《William Stuart》Chapter 03: Hatred


William patted his clothes and sent the dust scatter around, then shook his head. "I want to sleep, but not here! I want a soft bed with Raisha on it! ahh... the greatest of pleasures.”

“As for this ring.. I’ll give it to Raisha later.” William put the ring back into his pocket. “I hope she’s safe, maybe now she starting to babble about wanting to eat chocolate.”




“Come to think about it, I think I still have some chocolate bars left in my coat.. oh no, my .44 Magnum is also there, where did I throw my coat?!”




“...what?.. earthquake?!”

A stench could be smelled within the darkness. The fishy stench of blood mixed with the distinct smell of a corpse. He could feel a strong abnormal stench in the stagnant darkness.

Suddenly, a roar rang out within the vast cave. The sound was extremely sharp and intense than before, causing william eardrums to hurt.

Ding! Roar!

William was surprised and took a breath out of fear.

“The sounds is getting closer.. is the monster coming this way?! Oh no did it realize that I was here and the one who killed the meat? Not good!” William cried out.

Two scarlet eyes were very bright, and could be seen through the darkness, and the pair of eyes heading this way, its speed was extremely fast.

“Holy shit! What a rotten luck!” William crying out and felt fear grow within his heart. It’s body was very huge and cover the whole cave as it rushing towards him.

He madly trying to escape by relying on his trained body. He ran towards the endless passage of the cave without care in the world, as long as he can stay alive, then it’s fine even if he stranded in more weirder place, not that there is something more weirder than this place and the beast inside.



Rubble of stones flying in all direction and many big pilars that stand still in the cave were smashed to pieces by its enourmous wings, causing them to fly all over the cave. It crushed all obstacles in its path, this made William horrified and screaming loudly while running as fast as he could.


The huge monster was extremely mad, smashing everything with its black wings and big body. The mad lion destroyed the cave passage as it madly chasing after william. It eyes were flickering in the darkness and very intimidating.


Within the rumbling sounds rubble and stones scattered and flew everywhere. Many rocks smashed in all directions sometimes it flew on willam head, which is very shocking sight for him, fortunately he dodge it at the very last moment. This beast was simply too monstrous. If not for William agile movement and reflect, he would be smashed by a rock and trampled to death by now.

“This won’t do, the beast is too fast. There’s no way I can get away from it alive!” shouted William while panting heavily. After running continuously for one hour he is very exhausted. He’s fleeing within the cave and bypassing some large rocks and rubbles that randomly flew around, he charged into a crack of the cave and slipped in, and after running 20 meters from the crack did he finally stop.

“Haa, haa, haa.. did it stop chasing me? The cave wall won’t be smashed to pieces rig-“




“You got to be kidding me right...” William muttered with a miserable expression.

The wall is extremely thick, even if a truck crush into the wall, it won’t crumble in the slightest, but now it’s destroyed by the mad lion, it’s eyes full of hatred staring at William.

Within the darkness, there is a heavy breathing sound, and seeing that the cave wall being destroyed and the beast continoue to chase after William without stopping make him frightened and take a deep breath then start running once more.

“Haa, haa so dangerous! Looked like it won’t satisfied before it flatten me into a mud of flesh!”

“This is cheating! Unfair! Let me rest for a moment!


“What is that light? exit?”


“Oh no! More of creepy light, it’s another beast!”


“Oh... they are running for their lives...”


“At least I have a comrade now.” William madly running after the beast, following them go through many complicated passage, the narrow one, wide, and the complicated passage full of obstacles that was 3 m in diameter

He wondered how much he walked. William started to feel tired, until he finally reached a huge crossroad that was presented to him, and the group of these running beast split, half of them go to the left while the rest go to the right passage. he wondered which path he should take. Withoust time to think about it, he bit his lips and go to the left passage.

From the passage straight ahead, the cave is not that dark anymore and he can see the pack of beast running in front of him clearly. It has a white fur, and had long pointed ears, and it looked like a wolf. However, the legs were heavily muscled and was very creepy.

The tremor following william to the left passage, right, the monster is still following him. It was a bad luck for these wolf and lucky for those who go to the right passage.

William peeked his head behind to observed the situation. No matter how you look at it, the monster is going to catch up soon as the passage is full of mud which make him and these wolves speed slowed considerably, meanwhile it does not affect the monster considering it has a huge body and limbs.

"Why do I have to get into this mess, when I just planning to enjoy my holiday with Raisha?!” William complained while breathing heavily.

Feeling that the situation is getting worse, William raise his speed and catch up with the wolf that close to him, he half rose his feet, jumped into the air with a rotation and gave a roundhouse kick and got a clean kick to the unlucky wolf’s head, sending it flying to the mad lion behind and smacked into the lion head, halted his charging, the mad lion then trampled the wolf.



There was a resounding echo and William could see that the wolf’s body had been flattened into a mud of flesh. William went rigid at that display. Coming back to his sense, he starting to run again, this time he planning to do the same method by sacrificing these wolves to safe his own live.

“Taste my christmas kick!”

Using the centrifugal force from the roundhouse kick, William rotated in the air, and fell towards the ground. Just before landing, he rotated himself perpendicular to it and gave a powerful heel drop to the wolf close to the landing point stopped it’s movement, mud splashed in all direction and then he sent the wolf flying with a straight kick to the lion head once more.


The second wolf, third, and after 6th wolves were pulverized. The mad lion seems to become more enraged and growled, then ruffled its tail. Soon the tails started to burn and emitted a blue flame, sending it flying towards William.

The flame fly at him with a blazing heat. As the flame approached, William avoided it splendidly by performing zigzagging steps. When the flame dissipated William drove a somersault kick into the wolf’s jaw smacking it to the lion head once more.

As William planning to run again, a hole 1 m in diameter lying on the ground, William slipped into the deep hole that seems to have no end screaming like a woman.

The mad lion was overwhelmed with anger from losing a prey who dare to killed it’s kid.


The beast casted flame magic with it’s tail while roared and burn the remaining wolves that still running for their lives. It also aimed its magic towards the wall and roof of the cave near the hole where William slipped, causing a destruction sending the rubbles flew about everywhere and some of them into the deep hole, and sealed it.

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