《Tahneen》Chapter 6. Night to Remember (P1)


It was an eerie empty night, so empty that one could see the stars at night which was quite a remarkable miracle since most Detroit residents had rarely seen due to the thinly layered smog that wrapped the entire city. The roads were mostly empty with the occasional delivery truck passing by. The wind was a slight breeze carrying a hint of the cold that most would consider as the sign for Autumn to really begin. The animals that lived in the concrete jungle were silent this night too, from the dogs that would howl to their neighbors, the crickets that would chirp from the disappearance of humans, to the bats whose wings would create a small audible noise. Any normal person would simply discern it as an amazing night to barbecue but those who weren't normal knew there was something quite different happening tonight. To them it felt as if the world was holding its breath and waiting for something to occur.

It had been a family night for the family where the oldest child had the choice of where to go for this night. He had the choice of going to Chuck E Cheese (the kids diner where the children played games while waiting for pizza) , Pizza Hut (the family diner where you sit in an old fashion table with a group), to watching Cars again. The child decided to go with Pizza Hut since he would get to see a classic fantasy movie that he probably hadn't seen before. Along with the fact his younger siblings would be distracted and kept busy with the coloring packets that was a staple product of the diner. Having thus decided, their family contacted their cousins family, they weren't blood related however both dads were best friends and considered each other as true brothers ever since they had lived in the same apartments, since they attended college. Their family consisted of four people, the oldest child being a girl of eleven years while the other being an almost ten year old boy, and the parents being almost the exact same age as the other parents. They too were immigrants that had come to America similar to the boy's family who had chosen for tonight's event.

Both of the families had arrived at 7 P.M. and enjoyed each others company while waiting for the servers. They didn't really care about the ominous air that was looming there the whole night. This night had a special visitor who was viewing them with his mouth wide open in shock.

* * *

Drake was in utter shock, even the years of grueling physical and mental pain when training, couldn't prepare him for what he was watching. He had actually hoped to dream this night again for the past six years trying to remember the last night of his family. Unfortunately for some reason that night had become mentally blocked according to his teacher and a psychologist that dealt with people who had gone through similar events such as Drake.


After a solid half an hour of disbelief while watching the two families interact when waiting for the pizza, Drake finally regained his wits, wondering how did this all come about? He could only think of two things that he had done from out of the normal, one is that he started school while the other was reading the documents of his father. Out of the both of them, the more likely one is the restarting of school reasoning to himself that since he stopped going to school it stopped himself from moving on.

Meanwhile he listened to the banterous mood between the family. His uncle the super generous man he was, was trying to pay for the bill which was clearly not his since it was the Drakes turn to pay for it. My father a being of the exact same sort was vehemently turning down his offers. While the two mothers were talking about the new things they were doing. My aunt was talking about this new scarf she had made for the upcoming winter while my mother talked about an interesting customer of hers that had a high chance to make it on an Olympic team.

Smiling wryly with tears in his eyes, he simply wanted to go up to them and say, "Mom... Dad... Look at your son all grown up..." instead he whispered it to himself causing himself to softly cry.

Then he looked at his past self with his two younger siblings, one trying to color within the lines on the traced figure given to him while the other younger girl bossing around what to color next. He himself was actually sat on the opposite side of his siblings with his cousins who were watching him intensely playing his Gameboy SP. It was one of the few things he still had from back then. Looking at his younger sister who was still bossing around her younger twin, he whispered to himself "Hana, I had thought that I would always be able to see you happy...(almost chocking himself when he started crying again) Even though I can't see you be happy anymore, I have one last gift to give you as an older brother."

Taking out a small pouch from a hidden pocket sleeve, he took out a small gold ring that had a gem of a light pink shade with a hint of blue at the core. He then stood up and purposely bumped into the waiter that was bringing a tray full of glasses of water to his families table dropping it into a red cup which only his sister would argue for. Knowing that his sister would never see the ring or use it he still had to send it to its rightful owner, though he wouldn't dare change his memories in risk of not seeing his family die. He wanted to know the truth of what really happened.


He then looked at his youngest sibling and asked in a voice only he could hear, "Gun, I know you really enjoyed drawing even when your sister forced you to draw a new pony that she could put on her wall. I made a full ride scholarship that would help any type of artist. Unfortunately the other gift I have for you is at a certain location and I would have to bring you to see it."

He looked at himself, noticing he was shaking, he forced himself to calm down.

While doing so, the pizza had finally came, one extra large cheese pizza while the other was filled with vegetables. He glanced at his uncle who was still bickering about the bill with his dad as a result both men were assaulted by their wives by stuffing both of their open mouths with pizza. Watching this scene, Drake couldn't help but laugh, he had needed that since all he could think of was the sad aftermath after tonight. If he was to never have this dream again he should remember them like this, a happy family.

Resolving his inner ordeals he looked at his uncle and aunt, one laughing while the other gulping down large amounts of water for the scolding hot pizza that had been stuffed in his mouth. This time Drake had done something different for them, he took out a small white crumbled note from the same small pouch from earlier.

He took a deep breath and said, "For you are my uncle who has always made me chuckle, instead now I buckle before you in order to stumble and say goodbye. I know you love rhymes hence the short chime as a farewell gift. For my aunt who loves to stitch, I have spread your stitches far and wide as a logo for hope to help those poor and in need of help."

Wiping his tears, he crumbled the piece of a paper back into a ball and just left it on the table he was sitting at.

"Ahh short stuff, you're next on the list of goodbyes? You know people always called me a genius through out my life however the true prodigies were people like you. At your age you knew most of the material that could cause you to graduate instead you chose to go through the grades normally so you could have close friends of the same age. That is especially worthwhile, to have a true friend similar to how our dads are. So Mustafa please take care of our family over where ever you are, I'll take care of them on this side."

"Last but not least Fatema. You know I thought I didn't like you at all and thought of you as one of my best friends. It wasn't until you disappeared that I realized I had fallen for you just like every other guy of my class." Drake's lips naturally curved into a smile thinking about all those guys. "You never know what you have until you lose it. The worst part is I couldn't even say I liked you more than a friend until you were gone and then me realizing how much I liked you. Well..."

Drake starts snickering, "... Even now I can't say it..."

Taking a deep sigh and looking at the younger girl seated besides his younger self, "After all these years I still remember your smile the most vividly. Unfortunately time has moved on and I can't be forever chained to my past, its probably the biggest lesson I've learned over all these years. Since you were a younger sister for me, I have left some gifts for you too. I know you wanted to be a teacher and that was your life goal, even though I can't be a teacher, I decided to completely protect the schools of the district we use to live in to help those teachers not worry about the gang violence like we had to. The other gift I had for you was this."

He had taken out the third and last item from the small pouch, a small cube like box that was nearly 4 centimeters in every dimension.

"I can't give it to you right now instead I'll leave it at your grave since this one I personally need to give."

Drake had said all he wanted to say, now he just wanted to see the last hour of his happy family before the tragedy and engrave every detail to memory this time.

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