first removed my dad's tight grip from my arm and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Neel! Hey! You came! I thought you weren't going to come!" Vihaan said smiling widely. We all looked at him confused.

"Dad, I invited him to the airport so that he can bid us farewell! Didn't I Neel? I know he is Rishi's friend"


He looked at Neel and he nodded but didn't say anything.

"Mom dad, this is Neel, Rishi's childhood friend." Vihaan introduced Neel to my inlaws and they smiled at Neel. He shook hands with them and smiled.

"Okay, now everyone has said their goodbyes, so I think we should leave."

I just nodded too shocked to respond.

I said goodbye to everyone and while I was leaving Neel whispered in my ear saying,

"Please don't be pregnant when you're back! I can't handle mini Rishi's and Vihaans"

I slapped his arm and showed my tongue at him as I entered the airport.

We first have a flight to Delhi and then a bus to Nainital. It is 55 kms away from Delhi.

I was excited and kind of nervous. Can you blame me? It was my first flight.

We Boarded the flight after all the checkings and sat on our seats.

I told Vihaan to book my seat near the window. I gulped as I looked outside. This big box is going to be in air sometimes.

"You okay?" Vihaan asked.

"Yeah, I guess"

"What is it?" He asked with a questioning gaze.

"I-I umm This is my first time in a plane."

"Really? " He asked astonished.

I nodded.

"Well don't worry, Nothing happens you know. When the aeroplane is in the air you feel like you're about to vomit and you're almost 35000 feet high and some people even faint" he said with a straight face.

I gulped as the colour of my face drained. My eyes widened at the thought when Vihaan started laughing his ass off.

"You suck!" I said looking away and trying to calm my nerves down

"Everyone are requested to take a seat as the flight will take off shortly" An announcement was made and my nervousness was at peak.

Three air hostess came and started doing some weird actions, instructing us Everything that we will be needing.

" Rishi, Look at me!"

I ignored him and tightened my seat belt. He held my hand intertwining our fingers and squeezed my hand.

"Look at me babe! "

The airplane started moving and I literally began to shake. He held my chin with his free hand and forced me to look at him.

His beautiful black orbs melted into my brown ones.

"You know this going to be your first experience! You want to enjoy it or just be scared? "

"It's going to be beautiful when we reach up there. You know how you'll feel? You will feel like everything is under you, like you are ruling the world. You will be feel free like a bird flying above everyone. Want to experience that?" I was soo lost in his eyes and melodic voice that I didn't even realize we were already in air until an announcement was made that we were indeed 35000Ft high.

"Look outside your window babe! And trust me you'll love that feeling!"

I did as I was told and looked at the beautiful scene laid infront of me.

It was dark outside but the lights lit up the entire view. Everything looked soo small!

Vihaan was right! I felt like I was ruling the world. I felt like a free bird! For the first time I tasted freedom and trust me I was already getting addicted to it.


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