《William Stuart》Chapter 01: Stranded


On a snowy mountain road that far from civilization, there was a stopped old car. A common type of automobile that was from the post-war years, it had a front-mounted 177-cubic-inch (2.9 L) inline four-cylinder engine, producing 20 hp, for a top speed of 40–45 mph or 64–72 km/h. There was no roof to it's black body, so the two seats were exposed directly to the snow that slowly falling from the sky.

A thick white blanket that bid enough to cover two people from the cold weather laid on the seats. The driver of the car was a young man wearing an expensive looking leather coat. Golden, straight hair tight in a ponytail reveals a charming face and smooth skin gorgeously compliments his eyes and lips.

Crouching on the left side of the car, his pitch black eyes tampering with parking brake. Although his gentle features implied a good upbringing, his hands were oddly accustomed to the use of these tools and his hands movement resembled that of a soldier who had received special training. His age could not be determined exactly, but presumably, he was about 20 years old.

"Parking brake lever operated band brakes acting on the inside of the rear brake drums, which were an integral part of the rear wheel hubs."

"Ah, I am bored... just how long do you plan on making me wait in this desolate place will?" a girl that was sitting on the seat lazily addressed him. Her age was no more than about 20 years, roughly similar to the young man. Her white skin seemed almost like a snow pale and was covered by a red dress. She had silver hair and eyes that were the light blue colour of the sky.

“Hey” the girl called. Now he looked over. He raised his chin at her, once, but didn’t answer. the girl walked over, as nonchalantly as she could. she really didn’t want to look like somebody who had no idea what was going on. Even with a blanket covering her, she's trembling in the cold, but there was something she had to ask. “Is this..?” the girl cleared her throat. “So is this Las Vegas?”

The young man looked at her very seriously. He stop tinkering with the car, then he shook his head slowly, resuming his activity. “Nope,” he said. “Montana.”



"....You get lost, and now you've even killed the car. Are you a good for nothing, Will?" Putting the piece of map she was reading to the car seat, she criticized the driver. The young man named William put on an apologetic smile in response to the nasty tongue that didn't match her cute appearance at all.

"Oh, I thought we got lost because you completely failed at reading the map...?"

"Ugh..." she groaned once and grew silent. She chewed on her lips, pouting, and turned away as her cheeks turned red. The young man merely shrugged his shoulders while changing his disposable gloves that had become dirty with oil.

"But it's certainly a bothersome situation we're in, optional brakes that acted on the outside of the brake drums were only available from aftermarket suppliers. There aren't enough parts to repair the car. We'll have to go and get some necessary parts somewhere."

"What...are you serious..." she sighed. The car was currently stopped on a rough road that barely visible to the eyes due to the snow. Wherever one looked around, there was just plain trees here and there. There was not even a single building to be seen! "Where do you think you would get something like that in this place? Don’t you see that we lose our way in a desolate place? Your car don’t even have a roof, I’ll freeze to death soon.”


"Well, I acknowledge your point about the weather, but I can’t help it since this is the only car I have. you better cover yourself with the blanket, and warm yourself." He looked up at the snow that falling to withered trees and then his eyes lit up.

"But Raisha... it seems we're not the only ones who took this path." After he had spoken, he squinted his eyes to look in the distance.

A carriage was drawing closer to them, It was a high class carriage usually only seen and used by nobles. A middle-aged man wearing a black tailcoat was holding the reins, his face is covered by a tall black hat. The young man, Will, put down his tools to the original place and stood up.

As the carriage nearing the car, the chauffeur skillfully drew the reins, it slowed down and stopped.

"Please forgive my silly question, but do you have room for us inside the carriage sir? we had just lost our way when suddenly the car stopped. " Will asked the chauffeur.

"Um sir?" he asked once again seeing that the chauffeur keep silent and just stare into the distant. Their car was stopped almost in the middle of snowing mountain, devoid of any civilization. Moreover, there was fog that can make a big mistake to get lost.

"Uhm, well, it's a bit embarrassing but, a lot happened underway." William sighed with a wry smile, while the red dressed girl behind him puffed up her cute face.

The chauffeur take glance at Will and then the door to the carriage wide open with a creek sound

"Could it be that you are letting us to go with you?"

No reply

“Um... My name is William and this is my companion, Raisha. Well then, thank you for helping us.” he said while surprised looking inside the carriage, surprisingly there’s no one inside, then who is opening the door? It’s starting to get creepy but the two of them had no choice but come inside and take a seat, it’s better than staying and freeze to death. but just as Will trying to touch the door handle to close the door, the door closed on itself with a bang that surprised him once again.

‘Automatic? Nah it can’t be, something wrong with this carriage, especially that chauffeur..’ Will inwardly thought to himself as he wipes the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Ah, that would be a big help." Will said and take the tissue from Raisha. looking at her, her shoulders were quivering. She was behaving weirdly since earlier, her nasty tongue never mentioned a word since they ride the carriage, and her face is pale.

Will wrinkled his brow, but then seemed to be struck with an idea. "Raisha... uhm, to tell you the truth, yesterday I find some chocolate pudding in the living room and eat all of them..." Raisha twitched her eyes at the word "chocholate pudding".

She then raised her head and looked up to william. "Pudding... so it’s indeed you who ate my chocholate pudding?!" she eventually asked with a voice one could hear from miles away.

Will smiled, relieved. "Hm, let's see. No need to be that exaggerated, there is only three of them..." he started to count with his fingers, but Raisha answered right away with her fist that flying at high speed not inferior to those trained boxer, but Will only slightly bent his head to the side and her fist missed by 0,5 cm from his cheek.


"Hey calm down, remember the place, we are..." not letting Will finish, she keeps throwing a fast and sometimes heavy punch at him which he skillfully dodge every single one of them. Feeling that her fist never hit him just like usual, she’s pouting and throw her face away from him "My, my, what a very violent girl" Will let out a faint sigh.

The interior of the carriage was full with many weird carving, such as symbols, strange letters and drawing. It was clear at a glance that all of it was carved by a skilled person, but the longer Will looking at it, the more he become entranced by the excuisite details of the carving as if it’s alive and trying to snatch one soul away.

He shake his head "Are you not hungry? These wouldn’t be needed I suppose?" Will said, taking out a chocholate bar from his leather coat, a little surprised, as she only take a glance and return to peek outside the window.

‘This is weird, she’s not interested in chocolate! Has she finally get bored of this flavor already?’ will mumbling.

After glancing into the window from his seat, he open the golden plastic of the chocholate bar leaving a rustle sound inside the carriage, and filled the air with chocolate aroma that attacked one nostrils. He slightly open his mouth and ready to take a bite from it but someone snatched the chocolate bar he was holding. He flash a light smile and Raisha turned away her face from him as her cheeks turned red.

"I see. Quite impressive, considering that is my chocolate bar you are eating there.”

"I've heard such rumours as well," she shook her head with a serious expression.”

“Haha you..”

"It’s good *crunch* and chocolate is *crunch* the best after all. The other chocolate bar in your coat must be incredibly good, I suspect?" Raisha asked amusedly while chewing the chocolate bar.

William thought about it for a moment and replied, "where did you heard such rumors?”

“It’s not! I saw it earlier that there are three of them!”

“...I see, you have a good eyes." will muttered, while raisha once again stuffing her cheeks with the chocolate bar wrapped in golden plastic. From time to time, she licked her lips, putting on a smile every time she did so.

"You seem to be enjoying my bar, aren't you, Raisha?"

“My bar.” She replied.

The carriage slowed down and stopped, then the door opened on itself. “Um sir, why did we stop? Is there something wrong with the carriage?”

No reply

“Maybe we already arrived?”

“Hm, let me check outside.”

“No! Will, don’t leave me here alone, I am coming with you.”

“I’ll be fast, just wait me there.” Will hop from the carriage and the sight leave him stunned, this place seems to be more desolate than before. The mountain forests were permeated with an ancient aura. Poisonous plant and mushroom littering around.

“W-what is this place?! mister, where is this place... huh where’s the carriage?”

“D-don’t tell me that he’s a ghost! And I’m riding the ghost carriage!” he scream, pressing his two hand against his head.

“Wait,more importantly... Raisha, what happen to her? Oh no, what am I going to tell aunt about this.. she’s going to kill me for sur-”


The roaring fill the air, they were very oppressive. And only vicious creatures that left behind such terrifying roar that attacked one’s ears and soul, making people’s skin and body tremble.


From within the mountain range, many roar could be heard, causing the leaves flew about.

Will face were turning pale. Fortunately there was already some distance between the roar and him so maybe the beast is far from him. He entered this wretched forest, but luckily he didn’t enter the beasts areas.

He heard the terrifying roar in the mountain forest and naturally knew the dangers associated with it. it was the roar of a beasts not just trifling animals, and he had to be extremely careful when venturing inside this snowing forest, as even he could easily lose his lives.

“This forest is too dangerous. I should find some place to hide and rest.”

William walked to deepest part of the forest until the evening. The ground below was pale white snow and it’s becoming more hard to walk and the air temperature was so low that William could see his own breath. It was very cold, Just like this, sometimes he stop for a moment nearly fall asleep, but once again continued his journey and traveled roughly 5 km while trying to avoid the roar. The big trees began to thin out, and it’s became more and more scarce, just plain snow far wide everytime he turn his head to look. Beasts roar appeared more and more frequently.

William fall to his knees and trembling “Huff.. huff.. am I going to die just like this..”

“So cold”


“What is that? ..animal corpse..?”

Within the snowing forest, It was very noisy with cold wind blowing in his ears, he can’t even hear his own voice. Scattered on the floor were a few animal remains. William looked around and spotted trail of blood.

“Blood.. and still visible, meaning that it’s a fresh blood. These poor animal being slaughtered by a beast, a dangerous one at that.

William hesitated for a moment, but in the end he steel himself and follow the trail of fresh blood. It’s leading to some place.

“A cave?”

“It will be very dangerous whether I go inside or walk in this cold forest, I don’t even have a food suplies with me, maybe I’ll kill the animal inside this cave to become my food, and take a shelter inside.” Will’s voice was hoarse, and his clear black eyes were darting back and forth around the cave entrace as he realistically spoke.

As he go inside the cave, he immeadiately halt his step as he saw a huge shadow, and upon closer inspection, it was a lion but there are two black wings on it’s back flapping wildly creating a gust of wind.

“...what..the hell is that? gene mutation?” will said as his heartbeat quickened looking at the huge and bizzare creature.

Will take out a gun from his coat, a slender body design, with a great aesthetic design. It is very light, and it far surpasses other series. Also, its durability and reliability are not bad.

"Haha a feast of mutated animal. I can’t wait.” Will said as he wipe the droll from his lips.

That muzzle, for now, was pointing directly at the beast. The one holding the gun was William, he is someone who has a father in the army, his house is filled with many gun, rifle and even sniper. Will has the potential of a genius at using it considering his everyday practice shooting target with his father which he drill everything he learn in the army to his son who barely in his teen.

"Okay.. Stay calm," his voice completely toneless, his pitch black eyes staring at the beast. He pull the trigger and two bullets lodged themself in the beast right eyeball, and the blood constantly flowing from it.


The beast enraged by the sudden attack to it’s right eyeball and wildly bouncing around while swinging his sharp claw around hoping to find Will and shred him to pieces, but it never hit him as he constantly side step and stay at the beast blind spot due to the beast disabled right eye, he shot again and again but the beast seems to become more and more ferocious as it’s body constantly penetrated by bullets and showing no sign of weakening.

Feeling a strange sensation, Will glanced towards his left wrist, and his leathercoat, the cuff was missing, torn apart. As he was rolling around with the beast, it managed to damage him from the distance and hit the his cuffs despite it’s never hit him.

“But why? did it have some invisible attack or that kind of thing?” As he frowned, by his ear.


As its claw trod upon the wind, he heard the sound wind blowing fast approaching his face. he was rushing to the side dodging the intense wind that coming to him.


he stopped and look at the cracked wall.“What.. The cave wall cracked?!”

“What a dangerous attack, I nearly lost my lives.” he stretched out the magnum in his hand.

“This beast is very sturdy, it’s like have some kind of bulletproof armor..even an elephant would be dead by now, but my bullet completely useless against it. Even if I used all my bullets, the best I be able to do is hurt it.”

With no other choice, William could only spin around. The beast is very fast, furthemore it’s unpredictable and invisible attack is very troublesome. he deduce the trajectory of the wind claw. he start to link the timing of his shot with the timing of the incoming attack, facing an attack whom he can't see just like two people shooting at each other with gun, it's impossible for him to predict when the enemy will open fire, not to mention he only has few more bullets left.

Feeling his's ragged breath becoming more intense, Will sprinted forward with all his might, nothing else he could do. Never in his wildest dream that this mutated beast would be so hard to kill even with gun.

Under the strange looks of the beast, he went rolling the ground, jumping around as he feels wind blowing hard in his direction, once again he sprinted forward with all his might until he reach the beast up close and shot the remaining bullets at point blank to the eyeball of the beast, it’s trying smash him to pieces but remembering of what happen to it’s right eyeball made the beast choose to block with it’s huge hand but the bullets is too fast and finally landed right inside the beast left eyeball and penetrated the brain.

The beast huge body fall with a thud together with william.

"Haa, haa, haa..." he is panting as he kick the dead beast head countless times again and again. He punch, kick, punch, kick until his gloves dyed red with blood from the beast.

“Haa, haa.. damned beast.”

He take off his leather coat and unsheath the knife from the back of his waist, then chop the beast fat legs into two piece of meat with a pink color. He make a fire using his lighter and some branch and other burnable stuff available, then hastily roasted the juicy meat over an open fire similar to a kabob meat dish and eat it.




“..... is there any salt in this cave..?”

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