《Vapid Recourse》Chapter 10: Fish Tank


I am so bored! I could no longer spend time with Rhiencala, Vastera took her to be reared properly. I tried to talk to Aracor, but Sarrissa told me I could not, that he was too busy. “Too busy for the future queen of the Galaxy, who has brought word of a Mithrin.” I belligerently tell her.

“I’m afraid…” Sarrissa started, but I did not let her finish.

“I am not one of the vainglorious nobles who vie for power. I know there are some things more important than me.” Sarrissa looks about to speak, but I confidently bulldoze her voice. “That being said, I still know my value, and I coupled with significant information, that comes from a Mithrin, is of great import. I just hope that my information does not turn out to be vital to whatever Aracor is doing. It would be a shame if something terrible happened because you would not let me see him.”

“Do not threaten me!” Sarrissa sneered.

“I will do what I wish, I am heir to the throne. You even pay us fealty, if you wish to change that then I, and your dignitary, who is Aracor, will have to meet, besides, I was not threatening, it was simply a warning. I do not appreciate being disrespected, and accused of such a debased action.” I finished with a fierce glare, or my best attempted at one.

“You would go to war, simply because you were not given what you want, that seems excessive, and childish.”

“Dammit Sarrissa, if he is too busy, then he is too busy, I just wanted to present you the possible consequences, to sway you. Have you never gone to a market where a vendor may tell you of all the bad things them at May befall you if you do not buy their items. I hope you did not kill them for threatening an almighty dragon. How dare you call me childish for something so benign!” By this moment I was screaming at her. It probably looked quite comical. An almost six foot tall elf, scolding a forty foot dragon. I reached down to the console in front of me and cut the transmission, and the Dragon disappeared, as if that elven girl simply banished it.

So here I was now, in my room bored out of my mind. Leth said she would be back a half mark ago! I thought, it was vexing, without classes to take, I simply had too much free time. This morning, while we were out riding, Leth told me she had an idea to carry me out of the doldrums. She said it was a secret but it should be ready just after lunch.

Tired of waiting, I got up to see if I could hunt down Leth, when she opened the door, “about time!” I said with the biggest impatient sigh in history. “You’re late.”

“I apologize, your highness, but I believe the wait will be worth it.” Leth huffed, out of breath. “It took me longer than I thought to drag this all the way from the barracks.” Leth turned around and disappeared around the corner. I heard a rough grating sound and in came Lethiel pushing a large tank filled with blue fluid, and it had a runed computer attached to the side she was pushing from.

“How is a war tank going to alleviate my boredom?” I said, looking at the giant aquarium. “Am I supposed to put fish in that?”

“No silly, you know what this is, yes it’s true that these reality devices were used for war, but now, they are used for more…” She giggled at her rhyme, “more recreational purposes.” She beams at me, and I return with a derisive glare. “Now, don't give me that look, I know how you hate this medium of social activity. This is completely different, a whole new world was downloaded onto the servers!” The elation on her face is overwhelming, but she pauses.


Irritated I speak, “okay what, what is it?”

She had a gleam in her eyes and a smile that said ‘I got you!’ On my part, I stayed with my dispassionate glare, perturbed. “Well,” she started, then paused, as if to see if I were still paying attention. “It’s a game!”

“Oh amaaazing!” I sardonically reply, I was thoroughly disappointed with her revelation.

“No, you don't get it, it’s not like horseshoes on Paratopia,” Leth pleaded. Paratopia was a social reality where people talked and laughed out loud, way faster than you could in real time. “It’s a whole different world! New places to explore, people to meet, things to do. New rules and parameters that stretch the boundaries of our imagination!”

I was actually interested, but I made sure I did not show it, though Leth already knew she had me. But you know how it is, a girl's gotta keep up appearances. “And how do you know this?” I ask, something had me suspicious.

“Jimmy told me!” She said with that gooey smile. Jimmy is the notorious ‘genius’ who is courting Leth. His real name is Natarjim, but ever since he discovered ‘jimmy’ in the code for Paratopia, it has become his moniker. “Jimmy is the head Cypher that fixes problems on the networks, he was the one who discovered the new code. He read the code, but he did not enter the game. He blocked it for everyone until it was deemed safe by the King, but after your ceremony, everyone would rather defer to you.” She saw my panic and assured me. “Don’t worry no one is asking you to govern, but they want your approval first.”

“I'm in.” I shout, then shrink a little with embarrassment. The thought of a new world where I could be anyone was quite appealing.

“What? Just like that? I would’ve thought you would be more stubborn.”

“This is a chance to be myself, without the entire galaxy looking over my shoulder. I will try it out.”

“Well you will have to start tonight, you can play whilst you sleep.” I was about to argue, tell her I wanted to start now, but she continued, “You must attend the Smuggle ball game.”

I don't even know who competed, don’t get me wrong smuggle ball is an exciting sport. I was just... preoccupied. Leth had got me excited, and all I could think about were the possibilities in this new reality. Leth told Jimmy to meet us at the gates to the palace after the game, where Leth and I waited for a whole mark! He apparently witnessed a robbery, so he had to give an account. The whole trip to my room was taken in silence, after my huge tirade, where I complained like a child about how long I had to wait. We entered the entertainment area, a large living spaceman my quarters used when I have guests. Jimmy quickly dropped his backpack on the floor and pulled out a large dark purple suit and handed it to me.

“You will have to change into this, Leth said you liked purple.” Jimmy said as he bent down and pulled another object out of his pack. It was a tablet, made of glass with a large strip of metal on one side, the kind you’d use when computing. “Oh,” he added as I was about to head into my private quarters to change, “the suit will conform to you after you put it on. All you have to do is press that button.” He pointed to a dark, glowing blue button on the beltline. I nodded and turned to leave, “and,” he added again. I turned, this time giving him a frustrated look. “You should probably lay down, on a flat surface, so the floor or a table, before pressing that button”


I turned to leave, but he added another thing, I just sighed, with a tired, annoyed look I turned back to him. “Um, well, you see…” Jimmy was very red.

“I got it.” I said, he obviously was trying to tell me I could not wear any underwear. I dashed into my room hoping to avoid another Jimteruption. Quickly, I stripped down to my underwear, sighed, and then removed that too. The texture of the gangly gargantuan garment, was velvet, extremely soft to the touch, it slid smoothly over my bare skin, as I stepped through a hole in the back. The suit was so large I was wondering how it would stay on me. I reached behind me to try to seal the back, but the suit had done it on its own. It did not surprise me though, I have many outfits that do the same.

I laid down on the floor, and rested my head, then I pushed the button. All at once the suit collapsed, squeezing me everywhere at the same time, I suddenly realized why Jimmy told me to lay down. Without a bra, it was the only way to give support to my breasts, and also not flatten them against my stomach. I heard a soft double-beep and the constriction stopped, then a tiny hiss, I then felt as if my entire body fell asleep for a second, as millions of tiny needles went into me and attached themselves to my nerves.

Standing, I turned toward a tall mirror and scoffed. The suit left almost nothing to the imagination. It was practically my skin. All it left to the mind were my nipples, and the folds between my legs. Taking another long sigh I turned around and left the room, on my way out I thought two things, one, thank god it obscured my crack, and two, damn, I look sexy!

Jimmy, to his credit, kept his head down when I walked back in, so when his jaw dropped it still looked like he was looking at his tablet. At least to Leth, who was behind him. When he finally recovered he told me to get into the tank. He reached to the side of the tank and brought up a wire helmet. The thing was so thin, it looked like it would break if a fly sat on it. He handed it to me and said, “Your highness, please put this on, the suit gives physical input, while the wire cap give other input directly to your brain, like sight, smell and taste. This game also has some other programs for the wire cap, but I could not figure out what they did.” His look suddenly becomes serious, and for a second, I could see why Leth liked him so much, but Jimmy was not my type, so the thought went away quickly. “Your highness, all I know about this place is it has different rules, and it's, enormous. It's a solitary planet, five hundred times the size of Stermihhil.”

That was insane, Stermihhil is the largest star in the galaxy. It was 3.63 billion kilometers across. “Different rules?” I ask.

“Your highness, from what I can gather, resources are unlimited, things seem to replace themselves in short order. It will seem like months, but in real time it is much shorter.” He paused in thought. “Many things that are impossible here are paltry there. Perhaps, a better way to describe it is, if you can think it you can do it. There are limitations, but you will find out what they are.” Another pause. “And one more thing, the game seems to read your brain signals, to interpret what you want, what comes most naturally. If you wish truly wish to see in infrared light, the game will make it easier, show you how to obtain such an ability.”

With that he gave me a runed mask to supply me with breathable air. Jimmy made sure I put it on right, then he looked back down at his tablet, he touched a few things and the liquid I was in changed density and I slowly fell beneath the fluid, and I stayed there floating as if I was in space. The fluid does not hurt my eyes.

… … …

Lifting quarantine… Establishing preliminary pathway… Pathway secure, establishing primary pathway… Pathway secure, initializing data synchronization… %10… %25… %50… %75… %90… Unpredicted complication… Complication addressed, proceeding… Data synchronization complete… Initializing submersion…

Blinding blue light came into my eyes, I tried to shut them but I couldn't. The light mellowed to a soft ocean blue, and a woman appeared. She was clad quite scantily, and she was so beautiful, even I was blushing. It probably didn't help that she was wearing a very translucent purple dress, exposing her full chest.

“Welcome child,” she spoke. Her voice held power, it was not soft, but it was melodic, as if she held all the wisdom in the universe. “I am Wisdom,” well I guess she does, “I apologize, I am not quite used to doing this introduction yet, actually I was a virgin, until now.”

At that comment I was completely abashed, and my face was scarlet. I could've been my imagination, but I swore I felt blood coming out my nose, but I had no arms to check. Besides the feeling quickly disappeared when she started laughing.

She seemed to understand my facial expression. “Ha haa, I do apologize again child, you must forgive an old woman and her little amusements. I only meant this is my first introduction. I have many children, I b piece you could say I am experienced in that area.”

She paused as if giving me a chance to speak, but all I could say to her was. “You're as much an old woman, as my uncle.”

She laughed, for like twenty minutes. “I like you child, I can see why my daughter enjoyed this so much. You see normally my daughter Hope is normally the one who does these initiations, but she is currently preoccupied, for the foreseeable future.” The way she said it, it was as if she could foresee it. “Well, let's get started.” She gave a flourish and a mirror appeared. “Do you wish to change your appearance?” She bawdily said, pushing her chest out.

It was obvious what she was saying, so more out of defiance than preference I a geeky shouted no. As the mirror started shimmering I shouted “wait!” She gave me a voluptuous smile, which I ignored and said, “I want my mother’s nose.” I had my father’s angry nose, though it did not take too much away from my beauty, It was not a vain decision. Right now I wanted nothing to do with my father.

Wisdom gave a frown, as if surprised, but curious as to why I chose that. I misinterpreted it to mean she was confused. I realized my blunder, how could she know what my mother’s nose looked like. I was about to describe it when her face relaxed and with a flourish in my direction, my nose changed. It was almost exactly like my mother’s, the only difference was it was crafted to better fit my face. I was shocked, but felt it better not to question Wisdom.

She nodded her approval, as if her sultry behavior was merely a test. I suddenly felt insignificant in front of her. Sensing my fear, she spoke with a voice laced in appeasement. “Do not fear child, for it is I who fear, as of this moment, you have much more power to sway the universe than I.” I was about to speak, but she continued. “Now, what do you wish to be called?”

I thought for a moment, “Violet”.

There was a minute presence of surprises in her eye, but it vanished in a blink. “Well, Violet, welcome to Veritas Redefined.”

Confused I asked, “What does that mean, what language is that?”

“It is actually two languages, both are primary languages of the Forgotten.”

“The Forgotten have more than one language? Would that not be confusing for their race?”

“There was a time when the Ljosalfar had multiple languages.”

“But that was thousands of ages ago… You did not answer my question, the first one.”

“It means truth, brought into a new light, reevaluated, because new information has been discovered.”

“Are you part of that new information?”

She then gave me the biggest compliment I have ever received. “You are very wise, more so than I would have expected, Jev just might succeed. To answer your question… Not yet.”

She then shimmered out of existence, leaving me to ponder if she was real or not, I decided to treat her as if she was. Then everything went black, but just for a second, then a golden glow enveloped me and I opened my eyes.

“Welcome traveler, you have awoken in the temple of the Stars”


I hope I am a convincing woman. All you LADIES out there, please, please, I beg of you, give me input on how to better portray the female psyche. I do not want a female lead defined by vanity and sexuality, but at the same time, girls are sexy, and they care about how they look. If you think something is offensive, or not feminine, please comment your opinion and I will evaluate its prudence, along with another female friend. I am not bigoted, and I wont say I completely understand women, but at the same time, I am not so naive to think that they are not unpredictable. Also if you think my comment about women being sexy is sexist, go somewhere else, that would be like me being insulted because you described me as white. ^,..,^

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