《Craft Spirits》Chapter 9: Mind over Matter


Here is another chapter… Hope you enjoy it this time… lol


Chapter 9: Mind over Matter



‘Ha….. ha…. Ha….’

Julius was heavily panting from exhaustion due to his training. He has been doing it for hours but still he cannot make it perfectly. He got bruises all over his body, as he cannot execute it properly. Sometimes he overly pushes the force and loses control of his footings making his trajectory off to the tree.

'This is harder than I have expected’

Julius thought as he force himself to stand again. He tries to analyze his previous mistake. He deduced the technique how he does it for several times.

“First envelop your body with right amount of force, making it much will deplete my stamina. While making a first jump I have to put right amount of force into my feet and make double kick using the tree as a support. The Trajectory must be straight because a single inclination will result in losing my foot holding to another tree. Therefore, the push from my feet should be fluent and relax. Start to flip my body midway before landing on the next tree. Use the same method on how I get to another three, but my landing was a little off maybe. I guess I need to be careful not to slam my feet when it gets there but how? Whenever I cross, my body just shoots out of control. AAAAHHHHH! Maybe the first jump has to do something with the second jump… AAAARGHHHHH this is too much!”

Julius was tired of thinking how can he perform it well. He believes Concentration, Judgment, Physical Prowess, Flexibility and Will Power are very vital for this so he can execute it well. However, to no avail even he does it many times he could only make 2 consecutive jumps until he touches the ground.

“I guess I have to try again! Sometimes the 2nd jump makes the tree shook from slamming my feet. I guess that is it. I have to be careful with my landing. It must be to a certain degree where the landing should be firm and relax.”


“I guess I have to try again for the last time. I have consumed too much energy just for this”

Julius straightens up his posture to prepare for another flight. He willed his force over his body and put some on his feet. He carefully jumps to land his feet to the tree and expertly twist his body to prepare to accelerate.

‘Thud… Fwoosh’

He perpectly initiated the first jump. He rotated his body mid ways. He recalls his past mistakes, so he willed his force to his left feet and carefully landed without making any slamming sound to the tree


He thought. Then he land his right feet next


He thought as he correct his posture for 2nd jump. He put an equal force to his feet and makes a fluid jump using both feet. He repeated the same rotation.

’That’s it, I think I did It’

He repeated the same action on landing. He successfully landed for the 2rd time. He corrects his posture again doing the same process he willed his force to his both feet.

When he’s about to jump, he already exhaust all his energy. Upon pushing both of his feet for take-off, instead of straight line, he went downwards and loses all his balance. He dashes his face straight to the ground and tumbled several times.

Several guards rushed to the training ground and check if he is injured. He is panting heavily but he seems fine despite several bruises all over his body.

So he just decided not move to recover from fatigue.

“How do you feel kid?”

Several guards helped him lay his back on the tree.

“I’m fine sir! I do not think I have any serious injury. These are just bruises. My mother said I have a fast recovery compared to normal. bwahahahahaha”

The truth is after the plight, all of his joints are aching like hell.

Well he endured because he remembers what his father said not to exhaust all his strength and to rest when he fell he might need it. But he was too excited and push as far as he can. So to avoid all the nagging form both of his parents, he must endure at any cost!


“Thank you, Sir. Can I ask for a just a bottle of water instead.”

He does not want to admit but even he wants to stand he cannot must his strength. So he decided to sit for a while.

“Here take this two. Just call any of us if you need any help boy”

Julius nooded and thank them.

He look above and noticed that the sun was about too set.

He then drinks the two bottles.

‘Ah. I did not know It took me almost a day for this' He mused.

Then he remembers his mom.

He eyes popped from shock like O_O.

He forgot to eat lunch. Surely, Ariadna would transform herself into a Monster-like appearance again.

“DAMMIT! I’m dead, I’m dead! AAAAAAAAAH”

He unconciously envelops himself with the force. Then shoot’s up like a comet jumping from the roof to roof without a pause.

He even expertly landed without making a single sound.

The guards were alerted by his shout but they were stunned on what they have seen.

Julius suddenly jumps from sitting and rush his way heading to his house like a skilled Ninja. They are dumbfounded by his sudden actions not to mentions the mental and physical strains he just experiencing.

‘Ah, surely that boy is odd. Where does he get his strength all this time?’

One of the elite guards said.


‘Crackle…. Crackle… Crackle’

Someone is in knelling position. Asking to be spared.

In front, looking down on him is an existence similar to a god of lightning. Lightning envelops the body and swirling like tornado. The eyes are glowing white like they want to eat you alive. The surroundings is getting colder and colder like your life is about to end.

“I’m sorry, promise I won’t miss my lunch again!”


It was Ariadna who is in berserk mode.

“Forgive me mother, I Promise!”

“I said enough”

A Sudden force slams to his body but he endures not to move an inch for he might taste the might of a loving mother… Ah that’s sweet.

“I will not tolerate it next time, do you understand”

‘Booom’‘Booom’‘Booom’ ‘Crackle…. Crackle… Crackle’

A numerous thunder storm can be heard from outside, while ice was forming all over the house.

“Yes mother I promise!”

Julius prostate himself on the ground as he feels like an ant facing an elephant or rather bigger than mountain.

Then the thunder disappears, the lights went out. And the temperature went to normal.

“I just do not want you to forget your meal. You know how important it is for a growing child”

Julius doesn’t know what to say or how to react with it. It’s like a raging dragon is just trying to console him.

“No it’s my fault. My bad.. My bad…”

His heart beats fast as the raging dragon bent and about to eat his head. But,.... that was just his imagination.

Ariadna kisses her forehead and lovingly said.

“Just promise your mother you wouldn’t miss it again.”

Julius calmed his heart as her mother hugged her. He leaned his head to her body.

“Thanks mom. I promise”

“Good. Not that that we are okey so TAKE A BATH THEN”


Julius rushes to the bathroom before her mother said the word ‘then’.

“hihihih” Ariadna giggles as always.

So the scared villagers all went back to their normal lives after the event and they live happily ever after.


Thanks for reading this…. And follow me please because I feel that my brain is now improving a little… please… lol

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