《Guns A Blazin'》chapter 15 epilogue and chapter 16 page 1


Abigail gives her a bowl of potato soup, with some crackers broken up into it. She had a glass of milk that she was drinking between bites.

The woman spoke, "What's your name gal?"

The girl was taught to never purposely speak to someone, besides getting the Johns going.

The girl spoke, "My name is Banshee and I wished that you had killed me when you've found me so that I won't be raped harder if that is even possible when you take me back to that fucking place."

Abigail spoke,” I won’t take you anywhere that you don’t wanna go, as you can stay here forever if you want to. I will teach you about magic if you want?”

The girl smiled

“I would like that very much.”

Chapter 16


Johnny had been living with Jenjo for six months when Johnny started to pick up that his bitch wasn't feeling all that well.

He spoke, "What's troubling my bitch? Do you feel regretful about getting those tattoos?

She forced a smile on her face as she showed the tramp stamp on her lower back which said, "Loverboy's bitch. Johnny got helped into the quadsuit. She was completely naked which showed the rest of the tattoos. One tattoo on her pelvis said =, "Insert cock here," with a downward arrow. On her abs said, "Loverboy's cum dump," and on her breasts, each said a word, "Bottom," or "Sub."

Jenjo had then put on a red leather bitchsuit that had made her look more like a dog, along with making her walk on her elbows and knees.


They fucked into the morning when Jenjo awoke to hear Johnny scream during the night, which is of itself was nothing special since he had sleep terrors.


He spoke, "Momma help me! Get the Bitch to come with you!"

Jenjo knew that her man got violent when someone disturbed while he was in one of his sleep terrors. All she could do was hold him and tell him that it was alright. Something Johnny said next was truly troubling for her.

“Big Black Mama help me! Big boy needs you!”

Johnny had been invited to go with some of their fellow furries to a furcon a few states away. She had wanted Johnny to spend some time without her so that he could be self-efficient again. But she knew that she had a secondary purpose for sending her man away.

“I must find out who is this whore that Loverboy is so keen on. Larry and Mia might know.

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