《Valhalla》Chapter 6:A Brave Deed


Merchants sold markdown draught animals,jerks picking those aged and invalidish goods one and another.

Stargazers ought to move in a mysterious way,but now they tend to draw businesses in street walkers' way,humbugging passers-by that their disaster's coming,only if they bought special amulets could they got safety.

Bizarre empirics stirred snakes,frogs and unauthentic herbs in the boiling crucible,guaranteeing the healing effect of their curatives.

Alchemists out of qualifications hired pretty bunnies,performing old tricks about turning stones into gold,peddling aphrodisiac and philter by the way.

A small theater built by wooden boxes was popular among sugar-sucking kids,fantoccinis about stories of prince and princess were on show.

Halley had already strolled all over the market,he had seen all interesting scenes and nothing was new to him.He was fed up with the chapmen,so he walked towards the position where the dancing girl were.

Onlookers didn't decline,but he felt the atmosphere was not in harmony.He then forced a way and thrusted himself into the crowds.

The tent was in a mess,sitting on the floor writhing in pain beside was the harp-playing old man.Three noble youngsters besieged the dancer like cats caught a mouse and,she had no way to run.

"It should be,your mask off,my golds out.But now, I have no patience,let me help you!"One of the childes reached his hand to the maiden's mask.

But he didn't have his way as he wanted,on the contrary,his wrist was grasped tightly by another powerful hand.

What a rough ranger,stepping out to save the beauty!As we all know,that was always a rather threadbare pattern and,people were glad to have a look at it.

But Halley was not in the mood watching a soap opera.


Because he was the protagonist.

"Don't you dare,rustic asshole!Let go!"With his wrist being locked the nobel roared,struggling out of the grip by Halley,at least he tried.

No matter how hard the struggling was,Halley kept steady and still,moreover he held even tighter and the fierce pain piercing deep into the bone made the youngster cried out and burst out into tears.The childe shrank backwards with his ass sticked up to the air,which earned a big booing for him.

"Does that hurt?Then never be a villain anymore ."Halley released of a sudden,with the inertia from struggling the youngster fell hard onto his butt and,some more humiliating guffaws were cast towards him.

”What the hell are you waiting for?Get him!"The youngster was brimming with tears,crying for help to his companies.They seemed dumbfounded just now but were called back by the cry,drawing their swords and approaching Halley.They were in the same stance,holding sword up right beside one ear,which exposed the fact that they attained swordsmanship from the same coach.

Halley disdained to use his spear.Punches would teach them a bloody lesson,thought Halley.So he stepped forwards,striking two punches out.Without knowing what had happened the two swordsmen got a certain punch each on the chin and were knocked out like two drowned rats.

It finished so quickly that the first youngster forgot to shred.And Halley the winner came back to him,squatted down and,gave a slap.

"You're the head,uh?"

The youngster became speechless because of the stunning slap.Before he could master his tongue he suffered a second slap.

"Are,you,the,head?"Halley asked again.

"Wh...wh...what's now?"He trembled in astonishment.

Another slap.

"You deaf? The last time,are,you,the head,clear?"


"Yes,yes yes yes I am !"He finally picked up his mind and answered as soon as possible.

"Okay dude,now I'm consulting you that could you three get out of here right now?"He sounded rather gentle.

"Yeah,yeah,as you expected."The youngster stood up hurrily,fetched his fellows,with the way made for them by crowds the three Signorinos fled with a crestfallen look.

"Thanks,my hero,I'm gonna marry you!"

"Thanks,my hero,I am a princess from a distant country actually, I wore my mask so as to seek for the one I can fall in love with."

Halley cherished illusions about those kind of replies.But as the saying goes,reality is cruel.

"Out you,hurrily disappear!"The old man bounced from the floor,as nimble as a squirrel which never got hurt,pushing Halley outside the place.

"Hey, I saved you!At least I deserved a 'thanks'!"Said Halley angrily.

"Thanks?Did I asked for it?If not you,just three dudes;and now,you pissed them off,and me too! The nobles along with the Yellow Robes won't let it go!And my business is gone!"He looked far more than frenzy.

"So,you just laid on the ground,playing dead there and,"He pointed at the dancing girl,"Watching her being molested?"

"Well,it doesn't hurt."

"Ok,in that case why didn't you let her take the mask off at the very beginning?They paid after all."

"Go to hell if they just wanted to pay my daughter's beauty for one single golden-knife.You completely know nothing about these.Well,as I have told you,could you PLEASE fuck off?Coveting my daughter,at the vain hope of her mask off in order to show her appreciation?Guess what,piss off! "

Halley had really fed up with the old man,he would like to give him a blow in the face but for he was aged.

"Who cares!"He turned back.

""Please,wait for a minute."Voice of a maiden came out beneath the mask.

"Why,daughter?"Cried the old man anxiously.

The dancing girl stopped Halley from leaving,and tore down a string of bells as bracelet from her left wrist.

"Keep this.Thank you."Her voice was faint but rather clear and sweet to Halley's ears. She raised her head and they came to an eye contact.Halley didn't avoid this time.Gazing each other through the eyes they held the post for a while.

"You're welcome."Halley finally came out of a frustrating answer.

"If convenient,feel free to watch my performances."Remarked the maiden.

"I will,certainly."

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