《Love Bands?》Partying.


It's been two freaking weeks since I got married. Never have I ever felt that I am married except for when I have to cook and sit at home like a fucking housewife. Although Vihaan has been very touchy lately we have not crossed any lines. But we have kind of become friends. Neel is happy that we are progressing in our relationship.

Vihaan's parents and uncle are returning today from their trip, he has gone to pick them from the airport while I stayed home. I cleaned the house and made some delicious food. They should not think that I am a bad daughter-in-law.

I fixed my appearance and now I am sitting on the couch watching TV.


The bell rang. I switched off the TV and rushed to open the door. Vihaan's parents were standing right in front of me followed by Vihaan and his uncle carrying the luggage. I touched their feet and made way for them.

Everyone settled on the couch and I went to the kitchen to get water for everyone. Vihaan went to our room maybe to get changed. I gave everyone water and stood there.

"Sit beta," Vihaan's mother said with a smile. I did as I was told.

"How was the trip, aunty?" I asked. To be honest I was not sure what to call her.

"Aunty?" she questioned. "Beta, we are Vihaan's parents that means we are your parents too. Please call us mummy-papa. And the trip was very good. Mata Rani will always shower us with her blessings. Give me a grandchild soon, so that I get a chance to visit her again."

Grandchild? Seriously? We have not even touched each other and she wants me to give her a grandchild.

Oh God!

I just smiled. There is no point in telling her that I am still a virgin and his son has not layed a finger on me. Well, I am glad that he hasn't.


"RISHI," Vihaan called.

Ugh. When will he stop calling me Rishi?

"Go, he cannot live without you even for thirty minutes," Vihaan's mother chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, mentally.

"What happened? Do you want anything?" I said entering our room.

Vihaan was lying on the bed in nothing but his boxers. My eyes widened and I let out a scream.

"FUCK!" Vihaan said running to close the door.

I had covered my eyes by now.

"Rishi beta, what happened? Why are you screaming?" Vihaan's mom asked.

My back was pressed against the door and Vihaan was standing in front of me.

"Nothing mom, it was just a cockroach," I said trying to control my laughter but I couldn't take it anymore.

I giggled but Vihaan covered my mouth. His body was radiating a lot of heat. My heart started beating at a speed of 50 WTFs per second.

"Okay beta, if you say so."

We stood like that for a minute or two. For unknown reasons, I liked being this close to him.

"Iaunqoqjonskw," I said.



"Oh, shit sorry," he said removing his hand from my mouth.

I slipped away from my previous position and ran to the bed. Vihaan followed me.

"Cockroach? Seriously?"

I let out a hearty laugh, "obviously. You know she thinks that we are having sex in here. Thank God she did not see you in your boxers."

"I know, right?"

"You know what, she wants a grandchild as soon as possible, that's so freaking hilarious."

"Let's fulfill her wish," Vihaan inched closer.

My eyes widened. He burst out laughing seeing my reaction.

"Just kidding, just kidding. Anyways finish your work as soon as possible and get ready. We have to attend a party today."


"What party?"

"Oh, just one of my friend got promoted."

"Oh okay."

"Oh, by the way," he said walking towards the washroom while I was still sprawled on the bed.


"Wear a saree, it suits you."

With that he walked inside the closet while I stared at his back. I am sure he has a smirk plastered on his face.


When we arrived at the party it was already in full swing. Vihaan called his friends, soon they gathered around us. I smiled at everyone.

"Rishi, this is Akash, Rajiv, Alvin and Kristen. Akash and Rajiv are my best friends. Kristen and Alvin work together," he introduced one by one.

"Namaste Bhabhi," greeted Akash earning a chuckle from me.

"Hello bhabhi," Rajiv said.

"Hey, beautiful." Alvin said while Kristen did not utter a single word.

Rajiv and Akash seem to be nice. I am not sure about Alvin though. You know, there are these times when you just get the bad vibes from someone.

Well, that's what I got when I shook hands with Alvin.

Kristen went to the bar and Vihaan followed her like a puppy. I hate to say it but I was little bit jealous.

I sat down on the couch with a fruit punch in my hand. I was not going to drink at all.

I started thinking about the happening from the past few days. The teasing and everything. Vihaan was changing, whatever the reason may be but he is changing and that's a good thing.

A strong smell invaded my nostrils. It was a mixture of after shave, alcohol and perfume.

"Hey beautiful," someone said really close to my ears.

I immediately turned to the person who was invading my space. Alvin was seated next to me with a glass in his hand. He was dangerously close to me. A chill ran down my spine.

"You are so beautiful," he said trying to inch closer.

I got up from my position and sat on the other single couch.

"Why are you running away from me dear? I am just admiring God's creation," he said holding my hand and making me stand. I pulled my hand from his grip.

"Thank you but I am not comfortable with our proximity. Can you please back off."

"Why? Am I not hot?"

I had started panicking by now. My head was spinning maybe because the smell of alcohol made me dizzy. I turned on my heels and tried to walk away when Alvin pulled me by my waist. Soon his hand left my waist, I was shocked. I turned around to see my saviour.

Vihaan had a grip on Alvin's collar and he was saying something in a low tone. The music was too loud for me to comprehend their conversation.

He left his collar and turned towards me. He was standing really close to me.

"Did he hurt you?"


"Let's go home, Rishi."

He intertwined his fingers with mine while I just smiled looking at our laced fingers. From the corner of my eyes I saw Kristen fuming with anger. I turned towards her and just smirked.

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