《Underground Laboratory: Secrets》5


“Really, you’re going down there?”

“Yes Raven, we are.”

“No one was asking you, Von Teile. I couldn’t care any less than I already do now if you go. I’m asking Cammie if she’s going.”

“I talked to you about this already, Raven. And why are you still calling me Cammie? Didn’t I say not to call me that?”

“I heard you, but all I see is a tiny you with no shoes. You’ve grown up and I refuse to accept it.”

“Well don’t.”

“It’s a joke, relax. Anyway, I don’t think you should go. I barely survived down there.”

“She’s not you, Mortaque.”

“Watch it Von Teile, I will slit your throat.”

“Stop it, both of you.”

She frowns at the two men. Every day has been this way. Albeit the nostalgia it brings, it’s grown very annoying. They haven’t liked each other for a very long time. Always arguing and at each other’s throats. For once she’d appreciate them shutting up.

“Sorry, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

“I just don’t want you two fighting.”

“Fair enough. When do you plan to go?”

“Tomorrow. Curtis wants to make sure we have a backup plan if anything goes wrong.”

“Makes sense. Just be careful.”

“I know.”

Raven sighs, watching her intently. The look is gentle despite how he treats everyone else he’s met over the past few years. Including the members of E.A.C. They take note of it too. Especially considering the temperament he normally carries. His demeanor is different. No hostility or anger.

“Who is she Seige?”

“That, Lyla, is Camellia Hyle. Daughter of the late Gideon Hyle. The man who not only ran Hyle Labs, but created it.”

“I thought she died.”

“That was the story, but I guess not. Technically, the three of them shouldn’t have survived. Finding Raven was sheer dumb luck. Deadly dumb luck. And the E.A.C keeps sending him back into the place.”

“What exactly does she think she’ll find by going in? Surely she knows Raven’s found nothing.”

“Clues, answers. Anything that might explain why the government did what they did. This was her home and just like that it wasn’t.”

“Is she taking anyone with her.”

“Doesn’t want to, but I’m willing to go if they need anyone.”

Lyla rolls her eyes and scoffs.

“That’s stupid.”

“To you. You only care because you think Raven is going.”

She shoots her attention in another direction, avoiding the wistful look Seige gives her.

“I’m just confused is all. The Raven that everyone knows doesn’t like people. Not even enough to be around them.she shows up and he’s a completely different person.”

“He has his reasons. Besides, they grew up together, so it’s not really a surprise. Most everyone just sees an experiment and not a person.”

Lyla peeks over to where Raven stands. Camellia and Curtis present again. The two men having a staring match over the top of her figure. Raven’s personality change is only slightly confusing compared to the way Curtis is dressed. Almost like an old fashioned knight, minus the chain mail and armor associated with the more common knights. The front portion of his hair is pulled back into a short ponytail. Next to Camellia in her pantsuit, with the coattails splitting at the base, he looks rather out of place.


It takes Camellia a bit, but she manages to calm the two men down. Curtis follows close on her heels as she goes to look for Jameson. With crossed arms and a scowl Raven watches. He’s not comfortable with Von Teile following her. It was one thing when they were growing up, but now he seems off. Groaning he turns to go lie back down. Stopped by none other than Dax, arm still stuck in a sling, and two other E.A.C members.

“Treat us like shit, but dote on her. Having a soft spot for her won’t make her like you.”

“What about me breaking your other arm? She won’t stop me either.”

“That girl doesn’t care about you. Besides she deserves a man not a freak.”

“Well that rules you out.”

Dax attempts to lunge at him, stopped by his friends.

“Dax, isn’t wrong. She deserves someone who hasn’t been tested on.”

“I suggest you shut up. I don’t see why it concerns any of you.”

Raven, steps around them, shoving his shoulder against the nearest of the three. On quiet feet he goes back to the room he’s been in. No prying eyes or infuriating people. Here he can be alone with his thoughts. Dax’s words echoing in his head. A truth he hates to admit, but has always been aware of.

“I can tell you like her.”

“Shut up, Crow. Even if I did, it doesn’t matter.

“Oh and just why is that?”

“Raven, you’re the only person she looks for when she comes here. Curtis Von Teile can’t deny that. “

“Doesn’t mean anything.”

“You’re an idiot. You’ll see, one day.”

The two sit in silence, identical features carrying two different expressions. The older of the pair seemingly more confident in his words than on the field. Raven just shakes his head. The parts of his hair that are still dark coming forward. As far as he’s concerned his brother is an idiot.

“Raven, you okay? You look lost.”

“I’m fine. Just thinking. What do you need?”

Lyla holds up a bottle of medication, a broad smile on her lips.

“I found these in a cabinet upstairs. Thought they be useful for your injuries.”

“Nope, just make my condition worse.”

“But it’s medicine.”

“That I can’t have. If you haven’t noticed I spent three days expelling my insides.”

“Are you allergic?”

“Lyla, I am an experiment. Ordinary medications tear my insides apart. They speed up the initial healing process my body has and then shuts it down.”

She stares quietly, hands falling to her sides, one foot toeing the ground like a small child.

“Sorry, I was just trying to help. Are you…are you going with them tomorrow?”

“No, she’s not cruel enough to send me back into hell against my will.”

“And if she asked?”

“Maybe, why does it matter?”

“You’re confusing. E.A.C sends you in there and it’s a full blown tantrum. Yet if she asks you don’t bat an eye.”


“Last time I checked Camellia isn’t looking for notes on weapons or experiments. She’s looking for answers to why we don’t have a home.”

“It’s not like she’ll find anything. You haven’t.”

“Everything is destroyed or covered in dust, dead people, and plants. But that doesn’t mean papers won’t give her some kind of clue. Maybe she’ll get lucky and find something undamaged. She’s not doing it for self gain. There were kids who could’ve had a chance at life the way I have. Families whose loved ones spent every waking moment in that place.”

“That doesn’t explain your sudden change in attitude.”

“I don’t owe you an explanation for why I am how I am. Just leave.”

Her eyes darken, fists at her sides practically bone white.

“I’m your friend, I’m allowed to ask for one.”

“You’re pissing me off get out. Or I’ll do something you won’t like.”

“Talk to me!”

“I don’t have to. I don’t owe you anything.”

His voice is a low growl. A wolf bothered and threatened. Her head drops as she exits. Stopping briefly in the doorway.

“You may not think so, but I care about you. Really care about you.”

The door frame by her head shatters. Smart enough to not look back she takes off. Her feet carry her past several groups planning routes to block off or explore the mansion. Right up to Camellia. The woman isn’t phased.

“I know that look. If you give him some-”

“I’ve known him for four years.”

“As I was saying. If you give him some time he’ll warm up to you. He’s always been stubborn that way. For now give him some space. Aside from my dad, Curtis is the only person I know of that he genuinely hates.”

“Your dad?”

“Yeah, life in the lab wasn’t happy or easy. Many of the kids died before they discovering what they were capable of. I was too young then to understand what was going on. And by the time I was aware of everything it was too late to help. I didn’t even know where they came from until about a month before everything went up in gunfire and explosions.”

“And yet here you are preparing to go in. What good does this do you?”

“Because despite it being hell, this place was home. Lab included. Some of the families are still around and deserve an answer. I’m not going to ask you to like me or anything, but at least respect my decision.”

Once again Lyla storms off. She can’t place it. What does he see in someone like her. She’s not like them E.A. C members aren’t reckless, but this woman didn’t have a clue what she was doing.

“Please be careful. I’ll kill you if she gets hurt Von Teile.”

“I’ll be fine. Threatening Curtis won’t help. Remember what I said.”

“Three days. That’s all you get. If you’re not back by then a group will come in looking for you.”

“A week Raven.”

“3 days. No argument.”

“Can we go?”

Camellia glances to the side, Curtis’ agitation spearing off of him.


Raven hugs her tightly, before letting her go on her way. Staying long after her and Curtis have descended into the darkness. Intuition telling him this isn’t a good idea.

Flashlights do very little to illuminate the steps they’re using. If falling doesn’t kill them the putrid smell will. Curtis leads the way, shuffling aside when he reaches the bottom.

“You thought the manor was bad.”

“No, I know it’s was bad. This is terrifying. So many people.”

“Watch your step.”


They step around skeletons in uniforms, broken glass, and rubble. Many of the rooms no longer accessible thanks to fallen debris.

“We can’t be far from where you found me. Maybe around this corner.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Curtis.”

As she thought, it’s the exact hall her father had scurried down. Minus the flashing lights and blaring alarm system. She doesn’t even look in the room that her own parent had abandoned her in. Refusing to remember the damage done to her leg. Instead, she keeps moving down the hall, searching for where her father could’ve ran off to. The further she goes, the more she worries about whether or not she’ll find anything. That sinking feeling larger when she reaches a dead end. Not a single door insight to indicate other exits or rooms.

“I don’t understand. He came this way, I know it.”

“Maybe he backtracked.”

"No, he came this way. I heard him come this way. This can’t be a dead end."

She doubles back, trying to see if she missed something. Curtis follows behind her, pulling a dagger from the weapons belt around his waist. Meanwhile, Camellia shoves into another room, tearing through its contents to the best of her ability. Forcefully opening drawers and cabinets as needed to sift through piles of paperwork that survived the onslaught. Any kind of clue as to where her father might have gone or even a map of the lab stowed away for safekeeping.

“Why don’t we try some of the other halls. That was why we came down here. To see what paths went where. Make sure nothing else could come up in the house.”

“Right, of course. We can always explore later. Let’s go.”

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