《William Stuart》Chapter 02: Darker than black



“Ah.. the meat is so juicy, very delicious, even though without seasoning, it’s produce a denser flavour than ordinary meat. maybe once more..” Will chop one more chunk of the lion bird meat and roasted it and frenziedly scrape up every last trace of meat juices from the dish as though he was raised by wolves. The intensity goes beyond mere meat of chicken and other ordinary animals you can find on the market, even those of high class meat is not this good.

“I’ll probably evolved to adore this aroma.. and this taste.. is so addicting, and the thrill of devouring fresh meat from a kill is the best afterall.”


“Ah.. I can’t eat anymore.”

“I’m worried about raisha, don’t tell me she got eaten by the ghost.. or become a sex slave of a ghost?! Ahh no!”

“Huff, huff..calm down, there’s no use to fret about it. Let’s not worry about these things for now, first I have to find a civilization.”

William looked around and said in a soft voice, “It’s the beast hideout, These bones are most likely the remains of this beast’s meal.”

“Although at this moment I only find one of this creature, it doesn’t mean that there’s no more of them here. I have no more bullets left, my gun useless now.. my only weapon is this knife.” Will said while playing with his knife, it’s dancing in his hand.

“I still need to be careful though, it’s way more dangerous than wilderness I used to camp with my father.”

William grew up and raised by his father, everyday he train with his father, of course it’s not an ordinary training, it was intense beyond words. William vigilance was extremely high, similar to those trained soldier. He nimbly hid within the cracks of the cave wall to cover his body and proceed to go into the cave deepest parts.

Along the way, he encountered many skeletal remains of human. There were bones that were white, both small and big which all came from the various animals that were feasted upon, causing the place to develop a dead atmosphere. William immediately felt a nasty odor from the pile of bones.


“It’s human bones afterall, meaning that it’s not too far from civilization!” William mumbling while slowly walking past the piles of bone.

In front of him was another weird beast, it’s 8 meters tall, Anyone could see that it was a bigger version of that lion bird, two bright scarlet eyes sit far within the creature's rounded, scaled skull, which gives the creature a frightening looking appearance, unlike the beast in the entrance of the cave, there are white crystal growths on its forehead.

Rows of sharp teeth poke out from the side of its mouth giving terror to it’s prey. The scaled skin and a row of tendrils runs down its spine. Its bottom is covered in small scales and is colored slightly darker than the rest of its body. The wound it sustained, even blood flowing from the shoulder still cannot prevent the creature to stand noble and poised.

Thick black wings grow starting from just above its shoulders and end at its hips. The wings are bladed and looked very sharp. Its long tail ends in a sharp, arrowhead shaped tip and is covered in red blood color, probably blood from it's victim.

“What an enormous meat!” William gasped in admiration. “So it was the parent of that delicious meat?”

“I can’t let this meat, I mean.. this monster to discover me even though it appear to be in a weakened state, it can kill me in a single blow. That meat earlier nearly killed me, not to mention this one. And that wound... a sword? Why did a sword stuck on it’s back.. and such a big sword. To begin with.. why a sword? It’s my first time seeing it in real life. Whoever did this must be a crazy to fight a monster with a sword.” William muttered as he clenched his fists tightly and it was obvious that he was quite nervous.

Like a snake he carefully crawl past the beast with big rubble of stone as a cover.

‘Don’t let it notice me, don’t let it notice me!’ William praying in his heart as his sweat constantly dripping from his forehead. The ground had many bones and nasty smell come from them which make it more unbearable for him.


“Wait, what is this? A gold ring? Not a bad loot.”

After he pocket the ring, he crawl again.


“Wait, what is this? A necklace? Not a bad luck.”

He pocket the necklace and crawl again.


“Wait, what is this? .. a junk?”

He throw the junk and cursed his bad luck but crawl once again.


“Hah… I finally crawl all the way from that monster!” The cave was 10 meters high. After the william arrived on the other side, shortly after the beast stuck out his head to look at cave entrance where william come from before and giving a roar filled with anger and sadness.


That roar make william head dizzy. Only after 2 minutes did he wake from the daze.

“Ahh it’s hurt like hell! Did it notice me? Nah It can’t be, it doesn’t looked like it intend to attack me, otherwise I would be dead by now.” William shivered at the very thought.

“Did it notice the dead of it’s child? Ah whatever, better leave this place fast.” He walk towards the dark cave once more. this time no more crawling along the piles of bones. Sometimes the cave would tremble and followed by a roar.





“What a frightening monster, it’s going crazy now that the meat is dead. And It’s getting more dark here.. I can’t even see my own hand.” Will searched in his pockets and took out a lighter. It was a unrefined lighter for military use. Blue sparks scattered, the smell of burned oil started to spread out and then a small flame illuminated the dark cave.

After walking for four hours, he still can’t see anything except the light from his lighter which starting to run out of oil.

“Not good, is there even an exit in the end of this cave? Hah.. But at least better to be in a dark yet cozy cave than freeze to death.”


2 hours later

“Haa, haa.. so tired..”

Another 2 hours

“Haa, haa, haa.. so hungry.”

Another 2 hours

“I should bring some meat earlier..”

Another 2 hours

“... My lighter dead.”

“There is no trace of living being here, and no more beast. they must be scared to death by the presence of that monster. That would be a good thing, but now it’s nightmare for me, because it means there’s no more meat!”

While expressing a torrent of curses, William grasped tightly his leather coat with his fingers.

"What is this nasty smell?" William said with a fed up voice while smelling the odour on his coat. The blood from the beast smeared on his coat gave out a characteristic fragrance difficult to describe. Rather than stimulating the nose, the odour seemed to permeate right into the depths of the head. It was an unpleasant fragrance, but it was unlikely to disappear so easily.

“Damn, it’s an expensive coat I borrow from my father, he’s going to kill me for sure if he find out about this, okay let’s pretend not to know.” He dispose the coat by throwing it to the dark corner of the cave.

Without his coat, now he's wearing a simple shirt and buttoned it up fully to support the elegant tie he's wearing. On top of the shirt he's wearing a stylish vest, but the top remain visible even when it's buttoned up. The vest perfectly wraps around his slender body and gives him an elegant look. There are two pockets on one side and one pocket on the other side of the vest.

He's wearing pants which have the same color as the vest, but a different, complementary color and they perfectly complement his shoes, and a leather belt around his waist.

“Come to think of it, I pick some interesting object earlier.” William put his hand on his vest pocket and take out a golden ring and necklace.

“This ring with a oval shape gem is still in fair condition, too bad I don’t know anything about this kind of thing. This necklace... beautiful, hmm I’ll use it myself.” he slid the necklace that seems to shine in the dark to his neck, and hide it inside his shirt.

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