《Love Bands?》Teasings.


I nuzzled in my pillow more as the sunlight hit my face making me groan.

"Oh God! Go away," I whispered in my morning voice wishing the sun to just go away.

I mentally made a note to close the curtains every night. I woke up from my peaceful slumber and glared at window.

Stupid window!

Stupid sunlight!

Stupid everyone!

I yawned and stretched myself and looked at the clock. 7am it read. I quickly did my daily morning routines and went in the kitchen. Yesterday was really good. I was not expecting it to turn out so amazing.

After Vihaan went, I had the entire house to myself. I just relaxed in the cozy house, ate dinner ,watched movies and did a lot of thinking. I thought about where my life was taking me. Vihaan was cheating on me.

No wait.

Cheating is when you do it behind someone's back. He was having an affair right in front of my eyes. What should I call that? We don't even talk to each other so acting as a married couple is way too far.

Speaking of Vihaan, I have no idea when he came back home. I walked through the drawing room to see if he had occupied the guest room again but certain noise stopped me. I panicked because that noise was very weird. I looked here and there contemplating where the noise is coming from with wide eyes.

It was coming from the drawing room. I took a pan and started tiptoeing in the direction of the noise. This particular scene reminded me of the movie Tangled.

I walked through the drawing room near the couch and was about to hit whatever it was. But I stopped. Not because I saw something weird, but because I saw something peaceful.


Vihaan was crashed on the couch with his hand under his head. He was lying side ways with his legs bent a little. He was literally looking like a cute baby. His face was soo peaceful and innocent when he slept. And those noise were his soft snores echoing through the room. I smiled at the scene. His hair were a mess and he still looked good in them. I went to the bedroom and bought a blanket for him. As I leaned down to tug him in, smell of alcohol hit me.

Did he drink last night? Maybe.

I sighed and went in the kitchen. I took a glass of water and advils and placed it next to him on the table.

I dragged myself to the lawn and stared at the beauty. Vihaan's mother had taken good care of this place, I guess. Colourful flowers surrounded the border of lawn and there was a huge tree at the side under which a swing was placed. I don't know why but this place gave me peace.

As I was scanning the surrounding, my eyes went on the water pipe which was connected to the tap. I went near it and started watering the plants and spraying water all over the lawn. It was a beautiful morning with cool breeze fanning my face. I smiled as I watered the beautiful flowers.

After a while, a strange thing happened. As I was watering the plants, I felt that someone was staring at me. I looked around and found noone. I gulped and finished spraying the water on the lawn. I turned around and my jaw dropped. Vihaan was looking at me with a small smile on his face, shirtless.

Yess, ladies and gentlemen shirtless.

I gulped at the sight. His toned abs and chiseled chest was on full display. The rays from the sun hit him perfectly making him literally glow! His hair were disheveled as usual making him look even more sexier if that was possible.


"Click a picture, it will last longer," Vihaan said smirking as he entered the lawn.

I blushed at his comment and looked away, "W-what are you talking about?"

"Oh-oh wait. What is that on your face?" he came closer to me and for some unknown reason my heart beat picked up.

I frowned at him and he was still smirking.

"Ahh yess. That's drool. Stop drooling over me Rishita," he said in an arrogant voice. He went inside and I relaxed a bit

What is up with him today? He is all flirty. The effects of alcohol has not gone yet. Is he visualizing me as his girlfriend?

"RISHI...." he called from inside after a while.

Oh my fucking lord!

Did he just call me by my second nickname. I am mystified. Is he a bipolar?

"RISHI...." he called again.

I left whatever I was doing and rushed inside. I don't want him to go all ballistic on me.

"What? And did you just call me Rishi?"

"No shit, Sherlock. And I don't know how to tie a tie. Could you help, please?"

I am baffled by the sudden change in his behaviour. Without saying anything I walked towards him. I tried to maintain safe distance but he came closer.


I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I did not dare to look up in his eyes. I just tied the tie quickly and pulled away from him. My ears and cheeks were red.


Why was I blushing?

"Thanks Rishi," he said cheekily.

I just smiled and went in the kitchen to get his tiffin ready. His mom had asked me to give him tiffin everyday.

I packed his tiffin and kept it on the tea table in the drawing room. I placed his breakfast on the table. He was polishing his shoes. I was about to tell him to have his breakfast when his phone rang.


"Tell him to wait. I will be there in 30 minutes tops."

"Yeah, bye."

He was in a hurry. He will skip his breakfast then he will have an upset stomach.

"Vihaan atleast eat a little before leaving or you will have an upset stomach."

"Ugghh! I am in a hurry," he paused, "but you are right. If I don't eat I will have an upset stomach. Can you please feed me one or two bites."

I was stunned by his request. I could not comprehend what he just said.

"Rishi?" His words brought me back from my thoughts. "You zoned out there for a minute. So can you feed me or I should leave just like that?"

Without further ado I fed him a few morsels. What is the matter with him? Why was he acting so flirty and weird? For God's sake we did not even talk until yesterday.

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