《Love Bands?》Cinemas.


Sunday is usually a relaxing day -- getting up late, taking a bath in the evening, binge watching, re-reading favourite novels, hanging out with friends and what not, but--

My life is DOOMED, because I am married.

Currently I am making breakfast for everyone. Vihaan is fast asleep and mom is in the lawn while dad is busy memorising the newspaper.

"Rishi beta. Go wake up Vihaan, it's 10am already," mom said walking inside the kitchen. Her hands were muddy, maybe she was removing weeds.

"Okay mom," I said with a mischievous smile on my face.

I turned off the gas and went to my room. I had purposely washed my hands with some cold water and not wiped it. I am a devil!

He was sleeping on his side of the bed like a baby. He looks cute when he sleeps. I felt like running my fingers through his hair but that would be too much. We are just friends, I guess with teasing here and there, that too from his side.

I tip-toed towards the bed and ran my wet hands on his face but it was of no avail. I mentally groaned. I brought my hand near the hem of his t-shirt and without second thoughts I slipped it inside his t-shirt.


His abs are so even, fucking hot. Any girl would shag such a hottie. It's not Kristen's fault, still she's a bitch - an grade A bitch.

"Are you done caressing my hot body? Remove your hand before I loose my mind, and to be honest I am already in my morning glory."

I was lost in my thoughts that I did not see Vihaan waking up. I was flushed by his words. I quickly removed my hand.


Why was my husband having this effect on me!? I was about to get up when Vihaan pulled me by my waist making me fall over him. The fall was not very hurtful because a smirk was plastered on Vihaan's face.


"Good morning wifey!"

He opened my hair making them fall on my face. He then leaned a bit and kissed my forehead. Thank God my hair was all over my face, it was hiding my blush. I was as red as a beetroot!


I turned my head towards the door. Thank God it's closed.

"Mom is here, let me go," I whispered. He let me go without saying anything.


"Vihaan, today is Sunday. Why don't you both watch some movie? You will get some time to bond," Vihaan's dad said.

My eyes widened at this. Movie? Why?

"Yes beta, your dad is right. Rishi might also be bored too. Take her out. Watch some movie, have lunch, talk, bond."

Vihaan have a tight lipped smile. I felt like laughing looking at his expressions.

"What do you think Rishita?" Vihaan's dad asked.

I looked at Vihaan, he was staring at me, begging me to say no. I know why he was saying that. It would be either a silent trip to cinemas or an awkward one. Yes, we tease each other and stuff but we haven't yet reached that level where we could talk freely with each other and bond.

I smirked in his direction and looked at my in-laws.

"Yess dad, I think that's a great idea."

I could literally see Vihaan rolling his eyes.

I internally smiled. I love to rile him up!


"So, Which movie do you want to see?" Vihaan asked as we arrived at the cinemas.

"Umm....! " I looked at the scheduled list they were displaying wondering which movie to see.

"Never mind! I'll choose it myself" he said rolling his eyes and buying the tickets.

The jerk Vihaan is back! Yayy!

I waited for him till he got the tickets and when he returned, he had a smirk plastered on his face. I frowned at him and gave him a questioning look.


"I hope you like horror movies! I bought tickets of the latest horror movie!"

"What the hell! I lovee horror movies! Let's goo!" I gave him a toothy smiled and started walking inside the theatre.

His expression was priceless! He was shocked and well confused?

What was he thinking that I am scared of such movies? When I was in junior college Neel and me use to sneak out and watch every fucking horror movie and make fun of the characters! Those were the days!

We took a seat and the movie started. Vihaan had bought cheese popcorns and coke. I grabbed the popcorn basket and kept it on my lap. He frowned at me and pulled it towards him. I again pulled back.

"Don't eat my food! " Vihaan whispered.

"Well then get me food!" I said shrugging.

He sighed and kept the basket between the seats. A triumphant smile was placed on face.

The movie was not at all scary. Infact it was soo lame that I literally felt sleepy.

I leaned more into my seat, making myself ready to sleep when suddenly Vihaan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. My eyes widened at the action and I looked at him. His eyes were trained on the screen with a neutral expression on his face. Tingling sensation were shooting through my entire arm. My breathing was becoming abnormal and my heart, well, It was running at a great speed.

Why was I feeling this way? For god's sake, He was just holding my hand!


We were currently seated at a restaurant ordering food. The movie was the shittiest horror movie I've ever seen and Vihaan held my hand throughout the movie. He hasn't mention anything about it yet.

"What do you want to eat? Give your order! The waiter is waiting!" Vihaan's booming voice got me out of my reverie.

I shuffled through the menu and said,

"Chicken Lasagna and syrian meat balls!" I ordered.

The waiter took our orders and went.

We both stood there in silence. I was looking everywhere else but him and he was looking in his phone typing away something. This is what we were fearing, The awkward silence!

"Soo, What are your hobbies?" Vihaan asked locking his phone and looking at me. I was surprised. He was capable of starting a conversation?

"Studying!" I said proudly.

"Ohh! Weird you are! You like studying?"

"Yess! I love studying! " I smiled.

Maybe I can ask him about me completing my education. Maybe, he'll support me.

"You're weird! " he let out a chuckle.

"Umm, Vihaan!" I said playing with my fingers, my tone nervous.

"Yess, Rishi? "

"Vihaan, actually, I-I wanted to ask you something!"

"Go ahead and ask! "

"Can I please start studying again? I want to complete my studies and take my degree! I have always wanted to become a lawyer. Its been my only.... "

"Wow, wow! Wait there! You want to study? Why?" his playful expression was gone and a frown was placed on his beautiful face.

"I love studying!" I said.

"Rishita, why do want to study? You have everything you want. I make sure all your needs are fulfilled! I don't understand!"

"It's not about my needs being fulfilled. Its about what I love! " I whispered.

"No way! You're not studying! If I wanted my wife to study I would've chosen a girl younger than you!" he rolled his eyes. "Anyway who is going complete all the household chores if you study! "

I kept my mouth shut as tears brimmed my eyes. I mentally slapped myself. Why did I even think he'll support me in this. All men are the same!

My last hope was gone too. And that's how my perfect day was ruined!

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