《Love Bands?》The Mistress.


I woke up with a throbbing pain in my shoulders and neck. I looked around to see where I was and then reality slapped me. All the memories of the previous day flashed in front of my eyes; my wedding, the bidaai, the stupid after-wedding games and rituals, the drive to the airport, and my husband laughing and clinging to another woman.

Last night some girl was pressed to my husband's side and they were laughing and whispering something in each other's ear. Something shattered within me, not that I like my husband but it's just that he is my husband and I cannot see him with random chicks.

I had locked myself in 'our' bedroom. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

Why did I even get married? My life is screwed. I thought.

I had sat down on the floor and rested my head on the bed. I had remained in the same position. That explains the shoulder and neck pain. I might have passed out like that.

I got up from my not so comfortable position and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I looked like shit!

My eyes and nose were red and swollen, and my hair was a mess. I went to my bag and removed fresh clothes and my other necessities.

After taking a shower I stood in front of the mirror again. The mirror has become my best friend nowadays. I applied a little kajal, lipstick and sindoor. The sindoor is a very important thing after marriage. I looked at my reflection. I looked good in the yellow salwar kurta.

I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast when I saw the same bimboo from yesterday swaying her hips to the rhythm of 'Hips don't lie'. Is she a bitch comparing herself to Shakira? Has she even seen her face in the mirror?



My eyes landed on her attire. She was wearing nothing but a shirt, that too Vihaan's shirt. My blood boiled. They did have sex yesterday.

I must have made some noise because she immediately turned behind with a bowl of cornflakes in her hand and gave me a fake smile. I was too pissed to even return a fake smile.

Bloody bimboo. I cursed under my breath.

"Pardon? Did you say something?" She chirped.

Why the fuck was she chirping? Now she thinks that she is a bird? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"None of your concern."

She opened her mouth to say something when Vihaan entered the kitchen. He did not even spare me a glance and neither did I.


"Kristen, get changed I will drop you home while going to office.

Oh, the bitch has a name. Kristen, nice name but it surely does not suit her. I mean just look at Kristen Stewart, she is a bombshell and this person standing in front of me is a bloody ugly bimboo.

"But I have brought my own car."

"Don't worry, I will get it tonight to the club. Then you can drop me home later."

So he was going out again. This is amazing. I will get the whole house to myself. I will call all my boyfriend's and probably have an orgy.

"Okay, I will go get changed."

She walked inside the guest room swaying her hips. Vihaan turned on the TV and switched the channel to a local news one while I searched the cabinets for tea leaves and sugar. I desperately need a cup of tea.

After a lot of searching I finally found them. They were right next to the gas stove. I made tea for Vihaan and myself. I don't know how he likes his tea so I just made the normal one with little of ginger in it. It was sufficient for my headache to go away.


Vihaan was sitting on the couch and reading the newspaper. I placed the cup on the tea table. He looked at me for a second but went back to his paper.

I hope he drinks it before it gets cold.

Don't worry, I have not mixed poison in it, yet. I don't wish to become a widow on the second day of my marriage, do I?

I took my cup and went to the lawn. They had small lawn outside their house. I sat down on the lawn swing in peace.


I feel so serene right now. I had been missing my peaceful morning tea from the day this marriage was fixed. I played soft music on my phone and kept it aside. I was enjoying my tea when the love of my life walked towards me to place a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

Just kidding.

Vihaan walked towards me with his cup in his hand. He had zero expressions on his face. I really don't know how can one maintain the poker face all their lives? I mean I cannot even keep smiling for more than ten minutes, not even fake ones.

I shifted from my position to make room for him.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I thought you had better eyesight. Can't you see? I was enjoying my morning tea. Was being the keyword." I spat.

"Oh fuck it! Get the hell away from here. This is my seat. I always drink my tea here."

"Woah woah woah! Calm down mister. Firstly, you are abusing in front of your wife, this is not good. And secondly, I can't see your name written anywhere."

"Don't get on my nerves Rishita."

"Or what? Will you slap me? FYI: Under the section 498A of IPC for cruelty you can be pun­ished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine."

"What the hell? Do you really think I would do such a thing?"

"You never know. Anyways come sit my hubby, my love. Let's do a little chit-chat over a cup of tea."

Vihaan gawked at me like I had grown a boob on my forehead. I am sure he is still trying to process whatever I said. After a minute or two Vihaan finally sat on the other side. The swing wobbled a little because of the weight but he controlled it with his legs. I look at him and smirked triumphantly.

I am sure he saw me smirking from the corner of his eyes because I saw him scowl to which I smirked more. I am sure he will kill me if I keep smirking like this, but, you know what?

I. Don't. Care.

Soon my serenity was broken by the footsteps of the bloody bimboo. Her heels squeaked which irritated me. If it was in my hands I would have broken her heels and fed them to her but then I remember I am a fucking lawyer.

Fuck my life, hard!

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