《Craft Spirits》Chapter 2: Dying in Pain


Ahhhhhh sorry guys if it's quite short and the plot sucks but anyways hope you enjoy!




James enters the throne room."Father, I need to talk to you" James said.

"What is you want, my son? I find it intriguing you finally want to have a conversation with me." the king said.

"I want to talk to you alone."James said

"hmmm, Weasel kindly leave us for a moment" King said.

"At once your highness". Weasel said and leaves shutting the door of the throne room.

"Father, where is she?" James said.

"Who 's she?" King Arnold mused.

"Stop acting like you don't know anything! My beloved Criselda, what did you do to her?" James said.

"So it is true then, how long you have been hiding this to us. How long you have?" King Arnold angrily said.

"But I love her father!" James shouted.

"Ingrate! she is our servant. How could you defy me and your mother! You know you are betrothed to someone.And yet you failed us!" King Arnold furiously said.

"I don't care about that damn code. Please father don't punish me like this.. sniff sniff..." James cried

"I don't know what your talking about. This is getting out of hand leave at once." King Arnold said.

"Liar, you are lying to me, tell me where she is, tell me." James grunted.

"I told you already, now leave please." the king said.

"Dolor, anime mea manu." James chanted.


Arghh, James whaat s the meaniing of thissssh. When did you find one that dark.. Arkkk ishtop.. i cant breaaaaath". Arnold stumbles while loosing his breath.

"You are cursed father, you can not summon them nor counter them. Its just too strong, even I could not control them sometimes. Just tell me where she is father! (sniff) Damn it just tell me" sobbing.

"I told you I have noo ide....aaek..".Arnold claims.

"waahh, you killed her don't you. ahhh monster.die you! I am so sick following your footsteps. Then you took away my Criselda. You deserve to die.. You deserve to diiiiieeee.... aaaahhhhhh .....Mortuuuus!".James chanted

"haaak". Arnold lifelessly fell on the floor while holding his neck..

'Blag' the door swifly open. "What is going on here... Nooh.. Arnold what did you do to him! Arnold wake up!" Queen Aurelia worriedly said.


"Answer me James.!"

"For what! I know I won't find her anymore.." James shouted.

"I don't understand... Arnold wake up...."Aurelia said

"Shut up".

"kkkk. !" Aurelia now under cursed magic.

"You planed all of this, you are wicked, mother... Both of you! She is my only light but you took her from me.. you will pay for this...you... killed ....me.... mother!" James shouted.

"Son, stop thish akk... what isss hahaha... happening to you..."

"Aaaaahhh... I hate you... ... Mortuus!". James chanted.

"Guuhhhh" As Queen Aurelia fell like cut strings.

After few minutes sobbing he realized he was not in control again. As he came back from losing control,

"Hu? Mother, no no no.... not again....not again. this is not happening. I am just dreaming.. father, mother, wake up.. this is... oh no... it is happening again... get away from me...get away from me you monster.. you monster.. ill kill you .... ahhhhhhhh!" his vision suddenly fades and lost consciousness...

Someone enters the throne room silently, "ahh what a lovely sight.. bhahahahaha! finally finally"




A women can be seen walking on the road with simple features and face covered in bandana. You can see that this women have suffered a lot of hardship from traveling from afar. As she now entering a village she was now cut-off by the watch guard...

"Ahem, state your business?" Head Guard questions.

"I'm here to look for my cousin Adriana, we have met at Sordian Village a few months ago and gave me this badge just in case I may need it. She said I'll just have to show this to the village guards if needed", Criselda said.


"Let me see it first." Head Guard said, " hmmmm, Please wait for a moment I'll have my men confirm this thing."

"Thank you very much mister" Criselda said.

"Oh but before that if you don't mind, we cannot allow you unless you remove that cloth!" Head Guard said.

"But, uhmmm okay if you insist... well then... please don't judge me.", Ariadna now took off the cover.

"Oh crap! what happen to your face madam.. Who did that to you?" Guard said.

"It's a long story, past I want to forget." Criselda said.

"I am sorry madam, I don't intend to hurt your feelings." Head Guard exclaims.

"It's okay... It's inevitable anyways... " Criselda said

The other guard who confirms the badge went back and whispered something to the Head guard outside.

"Ahem, I guess you can now enter the village, but I have to remind you any misdemeanor is tantamount to a certain degree of punishment but

I believe you won't do anything that is beyond our rules... You will be accompanied by one of my men to Adriana's house. Enjoy your stay!", the Head Guard exclaims.

"Thank you very much sir, but may I know the name of you sir, I may not be able to repay your kindness but at least this way.." Criselda said.

"Karsus madamme, just call me Karsus", the Head guard stated.

"Well then i must take my leave, again thank you very much Sir Karsus", as Criselda enters the village and headed to Ariadna's house.




"Good to see you cousin, oh my you look so terrible! I will get you some clothes." Ariadna said.

"It's been a while. I'm always fine, you don't have to worry." Criselda smiled.


"But the baby, you must be very tired.. You must have took a carriage from Sordian Village going here." Ariadna winced.

"It's is safer this way. If they found out that i am pregnant, i'll never get here in the first place or maybe i am cold-dead right now" Criselda sarcastically said.

"That so sad to here, at least no one knows yet that we are cousins. I guess that is safe for now! I miss you so much Ariadna!" Ariadna almost wants to cry..

"Me too, me too!. And thank you for having me here....." Criselda said.

"That is nothing compared to your help when we are in need! But how did you manage to escape those spies?" Ariadna said.

"Someone helped me escape, his name is Juvan, a friend of mine..... People there are used in riding a carriage when traveling. But Juvan knows a secret passage leading outside without noticing... I was just lucky somehow when i was heading here, I met some merchants that are going along this route and they offer me some ride when they found out that I am pregnant" Criselda explains.

"But Prince James, did he knows already about your situation" Ariadna asked.

"No cousin, you know I might endangered his life if said so.... " Criselda said.

"I see, i understand, It's just too complicated anyways... At least your safe now cousin!" Ariadna smiles at here.... (fade)


That's it folks... so guess I will improve it more... thanks for reading guys

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