《Craft Spirits》Chapter 3: I will Live up With My Own Expectations


I'm back with a pack.. hope you enjoy again!




'Dugdugdugugudgudugdug' looking from afar, you will thought a sandstorm is coming heading straight to the village. The ground is shaking violently like there is an earthquake. Karsus, the head guard of the village sound the alarm when he noticed the accumulation of dirt that is heading its way to the village and prepare his men from possible assault.

As it gets closer, Karsus noticed that someone is in front of the dust running from the moving dust. Looking closely, he sees that behind are horde of 4-legged monster resembling a cow ( or rather called Kawkaw!) is chasing someone in front.. As it get closer and closer, he recognized a familiar face from the village and finally recognizes who he is.

"Aaargh! %#^$^#$# .Crap, not again. Okay, everyone form a shield wall now!",Karsus grunted, "and make a way for that boy!" Karsus added.

"aha, hah hah... Please make it.. please run as fast as you can.... you can do it.... Almost there... almost there..... Here we go... I'll show you who is a better runner, the fastest of them all... c'mon.... here we go.... You're almost there Julius, wahhhhhhh! Heeeeeeelp meeeeee fatheeeeer!", Julius shouted.

As soon as Julius passes the warriors, Karsus shouted to the army,"PREPARE FOR THE IMPACT!"

'Buuggssshhhh, Boom! Boom! clang!, clang!, clang!', a loud sound erupted upon clashing on the shield wall.

"Ngarrrk, Ngaaark", several Kawkaw stumbled upon impact from clashing, despite being low level monsters yet feared by locals because of its aggressiveness and are quite violent.

"Now lets prepare for our tonight's meal! Everyone 'FORWARD TRUST'!",Karsus screamed.

'Tsuk, Tsuk Tsuk!', one by one, Kawkaw fell down. For these men, this events are somehow ordinary. From time to time, many monsters tries to attack the village looking for prey. Some are strong, mostly are weak. But over time, they quickly adapt and manage to repel any monster coming by.


Karsus glanced at Julius from behind and said, "You got lot of explanations to do son, anyways the village chief wanted to see you!"

"Yes farther, and I'm sorry.... I hope you like my present.... Happy Birthday!" Julius bow after.

"Ow, so that explains why! Well thanks.... But not!(He almost got me).. You will swing the sword 5000 times tomorrow for making a mess at the front gate!", Karsus squinted is eyes while poking his finger to Julius' forehead.

"Of course Sir Captain, 5000 times, Sir yes Sir!" Julius excitedly said and saluted.

'hmmm, very odd as usual, he likes to be punish at all times', Karsus thought.

"Then I'll see you later for the festivity, don't forget to visit Granpa.. He has something to give you! DO YOU COPY" Karsus ordered.

"Sir yes sir!" Julius shouted.

"Your mother also wishes to see you, you are relieve now and go get cleaned boy", Karsus said.

"Bye father!" Juluis turn around and run as he leaves.


'TOK TOK',"Whose there" Ariadna said.

"It's me mother", Julius said.

"Ok wait a second", as she opens, she was surprised by how Julius got dirt all over, "My Goodness! what on earth happen to you!"

"Well honestly I got father a present, he seems to like it!" Julius excitedly said.

"Tsk, you brat. Go and take a bath. I will be helping your father for the fest tonight so don't slack around or I'll hang you upside down!" Ariadna threatened.

"Sure mother is quite scary sometimes....okay okay as you wish my lord" Julius gestured bowing to her mother.

"I said now!", Ariadna is now hands on her waist with popping eyes.

"Fine mother, and I love you mother", Julius seriously said.

"what's that for?", Ariadna asked.


"For taking care of me when mother is gone... I mean my real mother died.... I wonder what she looks like" Julius said.

"Hmmm, I miss her too! She's the most cunning yet caring women I've ever met....sniff snifff", Ariadna's eyes are getting watery, "And you look exactly like your mother. And oh........that's it, go to your Grandpa, he has a present for you. sniff sniff" Ariadna excited said.

"Then i'm going... n....", Julius was cut.

"Your forgetting something don't you?." Ariadna asked.

"Ahmmm, ahhhhh ok, yes the bath thing...... I will take a bath now, bye!"

'He's growing too fast, I hope you'll find what you're are looking for.... But I'm afraid there are thing you don't have to know for now. Better leave it as is. There is perfect time for everything. I'll leave that to you father, I leave that to your Grandpa' Ariana thought.


That's it again thanks for reading.....

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