《Love Bands?》Breakfast.



I kissed her, I have no fucking clue why I did that but I felt things that I have never felt before. And something that I should not be feeling at all.

The kiss from last night played in my mind, I could not sleep; all I did was stare at the sleeping beauty right next to me. I fought the urge to touch her beautiful face, her plump lips. Damn! They felt so good against mine. It was the best kiss I had ever had. I desperately wanted to pull Rishi in my embrace.

No sex. Just cuddles.

'You sound like a pussy,' my subconscious mocked while I rolled my eyes.

I checked my phone: 5.45am it read.



I set everything on the table, thank God mom and dad are not home. I walked inside my room but Rishi was no where in sight. I went back to the dining table to check if everything was in place. My mind was thinking about the bet, while my heart was doing something else.

Rishi walked into the dining room. She looked stunning like always. I stood in my tracks trying to process the beautiful sight in front of me.

"Breakfast," I said with a wide grin and handed her the bowl of cereals.

I cannot cook for fucks sake. She was quite for a moment and just looked at my face with a blank look. Did she not like it? I was nervous and was about to keep the bowl back on the table when she took the bowl from me and gave me a toothy grin which I happily returned.

"Thanks," she said taking a seat. I took a seat myself.

"Did you like it?" She looked at my face like I had asked her some question about supernatural powers and stuff.


"It's nice," she said placing the spoon back in the bowl.

"I was not asking about the cereal."

"Um.. then?"

I could literally feel the 'no no no... don't mention the kiss' vibes from her. They were so strong.

"The KISS," I emphasized the word making Rishi choke on her cereal. I quickly handed her a glass of water.

"Thank you," she said taking a sip.

"Soo.. did you like it. I bet you liked it, I am really good you know," I joked trying to lighten up the mood.

This was not the first time that an awkward silence was hanging between us. I wanted Rishi to retaliate. Damn! She was really good at it.

"Good, my ass. It was really sloppy. You should learn it from Toby," she said with a smirk.

Now who the fuck was Toby? Maybe that stupid best friend, boyfriend, whatever friend of hers was Toby. Fuck! They have kissed already.

"Toby, who? Your neighbor's dog?"

"Nope! Toby is my dog. You should meet him. I am sure you two will get along." She started laughing.

"Very funny, Rishi, very funny." I said with a blank look.

My phone vibrated indicating I had a new message. It was a message from Alvin. Seeing his name, boils my blood.

My blood boiled at his text. Why the fuck did I even have a bet with such an asshole.

I was furious. I pushed my bowl of cereals aside making Rishi snap her head towards me.

"Dickhead! Fucking motherfucker," I cursed making Rishi flinch.

She looked at me with worried eyes. I gave her a nod for unknown reasons and started flipping through the newspaper.

"What happened Vihaan? You look tensed," she said placing her hand on mine.


It felt good. Her soft hands against mine.

"Just office. It's really getting hectic. I need a break," I lied.

"Then take one as it is you are the owner. No one will cut your salary," she said with a wink.

Fuck! That was so cute as well as seductive at the same time. I chuckled at her words and place the newspaper down.

"Yeah right."

"I am serious, Vihaan. Fickle is fun."

How does she manage to say the exact words. Maybe I need a change, maybe we need a change.

"Okay miss Arora. I will consider your advice."

She removed her hand and went back to whatever she was doing on her phone. I took a minute to take in her mesmerising features. She had beautiful eyes, lovely hair and the perfect figure. She was bold and beautiful.

Kristen is nothing like her. She may give me all the love I need but she requires her own pampering while Rishi is the opposite. She is everything that a man wants in a woman. I was an asshole to make such a stupid bet. I should have thought twice, thrice, a hundred times before opening my mouth.

I mentally kicked myself where the sun doesn't shine. I took my phone and did the bookings.

"Rishi, start packing."


"We are going to Nainital for ten days for our honeymoon."

"WHATTTT!!!" She exclaimed.

Her face was priceless. It looked like she has seen a ghost. I just chuckled.

"Yeah, you told yourself that fickle is fun and we have not had our honeymoon so be it. Let's go enjoy for freaking ten days."

"Ooo...kay," she said stretching the 'o'. "When are we going?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"What the fuck? Aren't you a rocket?"

"Yes, milady. Now have your breakfast in peace I am off to work."


I went to my room to get changed. I was happy, I will get time to spend with Rishi, alone. We will get time to start our relationship.

Fuck the bet! I don't care about it anymore, I want my wife to myself. I cannot imagine that motherfucker touching my wife. I have to win the bet for Rishi, for myself for a new beginning because--

I think I have a crush on my wife.

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