《Love Bands?》The Bet.


I came home with a backache. Hours of working continuously was now taking a toll on me. Work is my best distraction. It keeps me away from the reality.

That means I have to spend 30 minutes in this house with her. I went in the drawing room and crashed on the couch leaning my head on the head rest.

A shuffling sound made me open my eyes. Rishita was standing there with a glass of water in her hand. She kept it on the table and disappeared in the kitchen. A pang of guilt hit me. She left her home, her parents just to be with me. And I was not even treating her well. She was forced to get married to me too.


What was the reason behind that? Did she too have an affair with someone? I don't know why but this thought did not settle well with me. I ignored the uneasiness and drank the water she had offered. I then started making my way towards my bedroom. I changed into a black fitted T-shirt and a blue jeans. I did not bother combing my hair. I liked them messy, and even Kristen did.

I walked out of the room ready to hit the club. I needed a break from all this. So I had decided to call my friends and we would hit the club together, like always. I was about to leave when a very delicious aroma hit my nostrils. I went in the kitchen and saw Rishita cooking dinner. She was wearing a simple salwar kurta which fitted her body perfectly. Her hair were tied up and she was swaying from one place to another with headphones plugged in her ears. I could not stop myself from gawking at her. Indeed she was beautiful.

Wait, what the fuck am I doing?

I went near the fridge and took out a bottle of water. She must have sensed my presence because she turned around to look at me. She stared at me from top to bottom. And when her eyes landed on my face, a smirk was already playing on my lips.


She frowned at me and gave me a questioning look.

"I am going out. Won't be here for dinner," I said.

Her eyes widened a little as if she remembered something.

"Right. I totally forgot," she whispered.

She looked at food she was cooking with a helpless face. Here comes the guilt.

The ringtone of my phone distracted me. Kristen must be here. I took a deep breath and turned around to leave, without looking back.


We reached the club in less than fifteen minutes. Our friends were already there, drinking and dancing. They made me feel alive.

We greeted them and joined the table and so did Kristen. Kristen has become a very good part of the group.

"Bro, you are married now. This calls for a partyyyy," Akash said enthusiastically earning a chuckle from the entire group.

He is my brother from another mother. We have been together since kindergarten. He very well knows my situation but he also wants me to give a chance to Rishita. I don't understand why?

"It's not a thing to be happy about. Am I right or am I right?"

"He is right Akash. That bitch took away my boyfriend from me. The man I--"

"Geez woman, not again. We are in a club. Don't start crying now," Akash was irritated by now.

And I forgot to tell, Akash literally hates Kristen and he never faked about liking her even for my sake.

"It's okay bro. Let's change the topic," I said pointing my glass towards Akash.

"I need a refill," Kristen said in a very seductive tone which I chose to ignore.

Her refill meant having a make out session in the washroom. Now that I am married I cannot get her, her refill.

"Waiter!" Rajiv called the waiter for refill.

He is my topper best friend from college and one of the best persons I have met. He is very helpful. We had this pact in college. Rajiv would do our assignments and help us in the exams while Akash and I would help Rajiv with his love affairs, porn movies and a lot more things. We were the three musketeers back then and nothing has changed even today. He is an introvert when he is around others.


The waiter refilled our glasses.

"Vihaan man, one think is for sure your wife is sexy. My jaw was literally on the floor when I first saw her in that lehenga," Alvin said in a very lustful tone.

He was one of Kristen's colleague. Kristen brought him to the group. He is quite the ladies man. We called him Casanova. He has a new woman every day.

"Have you guys already slept together? How was it man. Care to share?" He continued as he slurped his drink.

"NO! I would never sleep with her."

"Why? Don't you find her hot? She has the perfect hourglass figure. I can really keep staring at that beauty forever. Damn! Just imagine her stark naked in front of you. You know if I was in your place I would have tried all the different positions mentioned in the Kamasutra by now. Fuck her already man."

"Don't you dare say a word about her Alvin. She is my wife!"

"Shut up Al!" Both Akash and Rajiv said in unison.

"The wife who wouldn't let you touch her."

"I can touch her whenever I want. I don't need your fucking advice," I held him by his collar.

I would have punched him by now but he was too drunk to think straight. I was beyond pissed.

"Calm down bro," Akash held him by my shoulder while Rajiv held Alvin.

"Is it so?" Alvin continued. "Two months! In two months get her to have sex with you, not forced sex. Sex by her will."

"What is this a bet?" I half yelled.

"If that's what you want. If she has sex with you within two months then well and good, and if she does not then I am going after her. I will sleep with her right in your bedroom. You can help yourself on the couch and watch free porn."

"What the fuck are you even talking Alvin? You are pretty drunk. Let's get you home buddy," Akash said trying to get Alvin leave his glass.

"Back off Akash," Alvin said with gritted teeth. "Let me also see if he's the son of one father."

That's it. My blood boiled. I have to win this bet at any cost now that my parents were involved.

"Bring it on!"

"Don't do this bro," Rajiv tried to explain but I was not in the right state of mind.

"Yes, bro. Don't fall for his trap. He just wants to get in Bhabhi's pants."


"Okay guys, everyone record this conversation. I don't want Vihaan to blame my alcohol when he looses the bet and I get to sleep with the sexy lady."

I clenched my fist. I have to win this, at any cost.

We all recorded the conversation and went our ways. Akash dropped me home. He tried to explain that whatever I was doing was not right. But the damage was already done. There is nothing I can do about the bet.

Oh God!

What have I gotten myself into?

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