《Metzra: A Hybrid World》Chapter 5: Itara


The Amulet of Magdamilia is a national artifact given by the Dragans to the horsenakes. It had come through the Well of Gifts, which presented an artifact to each of the three hybrid races once every century.

None of the races could use the artifact of the others’ without penalties, which is why most of the artifacts were destroyed once captured by any other race. Many Metzrist philosophers believed the Well of Gifts was the core reason why wars did not stop in Metzra.

The Amulet of Magdamilia gave its wearer three abilities. First, it allowed perfect transformation to any other person or race that the wearer wished besides a Dragan. Second, it could bring back anyone from their death but only once. Third, it could force an individual to do whatever the holder of the Amulet wished.

Vira explained these characteristics of the Amulet to Raivy as soon as they came back to Earth. Vira then took the form of a human to avoid raising suspicion. Unlike when Raivy had entered Metzra, Vira showed no hint of surprise when he arrived at Earth.

While his mother's case was of prime importance to Raivy, he had given priority to the old promise he made to help Itara, his mother's lifelong friend. So once the sun woke up, the two headed to Medres to meet Itara. Everyone, however, stared at Raivy's new friend with suspicion—they had never seen someone before with green hair.

“I told you a black or brown hair color is better," said Raivy. "We could have blended in with the villagers unnoticed."

"What are you saying?" said Vira, running his fingers through his new hair. "You want me to look like an antiger? Green is majestic, without equal. This proves that you humans have no taste."

The iron respect Raivy had for Vira had rusted. "I would love to see you get kicked by a giant fronkey," said Raivy.

The duo cut their conversation as soon as they reached their destination—Oran's house.

"Leave this matter to me. It is a personal debt I have to settle alone," Raivy told Vira.

Raivy knocked on the door and, after a few moments, an old but fit gentleman opened it. The old man was none other than Oran himself.

"How may I help you?" asked Oran. "Oh, are you Raivy?"

He sounds like he is about to die, Raivy thought. "Yes," he responded, "I am Raivy, Arbara's son. I came here at the request of Miss Erya to help Itara."

Oran stared at Raivy for a few seconds, then said coldly, "Come in."

When Raivy entered the house, the interior attracted his attention. It had been a while since he had entered their house; most of it was made of gray wood imported from the Far East as Oran's family was by far the richest in Medres.

The furniture still retained a fresh, wooden aroma despite being ten years old. After walking for a while, Raivy entered a large dusty room where he saw Itara sitting in a plush comfortable chair. She gazed out of a wide, rectangular window intently.


"I shall leave you two alone," said Oran. "She does not want to see my face anymore. But call me if you need anything… Good luck."

Complete silence shrouded the whole room once the door was shut. At the bottom left corner was the door, while Itara sat at the top right.

In front of Itara was a wide window and a large bed with white sheets was situated behind her. Strands of hair were scattered all over the room, most of it on the bed. The strands of hair had the same color as Itara's brown hair... What has she been doing with herself? Raivy thought.

"Come here, let's see who they brought this time," said Itara while continuing to stare at the window.

Raivy walked toward Itara while trying to avoid stepping on the hair. When he was a foot away from her Itara head toward him.

"So, tell me. What is your… You are... Are you... Are you Raivy?" said Itara as her face began to recover some of its color.

"Yes, that I am," answered Raivy. "I came to settle the last promise I made to my mother."

Itara clenched her lips and narrowed her eyes without breaking her eye contact. She jumped from her chair and hugged him, saying, "You poor soul... You poor soul."

Raivy was also in pain. She had brought back old memories of his mother, and that there were bald and bruised spots on her forehead.


"So, it was an act?" asked Raivy.

"Most of it," said Itara. "Anyone would have done the same, if not more if they knew what I knew… But I cannot tell you anything about it or what caused Arbara’s death. Her loss troubled you far enough.”

"Itara, while I appreciate your concern, do not you think that I, as her son, should know what happened to her, regardless of how ugly the truth is?"

"It is because you are her 'son' that I am most afraid to tell you. If tell you what I saw, I do not know what you will do to those responsible. Arbara would not forgive me for harming her son."

"And, similarly, Mother would not forgive me for ignoring her death."

"No, please do not think like that," said Itara, placing her hands on Raivy's shoulders. "Your mother can never hate you. You need only request her forgiveness. Your brain is looking for an excuse to avenge her death. I understand you, for I feel the same. Raivy, I knew your mother very well. She was the happiest when she saw her son leading a happy life… Do not you want her to be happy?"

Itara's words could no longer reach him. Raivy thought, So this is why Jigan advised me to enter the blue mist—because she wouldn't have told me on her own...

"Then, I have no choice," said Raivy in a stern tone. "Vira, use the Magdamilia on her to speak up."

Itara could not comprehend what he was talking about. But that did not matter, for Vira was already inside the room.


How did he enter the house that fast and unnoticed? Or was he inside the house all along? Raivy wondered to himself.

Back when the two had been walking toward the village, Raivy had noticed that Vira had heard the villagers afar. He tried testing this capability, and it had exceeded his expectations.

Vira blocked the door with a heavy chair, then walked toward the two while shutting the curtains of the wide window. Although the Amulet of Magdamilia had three abilities, only one could be active at a time. Vira had to switch back to his original horsenake form to use the Amulet on her.

Once Vira transformed, Itara grew terrified at this mysterious creature who obscured the entirety of her view. She wanted to shout but couldn't, for Vira used the Amulet on her in an instant.

Itara's eyes glowed green in an instant, and her face became lifeless. Raivy noticed that she could not even blink her eyes in that state.

"Let's not use the Amulet on her for too long. She is the last person I want to hurt," said Raivy.

"I am more than aware of that," said Vira. "Ask her whatever you want, but make sure you mention her name every time you order her."

"Itara…" said Raivy.

The instant Raivy mentioned her name, she turned her head toward him. Itara looked like a person who cared about nothing but serving her master – a perfect minion. "How did my mother pass away? Tell us everything."

Itara spoke in an emotionless tone when she started talking. "A year ago, I walked to Arbara's house in Madarma late at night. I was a few feet away from the house but noticed something unfamiliar. Arbara's spouse, Javen, entered the house with my husband, Oran. I became suspicious because I had never seen the two together before, and then I became scared once I noticed Javen holding a strange-looking blue sword. They did not notice me, as I was far from them. But I was curious enough to hide and observe behind the window of Arbara's room just after they entered the house."

Itara paused for a while, her forehead showing beads of sweat. She continued, "I could at first only listen to what was happening, but was only able to peer through the narrow corner of the window lest they see me. I heard the sound of someone being stabbed, which seemed to go on and on. My curiosity got the better of me, so I adjusted my position. This is when I saw it..."

Despite being under the effect of the Amulet, Itara put her hands on her shoulders—she was shaking to such an extent that it seemed like she could fall from her chair at any moment.

Itara continued, "It was Arbara who kept shouting, but Javen slit her throat swiftly to stop it. Actually, I could barely recognize Arbara—her body had been stabbed countless times so that she looked like a pile of blood with little flesh left on her body. Unknowingly, I exposed most of my head to take a look at the entire scene and I ended up spotting larger pools of blood and flesh on the floor."

Raivy fell on his knees and threw up everything he had eaten a while ago... But, he kept listening.

"Javen was the one stabbing Arbara while Oran kept her from moving," said Itara. "The two were smiling throughout. I remember Javen said two sentences. 'You deserve to die' and, 'I have not been this happy in decades.' When I heard his words, I fainted… But, I was not out for long, because I remember it was still late at night when I woke up. I looked through the window again but saw that no one was in the room. The stench was unbearable, and half of the room was in red. They did not notice me when I fainted, otherwise I would not be here today. I searched cautiously, but could not find the two. So, I hurried back to Medres crawling on all fours for my legs wouldn't stop shaking."

Itara stopped talking. She looked at the two in silence, as if waiting for more orders. "This is all that she knows," said Vira, "Raivy, can you stand?"

While It was the first time Vira had seen a human throw up, it was obvious that Raivy was not in a stable condition. "Her story sure did take a toll on you," said Vira. "About a hundred years ago, I felt the same when I killed my first hybrid. I think it was a fronkey… Anyway, don't let it trouble you much. It is only painful the first time."

Raivy ignored Vira's words and focused on Itara instead. "Itara," said Raivy. "Erase every memory you have about Arbara's death from your brain. Also, don't rip your hair anymore."

Raivy turned to Vira. "Stop the effect of the Amulet on her. But, before that, order her to sleep—she should rest after this."

And with that, I hope I kept my promise to you, Mother, thought Raivy.

"I need to think about what she said before I decide on anything," said Raivy. "The picture is unclear. Father is not the kind of person who holds grudges against anyone unless that person deserves it. And that applies to Mother as well."

"In any case," said Vira, "we shouldn't stay in this house any longer. First I will exit, then you go and take leave from Oran."

Vira returned to his human form and left Oran's house unnoticed. Following this, Raivy stepped out the room, leaving Itara sound asleep in her chair.

Raivy went to Oran to discuss Itara's condition. After hearing what Itara had said, Raivy could barely talk to him or hold his anger. He killed my mother, Raivy thought.

Instead, Raivy only told Oran that Itara should be as bright as she used to be once she woke up. Oran thanked him for the help and apologized that Erya could not greet him, for she was unwell.

And with that, the two left the house. Though, they overlooked an important detail—on one of the walls of Itara’s room.

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