《Love Bands?》Ready for it?


I was waiting for Neel at our regular cafe. It was a book cafe situated a little bit far from our place. I always met Neel here, because I am sure my parents, especially my father won't come to this place. I looked at my watch and it read, 2.10pm. Always late!

I rolled my eyes at the thought,

"Well..well..well.. Why is Rishita always rolling her eyes?" Neel's voice boomed throughout the cafe making some of the customers give us annoyed looks.

"Late as always why am I not surprised?" I said a small smile playing on my lips.

"Bitch as always," he said engulfing me in a hug.

"Dick as always," I retaliated.

"Why do you always have to retaliate?" he questioned taking a seat.

"Because you are a jerk and I love you."

"Way to confess your undying love for me."

"Undying love, my ass." I earned a chuckle from Neel.

The waiter came to take our order.

"One chicken nachos, one chicken and cheese quesadillas and two Virgin Pina Coladas," I ordered for both of us. We are purely meatarians.

We have tried almost every dish they serve here. It is one of my favourite cafes.

"So Advocate Rishita Arora. Tell me about your recent crisis. I mean, I know about it already but I want to see your reaction," Neel teased.

"Ohh, you asshole. Shut the fuck up and help me get through this situation. I really don't want to get married."

"Your Knight in Shining Armour is at your rescue. I have a brilliant idea."


"Pack your bags and run away with me. Let's go to a remote island and start a new life. Let's get married or atleast have kids, we both know you love me," he said with a wink.


"Ha-ha-ha. That was so funny," I said in a bored tone and kicked him under the table making him wince in pain.

"Ouch! You are so violent woman. Show this violence when we are in bed."

"You are the worst best friend you know," I kicked him again.

"Geez...tell me something that I don't know."

"And you know what?"


"If my father ever sees us like this or hears our conversation or read our chats by mistake he will skin both of us alive. He will literally castrate both of us."

"Ewwww.. that's gross. Stop making me imagine such things," Neel said making a weird face.

I just laughed, "Anyways, I am serious. Tell me, what should I do?"

"I know your family since a long time. I know they are going to force you to marry anyway. So I think you should just go with the flow? Maybe, maybe your in-laws are going to be good? You can finally get out if this Cage, you call home," Neel said in a serious voice.

I stared at him blankly not knowing what to say.

"Maybe," I sighed taking a bite from my plate. He was right.

"Whatever happens Rishita, I am always going to be there for you. No matter what happens. Get it?"

I smiled at him feeling my insides warm. He was not just a friend. He was my everything. My supporter, my best friend. Who says boys and girls can't be friends? You have an example here.

We have a bond, a bond I cannot have with anyone. No, not romantically, just pure friendship.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," Neel smirked.

"Fucker!" I rolled my eyes.


A strange feeling crept in my chest as I saw totally different car parked in the driveway. Might be a guest.


A smile was playing on my lips. Neel has that effect on me. I smile a lot more when I am near him.

The door is already opened when I reach the doorstep. Laughing and talking sounds are coming from the hallway. Definitely guests. I stepped inside the house and went in the drawing room.

I frown at the site. Unknown people are sitting on the couch followed by my parents sitting on the chairs. I have never met them. I don't think they are my relatives. Unknown people consisted of mid forties couple, a man in his thirties and beside him an extremely gorgeous handsome young man.

All pair of eyes looked at me as realization of what was happening set in.


"Rishita beta, you are finally here," My mom exclaimed.

No, I am still in my lovers arms, I thought.

I have never seen her this happy at the sight of me. A huge smile was plastered on her face.

My mother whispered into my ears to touch their feet and I obeyed. The elder couple smiled at me. It was not a cruel or nasty smile, it was a warm and genuine smile.

I looked at the boy sitting next to the couple. He was hot. That's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see his square shaped face with a perfect jawline. His hair were jelled up properly. He did not even spare me a glance. His black orbs were continuously looking at his watch as if waiting to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I will just get her ready," my mom announced and everyone nodded.

Ayush was nowhere in sight.

"What is going on? And where is Ayush?"

"You are so dumb Rishi. These people are here to see you. The Malhotra's own a car showroom in town. And Vihaan handles the entire business. I am sure you both will look perfect together," My mother said with excitement lacing in her voice.

My entire body went numb after I heard those words.

"M-Maa, but... "

"No buts! Wear this saree and get ready," She ordered.

As she was about to leave, I called her again.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"You seriously want me out of your life this soon?" I whispered.

My mother's eyes softened.

"Rishi!" her soft voice spoke, "It's not like that. We want the best for you darling. They are good people and I am sure Vihaan will take good care of you."

I laughed bitterly.

"You decide that in like what ten minutes? You know that guy is right for me in ten minutes? Wow!"

"Rishita!" my mom said warningly.

"Don't worry maa, I will not create a scene. I will do whatever you want. You know why? Because for the first time when I entered this house after a long day, you greeted me with a huge smile. I owe this to you, I guess. You brought me in this world. You have every right to take all the decisions for me," Tears were brimming in my eyes, but I ignored them and closed the bedroom door on my mother's face leaving her speechless.

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