《Craft Spirits》Chapter 8: Hope in Many Different Ways


Well I will try to put some timeline from now on….I now realized my story is hard to follow. So I’ll lessen jumping from timeline to another.Here’s what I’m planning to do then = ( From Present > Earlier > Earlier and back to Present bit by bit)

.. thanks neb846 for your pointers




“This is the best in the west! Bwahahahaha, indulge everybody. We have lot of roasted Kawkaw for each and everyone”, shouted by someone.

The gathering took place in the plaza. People are happily singing and dancing like no tomorrow. Forgetting the past was not easy, but sometimes you just have to let it pass to ease the burden. So today was the marked of new beginnings for the whole villagers. Not known to everyone that most of these families who were given accessed to enter are people who are related to Crameyus and his family. These are the same badge handed to him and Criselda. This is to gather all allies and friends but are scattered all over the world. After the war ends during Crameyus time, they all agreed that when a same situation would occur - they would gather and re-unite to fight for common cause. But unfortunately, not all lucky to make it alive. Others are orphans like Karsus.

Karsus was happily drinking wine when someone sits beside him. An old bald man with burly hair all over his chest, his name is Amadeo.

“Ahem, may I speak with you young man?” Amadeo said.

“I don’t mind it sir, please, feel free” Karsus courteously said.

“Have you ever dreamed that one day, we all could freely roam the world without fear?” Amadeo questioned.

“Of course, but, my father thought that we would be safe if we stay neutral and freely do adventures. However, he was wrong. And they all died.” Karsus said.

“………… “

“Some of these families thought that it was safe to be away from preying eyes. However, we were hunted. Those who participated the cause, one by one they are being hunted like animals, even the place they are staying turns to pile of ashes.” Karsus said.


“I have a questions to you sir?” Karsus asked.

“Speak lad’ Amadeo said.


“What’s the difference with this village to others?” Karsus asked.

Amadeo paused before answering and said, “Hope, and it’s inevitable.” Amadeo sighed.

‘………..’ Karsus did not say anything and listened.

“Hope that one day, we will find the true peace by fighting. Hope that one day we will make them pay for what they done. Honestly, there is no safe place. That’s why we are all here,” Amadeo said.

“Exactly my sentiments, we will prevail and topple our enemies. To do that we have to encourage one another that what we believe is the only chance we have. I guess…. Let’s cheers to that!” Karsus said.

“Cheers!........In behalf of Mage Elders, I Amadeo swears to protect and serve under your liege” Amadeo bowed with respect.

“No need for formalities sir, this is just the first stage of new beginning so a much appreciated help is needed from the Mage Elders. Thank you so much for your cooperation” Karsus also bowed.

“Don’t mention it, I have to go now young captain, I have still many things to discuss with these old geezers. Ahahaha” Amadeo stands losing control over his balance but continue to walk.




‘Toktoktoktok’, ”Your Highness” Weasel knocked.

“What is what you want?” James said.

“ The Paragons wishes to speak with your highness” Weasel said.

“Come in” James said.

“Your Highness” Weasel and the Paragons entered the Emperors chamber then bows on their knees.

“What is it this time?” James asked.

“It’s urgent your Highness. We saw something from the mirror, but it is too vague!” The Paragon interjected

this time.

“I don’t understand, please speak…” James impatiently said.

“It’s the awakening, It happens, It happens, this is serious we have to find the boy before he destroys us” the head of the paragon said.

“THAT”S NONSENSE!” Julius furiously said and as he throws the cup of wine to his side.

“What that it states in your predictions? Speak before I lose my patience” James added.

“He will come to us, he will try to cripple us little by little. He will also take your crown from what we have seen....” the paragon said.

“IMPOSSIBLE!”” James shouted.

“And who is this impudent human? Have you seen his face or whereabouts?” James added.


“I…I…I’m so… sorry Your Highness but everything is blurry……. That is all we have seen” the paragon said.


“Yes your highness?” Weasel asked.

“Accompany this useless paragons to our mage leaders and discussed everything you have heard. I want

to know the whereabouts of this boy as soon as possible…………… Tell them to cut that boy’s head for me” James ordered.

“As you wish your highness” Everyone leave the chamber at once.

“Hahahahahaha. Fool………………. Death…….. is…….. within… your……. DOORSTEEP…… hwahahahahaahahah..............hwahahahahaha!” James screamed.





“Oh I thought captain will forget about his punishment… Hahahaha looks like there’s another captain in the making” a group of guards are passing.

“2224,2225……………………….” Julius diligently swings his katana.

“Ahem” Karsus enters.

“Ow father, how was your sleep?” Julius asked.

“Well not bad, even I have drunk the whole barrel, that’s nothing, I have indomitable body. wahahahaha” Karsus said.

“So that explains the vomit In front of the door, that’s disgusting father. Your indomitable body expels all the liquor inside you father.” Julius mockingly said.


“Son, looks like your half-way to your swinging….Would you like me to teach you some moves?” Karsus changed the topic from embarrassment.

“Seriously!” Julius excitedly said with hopeful eyes.

“I guess it’s about time to teach you the moves” Karsus brags his muscle doing poise.

‘He always does that’ Julius thought in disappointment.

“So are you ready?” Karsus asked.

“Yes master!” Julius said.

“See that tree over there?” Karsus said

“See that another tree facing it” pointing at another tree, “You have to jump simultaneously from tree to tree without touching the ground for ten times” Karsus ordered.

“So how I am going to do that?” Julius asked.

“What did you feel in your body when you used that fire magic yesterday?” Karsus asked.

“I felt weak after” Julius said.

“No not that, before you expel the force?” Karsus said.

“My body felt lighter,” Julius said.

“That’s correct, in fact fire magic when casted makes the inner force release from your body. That is why you feel a little bit exhausted after, but this one is different, instead of casting you will let the force envelops you. In that way your body will become one with the force so you can freely utilized it at your disposal. The effect is you can move faster, lighter and quicker, but the downside is over exertion will result to fatigue and your stamina will go down faster. Therefore, you have to be careful. Now show me what you have got.” Karsus explained.

‘Concentrate, here we go…………… Vera, Te solvo ’ Julius murmured.

‘hihihi’ Vera giggled. Vera is Julius’ familiar in RED.

‘Hmmm, that’s a cheat, how lucky this kid’ Karsus noticed the changes in Julius’ body. His quite envious again on how his son progresses so quickly.

“That is good, stay with that” Karsus ordered. “Now try to jump up first and be careful with your landing”

“Okay pops, here we go” Julius nodded.

“Wohow, is this enough faaaather.. woooooow… I’m falling waaaaah.. Oh no! Oh no!” Julius was astonished to results.

‘BLAG!’ he fell face-flat in a very awkward posture.

‘……………Ouchhhh, but that’s weird, seems that I just got tinged sensation from my neck, how is that possible father?” Julius asked.

“Ops, looks like we have lot to work on to do. Do not worry son, the damage you took is less than what you have expected. Remember, you are in a lightweight mode” Karsus said.

“That’s true; this is amazing father…..” Julius said.

“Now try jumping from tree to tree without landing your feet to the ground. But I have to warn you, you have to take your rest when you feel exhausted” Karsus said.

“I..I… Captain” Julius said.

“So ten jumps without fail, do you understand?” Karsus said.

“Sir yes, Sir!” Julius said.

“Report to me when you succeeded” ?” Karsus said.

“Affirmative!” Julius said.

Julius left the place and went to post.

‘This is awesome, now I can chase and lead more Kawkaw with this super fiery dance technique….haiya! Bwaahahahahaha!’ Julius thought now brags his newly develop magic.

‘Hmmmm… I don’t feel positive about this.. I guess there is more headaches to come….’ Karsus thought now questioning himself from sharing his style…..END

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