《Craft Spirits》Chapter 5: The Coronation




'Coockuu! Coocku!......... Bzzzz bzzzz!.................Ahihihihihi!...... Shwioshhhhh' Julius found himself lying on the ground.

"Am I dreaming?", Julius felt like as if he was floating. His surroundings are foggy in a densely populated by trees. Then looking above he sees a moon. Well, he assumes it was a moon but drop the idea then because when he look at it, it suddenly jerk and he feels like it's moving so he turns his head to his side instead. The area was dim but he can visually see the surroundings, grass covers the entirety of the grove and numerous rocks are scattered throughout the area. He hears some giggling sounds, wind breeze and sound of various animals can be heard. However he feels very calm and relax despite the fact the place has eerie ambiance.

'So this is the spirit world then... Spirit World huh! One of the book I am reading says it's a parallel plane of reality that coexists alongside the mortal world. Does that mean I left my physical body with Grandpa. Okay what's next then, I feel like someone is watching me' Julius thought as he stands.

"Hello, anybody home?", Julius shouted, "Hello there, anyone there? I was sent here by my Grandfather, Crameyus, maybe someone happens to know him?" Julius added.

'Hiihihihihiiii' someone giggled.

"Ahm hi there, by the way my name is Julius. Nice to meet, but it is much better if you show yourself. I guess"

'Finaaaaaalyyyyyy, theee tiiiiiiime has coooooooooome' a thunderous voice vibrates the entire surrounding, then the trees started making sound and Julius felt footstep closing his position.

Julius leaps like a scared cat and and rushes behind the bush to hide.

"Haaai! I...I... Julius.. my name.... ok...... can I help you.... there" Julius said.

"Weeee haaaave waaaited foooor ssooooo loooong. My brethren, we can now roam the mortal world because thy chooooosen has arriiiiived. Reeejooice", exclaimed by the mysterious voice.

Then a swirling sound can be heard then Julius notices that the fog are being dispersed quickly, 'Swoooosh'. As the fog disappeared, He was stunned by there sudden appearance and Julius can now see several figures kneeling before him and vaguely recognizes the faces for it was too dark. He turns around and he realized that he was surrounded by these several unidentified colorful individuals....... He almost have a heartache, he doesn't know what to do or what to say, he just stand there while his legs were shaking.


Then he combined all his courage to speak, "Hi th th... there? ahhh gr.. gr...gr..... greetings.."(wow! that was really courageous)

Then someone answered, "Hihhihi, we are please and excited now that you have arrived, young masteeeer", he look into the direction of the voice. A slender women is with an exaggerated bust reveals herself from the light. She has red hair, her eyes glowing red. and here clothes are lustrously revealing and exquisite perfect body shaped gown.. whew... also in RED. He was dumbfounded by the sudden appearance.

'Super boom, surely she hates red... Gulp' Julius was staring blankly at here.

"I said we are pleased you have arrived young master Julius!"

He was like slap in the back went back fro daydreaming, "Oh yes, I heard it yahh ahem.. Anyways how did you know my name. I mean how did you know name? I mean, did i just repeat that line?", Julius asked.


"We juuuust knooow young maaaster, it's ooooobvious because you said awhile agooo, we have waited here for a very loooong looong time, and now the looooong wait is goooone.. harharharhhar", someone explains from behind. He was stunned by the voice he heard from behind.. Then he looked from the direction of the voice as he retreated upon seeing a ghost-like existence floating in the air while the eyes are glowing white.

"There yes I understand... wai wai wait... stay there don't move!" Julius screamed.

"..........." the ghost-like figure frowns as he stopped.

" I mean it's a pleasure to meet you all?, Honestly I don't understand all of this. I was helped by my Grandpa? Crameyus you know him?" Julius asked.


"And there there was stone, yes the spirit stone it glows many colors like a rainbow... then my vision went black, then i am here.... Oh my Grandpa said I'll be meeting someone a familiar..... Yes that's it a familiar spirit.. do.. do.. know who he is?" Julius shakily asked.


"Anyone?" Julius said.

The figures look at one another left to right. Like there was something to laugh at... then someone from behind the red girl voiced out, "We" then one by one these figures stands. Julius was alarmed by their action, he feels like he was a rabbit that being surrounded by pack of wolves.


"E..eeee.. excuse me? p.. p.. pardon" Julius questioned.

"I said we are the familiar spirits you are seeking, and we are here to serve the young master", said the minotaur head as he reveals himself.

"So.. I assume that the master you said was, me? Oh my how is that possible?" Julius asked.

"Leeet mee eeeexplain it fuuuurther", The ghost like figure said.

"Not you.. Not you! Just stay there! stay there or i'm gonna scream" Julius screamed like a baby.

"........." the ghost-like said.

" I guess I'll do it", the red girl with red eyes and red gown said.

"We'll i guess you'll do!" Julius smilingly said.

"As you hold the holy properties, and crowned in this holy place the day you were born, your blood gave you the ability to lead us to another beginning. We are special to this world as same as you on your mortal world because we only serve whom he deserves.

Do not be afraid, because in your hands, you will reign, and will change your world for better. If you falter, the balance might be shaken, and be forever shackled to thy evil. In behalf of all spirit world, those our brethren that are prisoner of contract, will be saved from damnation. We will help you with your endeavor and be forever thankful for the time has come, So everyone that is here, my brethen, I present to you... Master Julius of the mortal world, our great young Master" red girl said.

"Awooh.. Awooh.. Awohhh!" the crowd shouted.

"Awohh.. hahahaa.. awoh.... haha, sure that was flashy... hahaha..." Julius said

".............." the crowd are stunned.

'Are you sure he is our young master' someone murmured.

"Ahhh ok so yes we can do it... wohow.... we will prevail.. yohow!" Julius forcefully shouted.


'Do we really have to follow him?' someone said.

"Ahem.. ok.. sorry everyone... Honestly I don't know what to say, It's quite awkward I guess, everything you said was a little shocking... but.... if this is my fate I would like you to enlighten me... I feel like i'm idiot here actually and I just don't what to do...."

"It's okay young master, it's just a little odd you don't know the path you are taking." red girl said.

"Ahhh yes, that 3 people hoarded those information from me... aaarrggh they got lot of explanations to do.. .This is their fault actually.. Haiiiya" Julius angrily said.

'Surely he is odd, hihihihi!' the red girl though.

"So i guess we'll seeeeee eeeeach oooother agaaaaaain" the ghost-like figure said.

"ahahaha.. I don't know what to answer yet, for you.. not now!" his hair all over his body stands as he shakily said to the ghost-like figure.

"Get away from him. You are scaring him Mors Vutom!" said the red girl while he leans Julius side.

"I was just trying to haaave a conversaaation.. Youuu know how it feels from not seeing a mortal for veeeery loooong...." Mors Vutom

"Aplogy accepted.. hahahaha.. So can I go now?" Julius forcefully smiled.

"As you wish young master, but before that if you want to get back here, you don't have to used the forced entry to get here. It will all be natural eventually. For this world is like your home, you are born with the powers to do so. And for us if we wanted we will do the same when the perfect time comes... Just remember, Everything comes for a reason young master, Destiny awaits... Young master, the spirits, this world, we... are just one... and see you soon..." the Red girl winked...

"Owkie, that too vague but I guess I have to go, so that is it right.. haha... Ahm Girl in Red.. What's is your nameee anywa......." his vision faded as words were cut... then as he opens his eyes... Again, he found himself lying on the ground looking at the ceiling... There he sees three individuals looking down on him....

"Mother, Father, Grandpa.... " Julius said.


"I thought i'm gonna dieeeeeee....hwaaaaahhh this is all your fault... huhuhuhuhuh!" Julius screamed..

"It's okay scaredy-cat, you are not alone.... that was really a bad experience too!.... huhuhuhuhu.. I feel you ... I feel you. baby! huhuhu" Crameyus said.

"I think we are not needed here anymore Karsus.." Ariadna said

"Ahem please excuse us, then Village chief, we'll take our leave then..."

".........huhuhuhuhhhu" Crameyus cried....


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