《Love Bands?》Pumpkin.


My father left after having dinner but while leaving, he said, "so, you have your husband wrapped around your finger. That's what I was expecting out of you anyway. Try not to disrupt his family."

And he left. My brother was already waiting in the car for him and Vihaan was in the living room. He purposely said those things when we both were alone. A tear fell down from my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. I closed the door and went directly in the room to start packing for tomorrow. Vihaan had told my father about the honeymoon and he had again taunted me for not telling them anything. Ayush was actually happy when he got to know about the honeymoon and promised to come at the airport with my parents.

I was just picking random clothes throwing them in the suitcase. We were going to a hill station so I need woollen clothes too. It took me almost two hours to pack my and Vihaan's stuff. Vihaan came in afterwards and looked at the bags.

"Done packing already?" he smirked.

I just nodded my head and went in the washroom to freshen up and change into my night gown. I came in the bedroom and Vihaan was lying on his side of the bed with his hands under his head staring at the ceiling.

Without further delay and talking, I lay down on the bed, my back towards him.

I closed my eyes and immediately opened them again; not because I could not sleep, but because I could still hear my father's words echoing in my mind. I again tried but the same thing happened.

All my life, I have been trying to do is be a good girl, a girl just like my father wanted. Honest, obedient, sincere. I have tried my best to be the best in everything. Studies, sports, household chores everything. I just wanted to hear 'I am proud of you' from my father, but he never did. Whenever my brother, achieved in a little thing my parents use to tell the entire world about it, but not in my case. Today when he said those words, that too in front of my husband, my confidence, my self respect everything came crumbling down. This is not the first time he said that, but today his words hit me harder; I don't know why? Maybe because he said it in front of Vihaan?


I don't even know I was crying when a sob escaped my lips. I immediately covered my mouth and took deep breaths to stop the tears from flowing down but it did not stop. Infact the tears were flowing down more if that was even possible.

Warm hands were wrapped around me and my back was pressed against Vihaan's chest. He placed his head on my shoulder and started whispering soothing words. That gesture made me cry even more. I cried like there is no tomorrow. I cried all my pains away and Vihaan just did one thing, held me in his arms trying to calm me down.

I left home, only to find it in his arms.

After I don't know how long, I finally stopped crying. He slowly turned me towards him and I looked into his black orbs. He pulled me closer to him his hands still wrapped around my waist.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, Rishi. You are stubborn, annoying and irritating sometimes but you know I like these things about you. The way you take care of my family, the way you take care of me even though you did not want to get married shows how selfless you are. I am so proud of you babe. And I am proud that you are going to spend the rest of your life with me," a wide smile was playing on Vihaan's lips as he said those touching words.

And you know what I did? I hugged him, I gave him one of my bear hugs and whispering a thank you in his ear.

We stayed in each others arms and slowly drove off to la-la-land.


Vihaan's parents had just returned from the wedding. They looked very happy but tired. They had brought so many sweets from the wedding.

Currently we were sitting in the hall and viewing the pictures from the wedding. It was a grand wedding. I wonder why we did not go?


"At what time is your flight, beta?" Dad asked.

"8pm, dad. We will leave around 5.30pm," Vihaan answered.

"Are you done with your packing, Rishi?" Mom asked

"Yes, mom. Almost everything is done. I just need to cross check."

"Have you kept jackets? Nainital is a cold place. I don't want you both to get sick and not enjoy your holidays."

"Yes, mom. I have kept two jackets and one shawl."

"Don't worry, mom. I have even checked the weather forecast for next ten days. It is says the average maximum temperature that has been recorded is 25° Celsius and the average minimum is 3° Celsius. Summer in Nainital begins in April and it lasts till June. The maximum temperature that has been recorded during summer is 28° Celsius and the minimum is 10° Celsius," Vihaan said reading from his phone. "So I guess it's fine and even the temperature drops it won't matter much. We will stay in the hotel and relax," he looked at me and winked.

I hope his mother did not notice it or I swear she will start thinking of baby names.

"When are your parents coming, Rishita?" Vihaan's father asked.

"Dad, they will directly come to the airport because they are at some relatives place and it is closer to the airport," I replied and dad just nodded.

"It's almost 4.30pm. Get ready both of you. I don't want you two to miss your flight."

We both nodded and headed to the bedroom. I closed the door and immediately stood in Vihaan's path. He raised his eyebrows but I made a poker face.

"What happened, pumpkin?"

"Pumpkin? Seriously?"

"Yes, pumpkin. Do you like it?"

"No brinjal, I don't like it at all. And don't try to change the topic."

"Yikes! Are we obsessed with brinjals? And I never knew what the topic was."

"Yeah because you came up with the nickname of yours."

"It's cute though."

"And I like you mute though."


"Anyways, I was saying stop smirking or winking or whatever in front of your parents. It makes me wkgsfwkqkbagskw," I mumbled the latter part making Vihaan laugh like a lunatic.


This is a serious topic and he is laughing.

"It makes you what?" He said pulling me closer by my waist.


I was freaking red by now and I knew this moron noticed it because he inched closer to my ear and whispered, "does it make you wet?"


"VIHAANNNNNN!!" I screamed forgetting about where we were and my in-laws could hear it.

"Rishi, what happened beta?" Mom asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing mom, Vihaan is still taking a shower and we might just get late."

"Tell him to hurry up, beta. It's five already."

"Yes mom."

"We will miss the flight because of you Mr. Jerk face Malhotra."

"Let's shower together and save both time and water Mrs. Pretty face Malhotra."

"Sure, in your dreams."

"Oh, we do a lot of things in my dreams babe."

"Ughh! You are such a perverted soul, aren't you?"

"Only for you."

"Buzz off. We are late."

I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.

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