《the assistant; billie eilish》1


aaliyah williams


the assistant


billie eilish


the boss


i stand in front of the huge building reading the sign 'eilish designs'.

this is a big deal,this business is the top business around and i got called in for a interview.

i can't believe this. i get to meet the CEO. i've heard plenty about her.

i want to be like her one day honestly. i know the position i'm applying for is just to be an assistant but hopefully i can get to be promoted.

the ceo is only three years older than me so maybe we'll have things in common. i hope she isn't mean and stuck up.

honestly if she was,i wouldn't even want to work here anymore.

i'm knocked out of my thoughts when my phone starts ringing.

i smile seeing the caller ID and answer it. "heyyy!" my friend sierra yells

"girl shut up with that yelling! but hey" i say

"sooooo,are you nervous?" she asks

"what type of question is that? i'm so fucking nervous!" i say quickly

i'm so nervous i don't even want to do this anymore.

"i'm sure you'll be fine,i know you'll get the job you're that good" she say

"if i don't get the job this would be so embarrassing like imagine not getting an assistant job" i say

a person walks by me giving me a strange look. if the shoe fits then you can take full offense. it is not my fault you can't get a job.

"well i'm going to let you go in,good luck" she say

"thank you! i'll call you after" i say before hanging up

i look around me before taking a deep breath in and walking inside the building.

i look around seeing comfortable chairs around. the building was busy with many people walking around in their dress attire.

i walk up to the receptionist and she gives me a smile. "i'm here for a interview for the position of assistant" i say

"i'm going to call ms.o'connell and let her know you're here" she says before picking up the phone

as she calls ms.o'connell i look around taking in the design of the place.

these people actually look like they like their job. maybe this is a new beginning for me...

soon she gets off the phone and tells me "she's ready for you,thirty second floor,take a right and the door all the way at the end"


"thank you" i smile

"good luck honey" she say

i head towards the elevator and press the button to wait for it to open. i get in and i press the thirty second floor.

in the elevator,instead of that boring classy music some trendy songs were playing. it made me forget all about how i had a interview.

i was knocked into reality when the elevator opened up. a long distance away from me i saw the door that i was nervous of at the moment.

i walked down the quiet halls slow as possible. the sound of my heels clicking against the floor echoing with each step.

i get to the door and i take a deep breath in before knocking. "come in" a soft voice say

i open the door and i see billie o'connell sitting in the chair at her desk. her office was super big,there was a couch in it and even away from her desk the room still continued further and further.

she could literally put a bed room here if she wanted.

"you must be aaliyah williams?" she asks looking up at me

she's so pretty. she's hot too,i would totally let her domin—wait is that a ring on her finger?

"yes that's me" i say

"take a seat" she say looking at the seat in front of her desk

i make my way over to the seat and sit down.

"nice to meet you" she say holding out her hand

i shake her hand saying "nice to meet you too,i've heard many great things about you"

"tell me about yourself"

"well i moved here last year from new york,i-" i get cut off by the sound of her phone ringing

"excuse me i'm going to take this" she say before leaving out the room

as i wait for her i look around the room. i see pictures of what seem to be her family and her.

i notice one picture of a woman and her together. she has a wife?

the door opens and she walks back in and sits down. she's so hot,how do these people go on with their day without appreciating that.

"i'm sorry about that,it was an important call i had to take"

"it's fine" i smile

"anyways,you're hired" she say smiling

wait what?!? i didn't even have a proper interview. i don't know if i should be happy or ready to have a lawyer for me.


"thank you!" i say

"you can start tomorrow at 8am,don't be late! i hate when people are late" she says before standing up

"thank you once again" i say

"i'll see you in the morning" she say opening the the door for me

i walk out and the door closes behind me. i pull out my phone calling sierra.

"how did you do? was she mean? you got to see her hot self in person! did you two have sex? are you pregnant? did you get the job? how big is her office?" she flood with questions as soon as she answers

"calm down damn! she was nice i guess,i didn't really get interviewed she just gave me the job" i say getting into the elevator

"oh girl she likes you!" she exclaims

"i think she's married" i say

"oh nah...why she just hire you on the spot?"

"maybe she's in desperate need of an assistant?" i suggest

"i hope! what if she expects to cheat on her wife? like we all know you're pretty and hot like what if she thinks she's going to get in your pants"

"she's not,i'm not going to ever get with someone in a relationship" i say

"you say that now but once she destroy that coochie you won't be saying that" she say

"that will not be happening" i say

"hold up" she says

it was a minute of silence before she say "oh girl her wife is pretty"

"how do you know what her wife look like?" i ask getting off the elevator

"she literally posts pictures of her and her wife all the time,check your messages" she say before hanging up

i walk out the building and head to messages. she is pretty. i text sierra back before walking to my car.

"you're fucking fired!" i say pointing at the woman


"i don't want to hear shit,you fucking heard me" i say

i walk away leaving the woman crying. honestly she put this on herself,she literally tried to steal money from me.

is what i pay not good enough? i pay these people $125 a hour.

i head back to my office and i open the door to see my wife sitting down on the couch.

"hey baby" i say going to kiss her

"hey" she smiles kissing me back

"what are you here for?" i ask

"i can't just come visit my wife?" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck

i lay her down on the couch kissing on her. she lifts her body allowing me to pull down her pants.

i kiss on her neck leaving her breath shaking. i pull down my pants along with my boxers.

she grips onto the couch as i align myself with her entrance. i rub my tip over her clit making her body shiver.

i insert myself in slowly and begin thrusting inside her. she moans as i speed the pace up.

i feel her warm walls around me making me moan. "harder please" she moans

i go harder,deep inside her. her moans grow louder as she throws her head back.

i look down at the sight of her juices coating my dick as it goes in and out. "it feels so good billie" she moans

minutes later i cum inside her. i pull out and lift her legs up. i lick up the cum flowing from her pussy.

i press my lips against hers and we begin making out. her phone suddenly starts ringing and i pull away.

"what?" she answers

"mhm okay,i'll come" she say

i give her a kiss before getting off her. "i'm going to go to the bathroom" she say pulling up her underwear and pants

i pull my stuff up before watching her leave out the room. i look down to notice her wallet on the floor.

i pick it up but notice something in it. i open the wallet up to see a condom.

why the fuck does she have a condom? we never use condoms!

i wait for her to come back before walking towards her . "what the fuck is this!" i exclaim holding it out towards her

"i swear it's not what it looks like"

"that's what it fucking looks like to me" i say

"i have it just incase you might one day want to use one" she shrugs

"i don't believe you"

"well thats on you billie,why would i ever cheat on you please tell me? i have everything i need with you"

"whatever just fucking leave dude" i say

"i was leaving anyways" she say before storming out my office

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