《Craft Spirits》Chapter 4: To Awakening




Julius' Grandpa, or rather the village chief, or rather be called Crameyus(not his real name but will be revealed eventually), not known to anyone except for Ariadne and Karsus, that he posseses 6 affinities that are wind, water, earth, fire, nature and light. It was kept in secret for some safety reasons - the Emperor recruits these type of people for his own personal gains and if you don't want to join, they'll destroy you or threatens you. Although you might picture him very old, fragile and weak - he's a total monster during his war days, honestly even now. Ariadna and Karsus knows he's the strongest in this village. Those secrets was also shared to Karsus when they got married.

Ariadna, her daughter, although not powerful as father has 2 unique affinities - Ice and Lighting.

Karsus on the other hand has fire affinity, but somehow he cannot maintain the summoning for long. But despite his shortcomings, he managed to learn how to imbue fire magic to his sword and plus he's a real expert when it comes to sword fighting or rather an Expert Swordsman I should say, wohow! Well that explains how Karsus got his promotion to become head of the village guards at young age. Imagine >>>> ( Fire magic + Agility + Sword Mastery + Monster Strength = Awesomeness!).

While Julius, this boy is a prodigy! At the age of four, he already learned some several runic languages guided by Ariadna. He started his sword training at the age of four and when he got 7, you can now leveled him to several elite guards of Karsus. Not to mention that Crameyus is consistently(not known to those 2 mentors) trains his inner workings. Well you see, 3 awesome mentors - that's scary actually. But they have there reasons - to prepare him for the worse case... And for Julius, he has his own reasons too, not known to Ariadna and Karsus, Crameyus have already told Julius a bit of history how he came to this world..... or how he became a baby.... or who's his father and their relationship etcetera... a lot actually....



Julius knocked, 'Tud Tud'.

"Come in!"

He gets inside but found no one at his Grandpa's house so he locked the door. Then he felt something closing from his position. 'A surging wind' he mused. He suddenly leaps backwards and unsheathed his sword then parried two flying daggers.

'Tsing! Tsing!, Klang! Klang! Klang!' the person in front smiles and said "Not bad.. Not bad!"

"That was scary, Grandpa.."he mused.

"Kuhkuhkuh, although i can heal you using my nature magic... well carry on. I have something to show you." Crameyus said.

"Ohhh I'm excited, finally, when are you going to teach that wind technique of yours a while ago." excitedly said.

"When you bleed to death, sonny! Hwahahahaahaah" Crameyus said.

'This old geezer, hmmmmp, patience patience'Julius thought.

"Ahem, the truth is I guess it's about time I'll show you the real world" Crameyus added.

"Ahm, that's another joke..... was it?"

"No seriously, come sit here, I'll get that present of yours" Crameyus becames serious.

He opens the small chest and pick something.

"Well, this stones came from your mother, a present for you before she passes away. Ahm I'm sorry for that, i didn't mean to."

"........I understand, please continue" Julius said.

"It's impossible to see similar stones this days because this is somehow unique" Crameyus said.

"Huh, and what excactly is that Grandpa!"

"It's a Spirit Stone, you can only activate it once and turns to ashes ones channeling is done" Crameyus said.

"That... I don't understand" Julius said.

"I'll teach you some history, sonny so listen carefully! There are several stones closes to this one - these are fire, water, earth, wind which are common nowadays. Ice, lightning, nature are quite hard to find but available. Light and Dark are rare.This stones are used as gateways to a spirit world" Crameyus said.


"You mean I might learn that same wind technique of yours?"

"Well yes, but no. I mean If you have the affinity -yes. But you can't have what you can't have. If you have it, you have it"

"Those who have affinity are given the opportunity to harness and develop these magics or rather can have the ability to summon a familiar from the spirit world" Crameyus said.

"Oh my goodness, those are same words I read from mother's library. I thought it was just some make-up stories" Julius said.

"Those are real sonny, I ordered Ariadna and those people around you to restrict you from knowing those things or any related books that teaches how to channel your inner force to the spirit world." Crameyus said.


"Well i guess this is for your own good anyways, because if your not ready, they might take over you. " Crameyus added.

"Sure you want me to use this? Is that a death wish or something." Julius started sweating from what he heard.

"Oh cmon boy don't be scared now besides this was entrusted to the three of us, and your mother is quite confident you can handle all of this" Crameyus said.

"Oh going back, so what exactly is that stone if I remember that is something 'somehow unique'?" Julius asked.

"Ah yes yes, It's a Spirit Stone, It appears the day you were born, this is your stone. It will not only channel you to the spirit world but will guide your inner force to balance all afiinities you have in your body. Some people call this King Stone. Our ancestors have this type of stone before and always stays within our bloodline. Only a chosen ones can hold this stones. And.... I also used same stone when I was at your age. There are legends being pass on that one day, within our bloodline a hero will rise possessing all affinities. " Crameyus said.

"Then how to use it then?" Julius said.

"Show me your hand, boy.. open it"

"uhhmmm... ", Crameyus place the stone on his palm.

"Remember this boy, the stone will guide you what to do I'll just help you push your inner force to that stone. If this stone shines any particular color, don't mind it and just concentrate and don't lost your sight unto it... "

"Ok, I'm ready Grandpa!" Julius said.

"Here we go!"Crameyus said,"Porta Sancta"

The stone shones and a rainbow color is showing from the stone...

'Oh my... this is.. I can't believe it..... amazing!' Crameyus thought...


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