《Underground Laboratory: Secrets》3


Having everything caved in on him is annoying to say the least. More importantly, it doesn’t sound as though the rubble is being dug up fast enough. Whatever he was fighting has vanished, but not before poisoning him. The spike used to do it is lodged through his arm leaving it sticking out on both ends. Despite the excruciating pain he’s going through he’s managing to stay awake fairly well. Each drop of blood expanding the puddle beneath his feet.

“You want to dig a little faster up there?!”

“Hey, not everyone gets to have uncontrolled strength. We’re doing the best we can. Just relax.”

“I’ll relax when I can tell my arm isn’t falling off.”

“What the hell did you do?”

“How about you get me out. This place is driving me insane. Not to mention I think my vision is going.”

“Hang in there a little longer. Please, we’re working as fast as we can.”

The dark engulfs him slowly. Everything about this situation is pressing his nerves against his skull. He can hear the past rearing it’s head to ruin his life. Everything may be shut down, but that doesn’t stop his brain from hearing the mechanics of the past. A nonexistent sound far louder than the rubble being removed.

All focus is on the automated machine gun aimed in his direction. It hasn’t fired yet, the staff still seem confused about how they wish to proceed with the training regiment. After an extended wait for a final decision the intercom cuts on.

“Begin test, now.”

He’s barely prepared as the device turns on and begins firring at him. Instinctively he drops to the floor and rolls to one side. The stone beneath his feet cold and sharp. Surely they’re aware that it’s practically impossible to dodge an actual machine gun. Between all the weaving and ducking seven bullets manage to lodge into his body. Two in his left shoulder, three in his right thigh, and another two in his abdomen. Excruciating to say the lest he still tries to dodge, before finally remembering that they’d given him a dagger to work with. Smirking he uses the tiny sharpened object to deflect several bullets before doing something seemingly inhumanely possible. Tossing it towards the gun and lodging it perfectly in the barrel, where it causes a bullet to backfire and create an explosion. The wall behind the device breaks, nearly running a crack up to the top level where glass keeps staff safe from any rebellious test subjects. Their eyes glare over at him, but he could care less. His job is simply to do what he’s told and stay alive. Although acting this way may not be of the best interest.


“Security, please escort project Black Bird back to his containment room.”

Scowling the boy presses his heels into the ground. They weren’t going to take him back to that wretched place without a fight. Not this time. He’d be damned if he’d go back into that place so they could put him under and run more experiments on him to “perfect” him. He’d had enough of the tests. Enough of being their punching bag. He prepares to rush them, yet the sight when the door opens throws him for a loop. Before him stands a young girl. Mud cakes her feet and lower legs. Her eyes are bright with curiosity, her dress torn at the bottom. Muscles loosen as she steps towards him. There’s a moments hesitation as she moves towards him, before full on sprinting and tackling him to the floor. A commotion of voices shouting behind her and the pa system turning on tells him exactly who she is.

“Miss Hyle!”

The girl giggles, arms tightening around his neck.

“Get her off of me! She’s heavy!”

Two men rush up and struggle to pull the girl up and away. He stands and pulls himself together eyeing her feet. Her legs swing freely from the gentleman carrying her. The man looks exasperated from quite possibly chasing her around.

“What’s your name? I’m Cammie. Do you wanna play with me?”

The boy blinks, confused and flustered. Not entirely sure how to respond. It takes the man a moment to gather the girl properly in his arms before watching the boy with a close eye.

“Master Von Teile, it’s a pleasure to see you although, I don’t think this is the proper place for Miss Hyle.”

“It’s raining out, so we ended up bringing her in. You don’t mind if she plays with him do you?”


Raven’s jolted from the memory in time to feel someone shoving a mask over his face and pulling him up. His eyes barely register the face hovering over him. Finally, his feet are pulled up over the rubble and he’s set against the wall.

“Raven! Raven, keep your eyes open!”

He can now very clearly, albeit blurry vision, see the damage done to his arm. Surprised that his arm is even still attached at this point. The spike in his arm is the only thing keeping him from losing feeling in it at the moment. Along with that are several gashes along his torso. Medals of poison from an enemy with no real face. Another person appears before him, their features just as blurred as everything else he’s tried to focus on. Their lips are moving, however, his ears can no longer register sounds and everything is only getting darker around him. Somehow, he manages to lift his injured arm, but for what his brain can’t remember. That is not until a long appendage slinks up from the depths of the underground to try and kill everyone near the opening. All around them black marble falls like a waterfall. The appendages don’t stop there. Expanding out and tossing several of the team around the hall.

“Fink, take Raven and get out of here. He’s in no condition to fight and we’re not about to take the heat from your dad if you get hurt.”


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