《Love Bands?》Black Saree.


I came out of the washroom freshened up and ready to go. I was wearing a Blue v necked T-shirt and black jeans. When I entered the room my mouth literally dropped. Rishita was wearing a black saree. Yess! Black! She was literally glowing in that it. The saree hugged her curves perfectly and it showed a lot of her stomach. Shit! I had a sudden urge to go feel her skin against mine.

What am I thinking!

I cleared my throat and she looked at me. Her dark hair were curled from beneath and she had a light makeup on! She looked beautiful! Actually beyond beautiful.

She gave me one of her dazzling smile.

"Ready? " I asked.

"Yess, let's go" she said walking towards the door.

As she was about to open the door, I pulled her towards me, her back hitting my chest. I placed my hand on her silky stomach and whispered in her ears,

"You look beautiful, Rishi! "


When we entered the party, it was in full swing! I held Rishi's hands all the time. I don't know why but I couldn't stop touching her. She was looking way too beautiful tonight.

We walked through the crowd of people and saw my group standing there. They waved at me and we walked towards them.

"Hey buddy, wassup! " Rajiv and Akash hugged me while Alvin and I shook hands. If it weren't for Kristen, I wouldn't be even talking to that piece of shit.

"Rishi! This is Akash, Rajiv, Alvin and Kristen. Akash and Rajiv are my best friends. Kristen and Alvin work together," I introduced one by one.

"Namaste Bhabhi," greeted Akash earning a chuckle from me.

"Hello bhabhi," Rajiv said.

"Hey, beautiful." Alvin said while Kristen did not utter a single word.


I clenched my fists as he tried flirting with my wife.

Where was this unknown feeling coming from?

I ignored it and saw Kristen walking away. I immidiately followed her because I wanted to make sure she was doing fine. The circumstances in which we had broken up had ripped our hearts out.

"Kris!" I called out as she took a glass of wine from the bar counter.

"Hey! Vihaan!" she smiled. Her smile could literally light this entire room.

'But Rishi's smile can light up this entire world! Don't you agree?' my subconscious mocked.

I ignored it and focused on Kristen.

"So, How you're doing?" I asked stuffing my hands in my pockets.

She made a sad face and looked away. My heart ached seeing her like this.

"I miss you Vihaan." she said taking a step closer.

"Kris, don't make this harder, please" I said taking a step back.

She went to catch my arm but I stopped her.

She sighed and said,

"So, how's everything between you and your wife?" she asked changing the topic.

"Good I guess! " I shrugged.

"Glad, that you're making progress, I'm sure you'll win the bet! " she said smirking.

Guilt hit me like waves as she reminded me of that fucking bet.

"That was a stupid bet though! " I said looking away.

She narrowed her eyes at me and said,

"Stupid? Have you started to like her Vihaan? I saw you two coming in this room holding hands! Are you in love with that whore?"

I have never ever been harsh with Kristen. I never fought with her or even got angry at her. But when she mentioned Rishita as a whore, something triggered inside me.

"Don't call her that! She is not a whore! How can you call any women a whore, Kristen? You're a women too damn it! Have some shame! " I said anger lacing my every word. She was shocked at my outburst and frankly even I was but I didn't care.


I took a deep breath and looked in Rishi's direction. Maybe her sight might calm me down.

The technique of calming down was thrown out of the window when I saw with whom she was talking to. Alvin was sitting really close to her and Rishita looked really uncomfortable.

That son of a bitch!

I walked through the hallway taking long strides. I shouldn't have left her alone. It was my fault.

I grabbed Alvin's collar and took him away from Rishita!

"What the fuck are you doing?" I growled.

"I couldn't help, your wife is beautiful!" Alvin smirked.

"Stay. Away. From. Her!" I said every word slowly and threateningly.

He laughed. "You remember the bet right? Two month Vihaan, or else she is mine!" he pushed me away and walked in the opposite direction.

Fuck! Why did I even agreed on this stupid bet! As guilt was swarming through my chest, I made my way back to Rishita.

I was standing really close to her.

"Did he hurt you?"


"Let's go home, Rishi."

I intertwined her fingers with mine.

I swear, I'm never letting that bastard come near her. I don't know why but I had a sudden urge to protect her. Save her from this harsh world because she was too innocent to live with these dumbshit people.

As I held her hand, tingling sensations ran through my body!

What the hell is happening to me?

I glanced at Rishita. She was smiling looking at our intertwined hands. Her smile changed into a smirk as she glanced back. I looked behind and saw Kristen frowning.

I let out a small chuckle as Rishita continued smirking in her direction.

This girl is something else!

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