《Valhalla》Chapter 2:Before Set Sail


When they came back to the town it was almost two o'clock in the morning.Those bodies,together with other trophies,were left behind on the hill,waiting for townspeople to pick up at dawn.Possessions allocation plan had already been written on the contract in advance.

They took a bath,salved ointment on strained muscles,and then maintained their weapons.But before going to bed,Jonahhan had a few words.

"Halley,wait a minute."

"What's up?"

"How do you think of my force?"

"Just so so.You're still too early to be called The Proficient Hunter,not to mention upgrading your rank from 'The Old Hand ' to 'Master'.Furthermore,there's 'Master Ares' above the Master rank ."

"Well,in fact,you didn't even see one fifth of my power.Strictly speaking,one sixth."

"Okay,but I'm too tired to listen to your story now." Halley yawns deliberately,trying to end up this inexplicable topic.

"Come on!You're exactly too vigorous to go to sleep,I know you won't feel tired even though fighting for one more night.Move your ass,yeah,stand straight and still right there.Yes,RIGHT THERE ."

Jonahhan knew everything about Halley through training and fostering him for almost sixteen years.Could't but stood in the middle of the room eyeballs to eyeballs with Jonahhan at a distance of around three arms,Halley waited for a lesson from a father.


"What the hell are you..."

Before Halley got a chance to spit out all of the questions,he froze.

As if countless serpents winded on their bodies,as if a giant tiger broke into the town,all of a sudden whole Green Agate's animals and fowls screeched and cried in chorus.

But Halley felt far more a horror than those because Jonahhan was just standing right beside him.


Jonahhan stood steadily,endless atmosphere of death erupted from every pore,which made the air change into thousands of needles piercing through Halley, nailed him at where he was.

Trembling uncontrollably though he was,Halley believed deeply in the subconscious that the man standing in front of him would never hurt him,if not,he should be already on his knees.

"Are you okay?"said Jonahhan out of the dangerous status.

Halley felt released,streams of sweat were flowing from he himself like taking a shower.He stepped forward,but fell because of his limpness of knees,before hitting the ground Jonahhan got him and supported him to go to the bed.Not until he sat on his butt did he spoke.

"What the HELL did you do?"

"It's the Battle Power Status,BPS in short."said Jonahhan sitting against him on another bed.

"Except for your broadsword you kept this secret skill all the time."Halley murmured.He recovered very fast.

"Far from a 'secret skill' but the basic skill.So,wanna learn?"

"Sweet!"Halley nodded firmly.He would rather learn as soon as possible.

"But I am afraid I can't teach you."

Jonahhan frowned,as if something hard to disclose had been hidden until now.A terrible assumption suddenly hit Halley.

"Don't say that you are actually not my biological father...."

"Alas!"Jonahhan sighed ,"Time to tell you something,since you're already an adult."

Halley was stunned and pale.But after he saw the artificial face of Jonahhan ,he knew the old bastard storied again.

"Well,since you're not my own father,farewell after the dawn."

"You've got one thing right that we ought to part from each other for a while then."Jonahhan then spoke in a serious tone.

"Really?But why?"


"Because the new term of Dawnblade Academy is about to begin."

"And what is that again?"Halley hadn't even heard of this name.

"The best academy of the whole empire for training elite warriors.Masters there consider teaching Battle Power and other battle skills as their duties.You will learn more than I've shown from them till your graduation."

"I have no idea about that."

"I had enrolled you without asking you half a year before."

"WHY?"Asked Halley curiously.Even in this age "the school" was merely a concept in his mind like "the sun" or "the moon".He hadn't been in even the most ordinary school.

"The one who can't master Battle Power is not able to be admitted as a strong man."

"The reason you can't teach me?"

"For such-and-such reasons.Anyway,it's the job of the school."

"So where are you going?"

"North or south,east or west.It is said that in the Silverfung Cordillera the Frost Wyrm awaken again,of course it have appeal."

"Why can't I go together with you?"

"It will be a rather cruel course of self-sublimation for me myself."said Jonahhan in dead earnest,at least he tried to prim.

But Halley smelt something like wild oats from this middle-age man who wanted to leave his son alone and hit the road.

"Besides,my silly son,the first difference between adults and children is that none of the adults questions as a kid."

"What if I refuse?"

"It doesn't matter but you ask for it."Jonahhan smiled,then he stared at Halley,spacing the word and whispered,"Believe it or not,you were getting nowhere if you chose to cower,not to mention defeating me."

Halley avoided the teasing look of his father with his head bowed.Silence continued for a while,then Halley made up his mind.

"I will go."

"Lovely.Tomorrow we cash the bounty and set off.Good night."

Halley lay on the bed,recollecting the thrill brought by so-called BPS.That kindled an expectation of the unknown academy from his heart.

Yet after the dawn Halley woke up,only to find out his father together with his mega broadsword vanished into thin air.

A folded note lay near Halley's pillow.He unfolded it and read.

"To My Dear Son,

Effeminate farewell sucks.So I left in advance. The Dawnblade is located at the Bronzegate City,which you can find in the eastern inland of our empire.The new term starts in June,obviously you are not having abundant time now.

The day you reach the top of the world and become rather illustrious is the time we meet again.Let's have a showdown then.

By the way,I signed you up but never paid for the tuition.You can ask the mayor for bounty when you awake,though I consider it is still not enough for you.You will manage to earn,I know that.Cheers.

Your Lord Father,

Jonahhan Golmap

Who only support you till grownup "

Halley read off without saying anything.Then he tore the letter in halves,then four pieces,then eight,repeating again and again until it was tore to shreds.

Then the entire townsmen of Town Green Agate heard a roar with extreme anger.


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