《The END》Chapter 3.2
Chapter 3.2
Now in my mind I’m thinking there are only 2 things that could be making that sound, it’s either a good… well slightly better option, like maybe the owners return or some stray animal and so on…….or a slightly less desirable option
I can’t ask for a better moment for a situation like this, I mean I just ended my shower, now I’m dripping wet, butt naked, either waiting to stumble into the owners of this place which would be very awkward for me or run into some unsuspecting monster…..butt naked. Did I mention butt naked twice? Yea that’s how uncomfortable I am with this situation. Fuck me, just my luck.
It’s a good thing I didn’t leave my duffel bag outside huh, I don’t know if I have time to put on my underwear but I seriously have to be quiet. So I take my machete? Is it considered mine? Cause I think if the owners of the cellar are still alive, I just straight up stole their shit. Which is completely irrelevant at this moment considering I have to check out what that sound is. Anyway I wipe myself as dry as I can with a towel, put on my underwear as quietly as I can while holding my machete in hand, open the bathroom door and as I said before quietly peek out.
Okay I don’t see anything….
but I hear voices? What is that latin? The voices I hear are really high pitch, the kind that’s sort of annoying to hear. There also sounds like there more than one voice, like a couple. 3? 4? Are they the owners? Or some other survivors? Or…..
Lets face it there’s no way anywhere in the world you’ll find 3-4 voices all high pitch talking latin in modern day Australia. Still need convincing? Fine they all sound the same with maybe a slight variance in pitch but still all the same high pitch grotesque voice which, (I really really really wish I’m wrong) leads me to believe that they probably aren’t human….. Not that I’m saying that any human can’t sound like that, but then that doesn’t explain this flapping wind sound I keep hearing too.
Anyway I creep up closely where I hear the voices coming from, and luckily it’s from the library room in a corner near the stairs. Lucky? Why? Well because they can’t see me coming that’s why. The entrance to the room is facing an empty wall and I can creep up right next to the entrance without them noticing me. I peep in to the room and I returned as quickly as I had just looked…. If anyone saw me do that, they’ll probably says something like “ Oh Hayden you didn’t even look, I bet you just put your head out and back as quickly as you can.” I assure you I saw everything I could, I can even tell you their exact figures, their outfits, what was in the room and so on... Okay I’m kidding but seriously I could actually get enough out of that quick little peek I did. I presume it was the stats that helped.
So let me explain what I just saw. The room the monsters..., I know for sure now, are currently playing with books, throwing them around, tearing out pages while laughing in a very irritating voice. Basically making a racket. They are red in colour with tiny horns on their head, are small little things about 3-4 foot tall, with ridiculously small wings which allows them to fly in air. I know now that these monsters might be something from the bible, no? Imps? Hell’s servants? I don’t know but aren’t they usually in some of the fantasy/rpg games?
Sigh, I know for sure that I can’t face them alone, they are like 5 imps in that room. I can also assure you that I cant. How you ask?????
Because of this
??? LV ???
Which is right above their heads. And if I’m not mistaken about this, I’m in deep shit. Usually in games isn’t a monster whose names and level you can’t see a dangerous monster that is way higher than your level and you should probably like run away as fast as you can?
Sigh I don’t know how much their levels differ from me considering that I’m not even level 1 yet but (and I don’t believe I’m going to say this) I can’t take the chance to just run back and hide in my cellar. I mean there’s countless of monsters, going to appear and I think these guys are just the beginning. They might be easy…. I hope.
First this is first, I have to find a way to separate a few and also if possible take them out quietly.
This is going to be difficult but I think I have an idea, so I went back to the bathroom still in my underwear and got my duffel bag with me. Not before putting on some pants and shirt.
I then left the bathroom right into the hallway, creep back near where the stairs was but head to the room opposite the corridor where the imps are at. So the room I’m in now is what I presume is the master bedroom, and before when I was looking through the place I thought it would be a good idea to check their drawers. I mean don’t you watch tv’s and all how usually people put guns in their master bedroom? Though that’s in America while I’m in Australia. I don’t even know what the exact gun law they have here too. I just always presume having a gun here is illegal. Sigh who knew that knowing whether you can own a gun is so important in this situation. Anyway that’s besides the point, while I was looking for a gun, I stumbled upon keys… which I presume is the keys to the house and doors. So I quickly took the keys and search for the one that is likely the key for the rooms where the imps are in and this one. I know right? I don’t know why this house uses keys for locks.
My plan is basically, luring the imps or maybe just one with the laser pointer (I found in one of the rooms), yeah I know I hope they act like most animals especially cats, and bring them over here in this room where a bag of open chips are right in front of them. Yes a bag of chips which I took from the kitchen so that I can indulge later to some goodness.
What? Don’t judge. I couldn’t help myself.
I can then proceed to lock the door to the room and either beat the shit out of 1 or 2 imps, or run out of the room if there are more than 2 imps all while being stealthy assassin creed style.
My other plan was basically the same thing only thing I lock the library room with the key leaving just a few or 1 imps outside with me where I can proceed to either kill or be killed.
I’m more inclined to the first plan. So I went to set my trap up. Closing the door slightly as to not let any sound out when opening the bag of chips and proceed to lay them on the bed, spread them out nicely, making it look like a luxurious meal waiting for a terrifying monster to ravage upon.
Alright boys and girls.
Time to execute plan ‘luring imp with a laser pointer so that I can kill it while it is distracted by chips plan’. Of course not before setting up the baseball bat next to the door just in case I need an extra weapon.
This might take a while, as I point the laser pointer at the wall opposite of the room the imps are in. A minute has passed and my first victim, a larger looking snot nose imp comes flying following the laser. I’m surprise none of the other imps are even bothered to follow him. I don’t know if it is pure luck or coincidence but this imp is the largest among the imps in the room, about 4 feet tall. I guess its luck that I get to take out the big one first. So while it’s coming closer to where I’m at, I’m trembling, either because I’m terrified or I’m excited…I can’t tell.
I quickly proceed to hide in the corner of the room while pointing the laser pointer to the floor of the room. The fat imp proceeds to fly into the room where it looks at the laser pointer for a while until I switch it off and it discovers something else. The bag of chips served like a platter in front of him. He rushes to eat the chips, and proceeds to shove it all down his mouths. It looks absolutely disgusting with its slob running down its face and onto the bed. I hold in my disgust and fear while proceeding to lock the door.
I’m lucky that he is so loud that he doesn’t even notice the door closing. I gather my courage and steel myself before creeping up behind the imp which is currently kneeling down and ravishing that bag of chips. I hold my breath while raising my machete above my head with both hands on the blade and then I brought it down with as much force and skill I could muster. There shouldn’t be a lack of skill when striking someone or something with an intention to hurt. I landed a blow right on the head of the imp and the machete proceeded to slice all the way through into the skull. The imp just stopped what it was doing.
I don’t know if I killed it, I mean something’s wrong, it’s way too quiet. I slowly back up as I left that machete that’s embedded way too deep in its head and reached for that baseball bat I left beside the door. Once I successfully made it back to my backup weapon the imp started to move. It stood up and turn behind real slowly. This is starting to freak me out a little, it seems like one of those horror films where a killer or the ghost just turns slowly around before they seemingly appear infront of the screen. You know like a jumpscare. And boy am I bad with those… but for some reason my instincts are screaming at me now that something like that is about to happen. So I did a spin dodge while lowering my body and swinging my baseball bat in what could be called a swinging spin hitting motion. Aaand looks like I was right I slammed the imp right in the neck which caused it to flip in the air before falling on to the ground.
I’m sort of exited at this moment I mean I just hammered a demon like a straight up boss. But of course I don’t let my guard down. Though just as I thought that, the imp suddenly just pounces right at me. GAWDD that face is messed upped!!! It’s already ugly before now it’s like someone tried their hardest to make it look like the ugliest thing on the earth. I try my best to dodge roll but this time lucks not on my side as he clips my shoulder and I felt utter pain…
I flew across the room and slammed into the wall. Damn that hurt, my shoulder looks torn and destroyed or that’s what it looks like to me now. I can’t really tell it’s sooo bloody. I’m actually wondering why it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I can still move my hands. I think this could be the fact that I’m either filled with adrenaline at the moment or the change was much more agonizing that I developed a superhuman pain tolerance.
Anyway I quickly get up on my feet and procced to engage that suddenly very quiet, messed upped face, fat imp. I did a full swing which is where I predict the imp would be as he pounced and*plong* there goes the imp again. Haha I’m having fun right now. (and I swing my bat again and *plong*) I’m not sure if all imps are like this one but from what I can see, *plong* they are stuuuupid, fast, and pretty strong but sttuuupid. I mean *plong* it keeps pouncing at me from the front and doesn’t change even *plong* if I constantly hit it across the room. It’s easier to hit it now that I got the rhythm going, *plong* you know it’s all in the rhythm, but boy does this*plong* imp sure that hits, I keep *plong* hitting him and it still doesn’t *plong* die. It even has a fucking machete in its head… could that be why it’s even more stupid? *plong*. Anyway before I gets up again since I’m starting to get tired I rushed to it with okuri ashi, a kendo footwork, (just a habit since I just went for kendo recently and since well the situation currently is like sparring, only much more dangerous) before I proceed to do a strike on its head. This proceeds to push the machete further into the poor guy’s head which ultimately makes it collapse on the floor, dead… I hope.
Also I didn’t mention it but this guy for some reason isn’t bleeding and I don’t know if that’s normal or not. Anyway I proceed to hit him a few more times on the head and body for good measure. By the way the other imps heard us fighting when I slammed into the wall, they’re outside the door screeching, banging and what seems to be scratching the door. I then went to retrieve my machete from the dead imp when all of sudden something lashed out at me which broke a few of my ribs, tossing me right across the room.
FUCK now that hurt… I presume what hit me was its tail which I actually didn’t notice until now. Sigh gotta be more alert.
“hah….. haah” I’m so out of breath and that thing it’s still alive? I try my best to stand up and
While I’m doing that I noticed the flashing red light at the corner of my vision again. Is that an indicator by the system that I’m fucked? Like ultraman? I’m still holding both my weapons by the way, my baseball bat and the machete.
The imp slowly stood up too, he looked as battered as me, maybe worst haha, this gives me hope that there’s still room for survival. The imp slowly starts its charge again this time though it’s considerably slower. It rushes straight for me like before but this time I don’t just bat it aside I proceed to do a kendo counter attack where I step diagonally to the left and strike at the imps head. I hold out my baseball bat slightly outwards at the side of my body while swinging my other hand with the machete at the imps head. The result is as expected, maybe a little too well, I managed to chop off the imps head and also block its tail strike with the baseball bat but that also broke the bat which caused the flying half of the bat to slam into my face.
“UFF” damn that was embarrassing.
But who knew technique and stances actually helped so much. I mean I totally meant to hold out the baseball bat that way. “HAHAHAHHAHA….HAHA…HAAAA” It was pure instinct, I swear.
Anyway this time I thoroughly beat the shit out of the imp’s seemingly dead body but
Before I could actually do that I realize that blood is starting to flow out of the imp.
*DING* I heard a familiar sound and I’m hoping it is what I think it is. I look at the edge of my vision which brings up the notifications.
You are bleeding.
[tr]You are critically wounded
[tr]You’ve killed Elite Imp+5 levelsYou are the second person to kill a monster. You have been awarded the title ‘The Second’You have killed a monster without adding any stats even though you have unused stats from the time of the change. You are awarded the title ‘Fighter’You have killed a monster at level 0. You are awarded the title ‘Survivor’You have unlocked the achievement ‘Levels Don’t Matter’
Holy shit all this notifications, I’m glad they didn’t pop up during the fight, I mean that would have been just ridiculous. I look through and noticed something that made me face palm immediately.
Oh shit… I didn’t even add the bonus stats. I totally forgot about it. Damn. Sigh nevermind, what’s done is done I’ll add it later after I’m done reading through all these.
[tr]Title ‘The Second’You are not the first however don’t be too discourage, the second would always try harder than the first. This title gives you a bonus 1 stat point per level up
[tr]Title ‘Fighter’You are a fighter first before a survivor. You learn fighting skills quicker and have a fighter’s instinct
[tr]Title ‘Survivor’You are one of the few who can survive when you need too. This title increases your physical and elemental resistance by 1%
[tr]Achievement ‘Levels Don’t Matter’You have defeated a monster way above your level. Monsters that are 10 levels higher than you will receive a debuff allowing you to damage them with a reduction of 10% of their defence and resistance
Holy shit aren’t I getting op? My gawd, all these titles/achievements are constantly in effect? Doesn’t that mean the key to survival is getting more achievements? This….this future is beginning to seem better.
[tr]Your growth perk is in effect. You have been awarded 2 strength point, 2 vitality point, 1 wisdom point and 1 agility point
“FUCK YES!”Growth perk I love you!!! Now how do I get my status page up?
[tr]Status WindowName:HaydenAlignment:NeutralLevel:5Class:-Race:HumanGender:MaleTitles The Second, Fighter, Survivor-Health:32 / 170Health Regen:0.017 / SecMana:120 / 120Mana Regen:0.15 / SecStamina:30 / 170Stamina Regen:0.017 / Sec-Strenght:13Agility:19Vitality:17Intelligence:12Wisdom:16Leadership:5Luck:15-Physical Resistances1%-Elemental ResistancesFire:1%Water:1%Wind:1%Earth:1%Light:1%Darkness:1%[tr]Unused stat points60
Alright!!!! Yeahhhhh that means I just gotta think it and it’ll appear. It’s the same for titles and achievement. So from that I can gather the system works via mental commands, I just have to consciously think about what I want to see and it’ll appear, then I just have to swipe it to dismiss it.
So I have 60 unused stat points. Now that’s a lot I think it’s because of the growth perk. So if I factor out all the bonuses I have which plays a role in stat points, I should have received 2 points per level but now I get 9 per level because (2+1(which I got from the ‘The second’)x 3(my growth perk). This growth perk is cheat haha.
Anyway I think it’s time I patch up my wounds and try not to bleed out right now. Sigh my health is pretty low now and it’s decreasing by the minute by 1 hp so I think that’s due to the bleeding. Funny I don’t actually feel like I’m dying. This could be extremely dangerous in the future because you can’t actually feel like you’re dying until your health reaches 0. I proceed to grab one of the clothes from the cupboard and make a very primitive looking bandage out of it. I wonder if it’ll get infected. Sigh. I probably can find alcohol in this house somewhere, and if not I can get some in the cellar.
Wow the bleeding stopped. Is this magic?
“What sorcery is this? I say in a shocked and slightly mocking voice. Okay, you probably wouldn’t understand that because that was an inside joke, one of my friends use to say that when someone does something impressive and it sort of rubbed in on me too. All jokes aside, my wounds actually stop bleeding.
I check my health on the status sheet and it looks like my health is slowly rising. What I mean by that is that it is very slowly rising as in 1 hp per min. I wonder if eating can speed it up. I went to take my duffel bag and sat next to the noisy door (well away from that dead imp) while proceeding to take out a few chocolate bar, you know way further from that dead imp.
“Ooooo, well what do you know” Turns out that chocolate bars gives 100% increase in health regen as well as stamina regen. By the time I’m was done with a few bars, I had full health and stamina. I actually feel like I just went through a refreshing sleep and feel incredibly healthy. I mean my wounds closed themselves and my ribs where placed back where they belong as my health got fuller.
Righty now that I’m aaa okay, I can get on with killing the other imps or should I??? I mean there’s no rush right because frankly I’m a little afraid of fighting the imps currently. I mean what if all of them are the same as the one I fought? Doesn’t that mean I’ll probably have no chance of survival? Though the one I fought was significantly larger so it could be this one was a special one or an elite maybe? I don’t know yet, I have to observe the imps more.
I’m also wondering why the imps can’t break through the door, is it because they don’t have the strength to do it??? This prompt me to look at the door…. And I noticed that the door is sort of like a high quality wooden type door, the type that people usually use as their front door.
Holy shit…… I could have actually died if it wasn’t for this door. The imps could have gotten in and kill me.
Since they can’t seem to be able to come in the room, I should probably add my stats now……
I just thought of something risky though, what if I don’t add my bonus stat? Would that get me another achievement or title? I really really want to know because then I can abuse the system no? Isn’t it perfect for someone like me though especially since I have the growth stat? I can try to improve my stats in this room for a while and see if it works, then I can proceed to kill the imps when I’m confident enough.
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