《Chaotic Oceans World》Chapter 1-9


This the second release this day! Enjoy (Maybe)

Time to sleep!


「Aldebaran: I see! that's nice information you have there!」

「Benstar: Ho ho ho... it's nothing! (*´ω`*) 」

After a few hour of blood sucking- No it’s not an hour, j-just a few minute, b-but if you spend a few second with 5 syringes stabbed to slowly take out your blood from your body, you will think that the time is so slow that you think that it’s already an hour!

It's miracle I still alive after that much of that, They sure know how to do that. They somehow so eager to take a sample from me! Look at their shining eyes! Doctors are scary!

And because of that, I already passed the information from Benstar and as I slowly moved my weak body because of loss of blood, the chat already ended like that. Orz

Where is the info, you danghead! The chat already stacked with a useless chat about this and that, did they do that in coincide! Do you want me to death in curious!

C-calm down! phew, I almost explode in anger. lets just calmly ask them again. Yes.

「Keita: Sorry, I passed the topic! Tell me again.」

「Aldebaran: Oh, is that so? how about you tell Commander again, Benstar.」

「Benstar: No worry! (`・∀・´)」

「Benstar: Please follow my instruction! (`^ ∀^´)」

「Benstar: First, open the screen menu. (' ^-^)6」

Screen menu? ah, over here. I followed Benstar and opened the screen menu like pressing the invisible button in the corner of my vision.


[Ship Name: Hosho]

[Type: Light Aircraft Carrier]

[Owner: Keita]

[Condition: Normal (Grey)]

Erm, here is the menu, then? Ah, the condition is normal but it’s colored gray? Hm, I think I familiar with this, I shrugged and turn toward the chat window.


「Aldebaran: Are you done, Commander? The condition becomes gray because we are currently in 'idle' state. 」

「Benstar: Hey, don't steal my word! (' ==)9」

「Keita: Okay, now what?」

「Benstar: Oh right, then please press the Type button. (' ^-^)6」

I pressed the Type button as told and the loading screen appeared.

[Please wait...]

[Now Loading the data... 2%]



Too long!! Did you expect me to wait patiently!! I swear if it's not worth, I will not strangle you to death, Benstar!!

Breath in, breath out... Phew. I ignore the too long loading screen and turn toward the doctor team. It seems that they made a 3 group. The first group was focused with test tube and that sort of thing, the second group currently checking and treated Hibiki and Sakiko injury, and the last group was experimenting with the captured male doctors.

Erm, they are your own people, right? What with your obsession? with the light in the room which suddenly become dim and sometimes turned off and on. It’s scary!!

Ah, the loading screen ended.

[Now Loading the data 9.9%]

[Now Loading the data 10%]


[Not enough source.]

[Displaying the current data.]

What?? It only ended in 10%!? Isn't it strange? does the normal are 100%?

With confusion filled my mind, I continued to check the content.

[10% Data, Unloading...]

[The Upgrade screen unlocked. Please check the Module button]

[The ship map updated.]

[Current Connection Meter: Hosho (10%)]

[Gift: 1. Module Control (Owner and Partner have the right to control all device from the ship owned) *Currently Owned Ship: Light Aircraft Carrier Hosho]

[Warning: Each ship has a Partner or central figure who will help you control your fleet. If owner manage to increase the connection it will unlock other Gift.]


Cool!! It’s quite amazing, really! And the last content from the Module Control gift. The Auto Control!! Sure, it just makes us move forward. But, it will make our escape from this freaking mist and maybe we can found someone to help us!

I didn't wait long and ignored the female doctors who were currently cheered in happiness while holding a suspicious syringe which is full of orange liquid. What the hell, is that orange juice or something!?

Oops, I get distracted for a bit and hurriedly focused toward the Chat window.

「Keita: Benstar, it's very nice! I get a Module Control Gift! Do you unlocked the Auto Control thing?」

「Aldebaran: To the point, huh, Commander. It’s just like you.」

「Benstar: Praise me! Keep Praise me, you mortal! (*´A`*) /」

「Aldebaran: Well, I just unlock it few minute ago from Benstar first chat. And he must surely do. So what of it?」

「Benstar: Let’s sail straight to the star! (`^ ∀^´)/」

「Keita: Benstar is right, we will continue forward! But currently I still far from Hosho, I will follow after you.」

「Aldebaran: Wait, Commander!! Did you leave her behind!?」

「Keita: I know it!! Just go, I will sail straight behind you! Don't forget to make sure the frontline is safe!」

「Aldebaran: What-」

I cut the connection of Chat windows and stand up while looking for a weapon, am too worried about Hosho. After the last communication when I save Hibiki and Sakiko, there is no sound from her. The sound of banging from before and this Carrier dim state make me worry even more.

I didn't notice that my heart beat become faster and I started to feels fear, w-what if something happens to her? N-no lets stop this negative thinking and act first!

Am searching for anything worth to use and throw away something useless, Where is it? why there are nothing to use? M-maybe I can use this table? N-no it’s too big and heavy. H-how about-

In my agitated state, I noticed my hand suddenly grabbed. Before I swung my free hand to hit someone who dares to stop me, I stopped.

It's Hibiki. The pilot girl who I saved with the doctor-like, Sakiko.

"A-Admiral, a-are you a-alright? Y-your face i-is scary y-you know? P-please calms down."

I opened my eyes wide then stare at my surrounding, and noticed I already gathered all attention. My feet started to tremble and I ended sitting on the floor.

W-what happen to me? I-I never become like this before? This sense of worry is killing me. I covered my face with both hands and notice that my heart beat keep increasing.

I standing up while patting Hibiki head, and showed a forced smile.

"I have to came back to Hosho, I already leave her for too long."

I hide my expression with my Admiral hat and slowly turned around, however, my sleeve was grabbed by someone. It's Sakiko, she gives me a syringe with orange liquid without saying anything.

I blinked. Do I have to use it myself or what?

"It’s prototype antibody for the virus, use it when you find trouble fighting them, Admiral. Wait, don't use it for yourself okay? it's for them, okay?"

Hey, I am not a kid? I don't need a repeated word! Oh, well I do think this is strength potion or something. I smiled wryly at her and notice my heart beat calmed.

Good. Let’s go!

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