《Love Bands?》Love?


The light wind blew my hair as I swung to and fro looking at the green backyard. A cup of tea was placed in my hand as I thought what the hell was going on in my life.

My marriage, teasing, flirting, The kiss and now the awaited honeymoon! This all happened in a span of two and a half months?

Are you kidding me?

Vihaan confuses me. I thought he liked that bi... Wait no, Kristen! But I guess he is trying to work hard on our marriage. A shiver ran down my spine as I recollected that kiss. I could still feel his plump lips against mine.

"What are the consequences?" I asked.

I don't even know where this bravery was coming from. He was soo close to me, just one more step and our lips will be united.

He just smirked at me and closed that little distance. His lips were soft against mine and he wrapped his hands around my waist. The kiss demanded urgency and I kissed back with all my strength. This was my first kiss and trust me it felt like I was in heaven. Fireworks exploded in my stomach and my entire body was on fire. I placed my hand around his neck playing with his soft hair. A moan released from my mouth as he licked my lower lip and entered my mouth exploring every bit of it.

When our lungs couldn't take it anymore, we pulled away panting.

He was staring at me, and I was too. Our eyes saying it all! I think I am...

Falling for my husband!

The sun was at its horizon giving the sky all shades of orange. Birds were returning back to their home as dusk settled in. We leave for our honeymoon tomorrow night and I haven't even started packing. I have no idea what this honeymoon is going to bring but I am excited for this.

I looked at my wrist watch and saw the time. 6.30p.m it read. I have to start preparing dinner. Vihaan's parents will come home tomorrow before we leave for our honeymoon.


I sighed and got up to leave when I saw Vihaan staring at me from the terrace of our house. When did he come back? I gave him a small smile and started walking inside.

Things have been awkward between us after the kiss would be an understatement. We haven't even looked at each other after our intimate moment. We both know we need to talk about the kiss but we are just ignoring it. This has led my mind to be in a complete chaos with an innumerable questions.

Did he not like the kiss?

Does he regret kissing me?

Did he still liked that Kristen?

Is she a good kisser than me?

What is going to happen now?

Uggh! This is soo frustrating!

"You know, you've added sugar to my tea four times already? Are you trying to get me killed, Mrs. Malhotra?" Vihaan said smirking as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

A blush crept on my cheeks as he said those words.

"Ohh shit, you caught me!" I said mocking fear.

"Now that I have caught you, what are you going to do?" He said taking big steps towards me.

"You know that I know how to kick where sun doesn't shine? " I said trying to control my laughter.

"You would do that to your husband? I'm hurt! Don't you want babies someday? We have to complete our parents dreams right? If you are going to kick me, my little friend won't be able to do his work!"

That's it!

I couldn't take it anymore. I started laughing, hard, like really hard.

"You a-are s-uch a p-per-vert" I said in between my laughs.

"So I've been told!" He was smiling and staring at me.

After a while my laughter died down and realized how close we were.

Oh no!

My heart was beating at an irregular pace and I was dying to feel his lips against mine.


"Eager, are we?" he smirked as his minty breath fanned my face.

After he said that sentence, I was as red as a tomato.


"You look cute when you blush" he said pinching my cheek.

Okay, blush! Can you just go away?

The sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house distracting our moment. Vihaan sighed looking disappointed, kissed my forehead and let me go. I immediately missed his warmth surrounding me.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards the main door as I calmed myself down.

I opened the door and my eyes widened,

"Dad? Ayush?"

"Hello Rishita!" my dad said in his deep voice.

"Who is it Rishi?" Vihaan asked as he too came in the hallway.

I welcomed them inside and I hugged my brother. I missed him soo fucking much. Vihaan touched my dad's feet and so did I.

We all settled down in the drawing room and I offered them water.

"Where is Mr and Mrs. Malhotra? " my dad asked looking around.

"Mom and dad have gone to attend a wedding, they will be here tomorrow," Vihaan said.

"Ohh, I didn't know. Rishita never calls at home so..." My dad said taunting me.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him but didn't answer. Can you blame me? I'm shit scared of my father.

And why should I even call? They kicked me out of their house for God's sake!

"I'm glad you all are keeping her happy that she totally forgot her parents." my father continued.

Vihaan looked at me with questioning gaze but I just shrugged.

"Anyways, Your mother made your favourite dish and I was coming in this area so I thought I would drop by and give you this," My father extended the tiffin box and I smiled politely at him.

"Thank you" I said. "Now that you're here have dinner with us"

"No, No. I have to..." my dad started saying when Vihaan cut him off,

"Please, I insist. As it is you are seeing Rishi after a long time. Even Ayush will get some time to spend with her"

My dad nodded and I went into the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.

After about half an hour, the dinner was ready and served on the table.

We all settled down and my dad narrowed his eyes at me.

Goosebumps erupted on body out of fear.

What have I done now?

"Rishita, don't you know that you should serve your husband and guests first and then eat" my father said in a calm voice.

The voice that he uses when he is about to scold. I immediately got up from my seat and started serving everyone.

"Seriously, I don't even know how she handles the family! She doesn't even know the basics. I'm so ashamed of her," he whispered. But loud enough for everyone to hear.

That cut me deep.


He is ashamed of me?

All I have done is listen to his orders all my life, trying to be an obedient girl and he is ashamed of me. Tears brimmed in my eyes but I controlled them not giving him the satisfaction that he hurt me.

'You're strong, Rishita. Just don't listen to him' I mentally chanted.

Vihaan was completely shocked at my father's behaviour. His hands were clenched as I served him food. Ayush too looked tensed and stiff. It seemed like both of them could burst any minute. The atmosphere was thick with tension.

"The food looks delicious Rishi. No wonder why my parents are more fond of you than me" Vihaan laughed a little, "I'm soo proud of you."

He smiled at me and my father looked at us, shocked. Vihaan was the first person who said something against my dad. Who stood up for me.

"Come on now. The dinner is served, You start eating too," Vihaan said.

He pulled my hand and made me sit on the chair next to him. He took the bowls of food and served me. I was just looking at him the whole time with adoration and love in my eyes.

Wait what?


Where did that come from?

I ignored it for a while and mouthed him a 'Thank you' to which he gave me his famous wink.

Oh my heart! Stop beating soo fast.

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