《Guns A Blazin'》chapter 8


Second Front

Chapter 8

Halfway across the planet of Flinkaz was an all black ghetto still plagued by segregation and wanton racism. A white supremacist group call WPO (White People Only) that harassed the minorities there. The law ether was a part of the evil group or ignored the violence alright.

A black man living with his wife and young daughter in a one room shack and an outhouse back behind the roughly made home. The father was a large man who was a huge man at nine foot and seven hundred pounds of pure muscle. The man was named John Henry who worked various jobs providing for his small family and all those that were near him that were found unable to support themselves.

One night the WPO came to his door and set up a small cross that was lit with gasoline and a match.

John spoke,”Those damn crackers will not chase me out of my own home! I gave up going to school during the fifth grade to support my sick mama! I worked harder than any machine and they hate me for it! This body is all that God had given me to support you all! Mom, I won’t have Samantha growing up under this hellish state of fear! I go to church five times a week, along with daily prayer and Bible reading! But the Lord tortures us so for what?”

The wife Kathy spoke,”You will be damned if you cursed the good Lord, like that!

John spoke,”Who gives a fuck! I am going to kill those damn crackers this night!”

Kathy tried to keep her husband in the shack, but it was for naught!

He walked out unto the gravel road with the flaming cross in his hand. The fire had no effect on his being, beside the burning of his stained white shirt and blue overalls. He raised the cross above his head!

“You crackers’ reign of terror ends this very night! I am killing all of you horse riding bastards!”

Each of the four white robed WPO members had white plastic masks with an iron cross on the

center of the forehead.

The WPO man with a flaming torch in his left hand spoke,”You niggers need to know your place! You all are nothing but animals! I don’t know why the man up stairs ever made you apes!”

John spoke,”Here, take back your toy, because I am done with it!”

He threw the burning crossed into the heart of the torch wielding psychopath.

The miner could move quicker than any ostrich on his worse day. (They can move up to sixty miles per hour).

He grabbed the torch and set the closest racist on fire. The horse darted off leaving the three remaining men hurting on the ground.

John curb stomped the burning man with his booted foot.

“Stop, drop, and roll, Motherfucker!”

The last two men stood to their feet and shot Henry in the chest with their guns.

John remained on his feet as he used his arms to put his arms in a peek a boo position to guard his chest and head.

The white men emptied both of their clips into the body of Henry.

The black broke out into laughter as he shrugged off the bullet wounds.

“Is that all you got you white bois?”

They tried to run to safety but John was too quick for them. He beat to death with his bare hands


and wore their blood as war paint.

He yelled,”Mom, take Samantha into the woods and don’t look back no matter what! I love you two, but I can’t go back now!”

Kathy carried her daughter on her back and wrapped her tightly with a set of curtains. Then the

woman left the home as fast as she could.


The WPO showed up in a rusty truck with several members in the front and back of the truck.

They parked the truck with the trailer bed facing Henry. They pulled off the blue tarp to John’s horror.

It was an old Gatling gun!”

The men in the back of the trucked got the gun going and fired holes into the large man.

John falls unto his back, while the WPO runs out of ammunition.

The racists were all laughing, as they chanted,”Die, nigger, die!”

Henry pukes blood out of his mouth.

The attackers laughed all stopped in a hurry.

They bring a large wooden cross and nail him to it. They raise the cross into the air and put into

a square hole that they had dug out.

John laughed,”Great shadow, your foe has forsaken me! I will give you my soul, if you give me the strength to kill everyone in this damn group!”

A WPO member grabbed a stick of TNT and threw it at Henry.

The cross was blown to bits, along with John.

The racists leave for their homes with glee that the biggest threat to them was gone.

That next morning the neighbors were horrified at what they saw in the yawn of Henry and his family.

The house had been destroyed and burnt marks were in the ground. The marks spelled out,”666

heard You, John!”

An old lady with a wooden cane spoke,”That fool gave into the great shadow at the last moment! He will be in hell come judgment day.


Miles away a figure in a dirty brown cloak dragged a coffin tied to long rope. On top of the

coffin read,”Where rests John Henry the ghost faced killer.”

The wrinkled hands of the person had no trouble hauling the heavy coffin.

The crone spoke,”My voodoo will bring you back to life, since the dark one has save you for the purpose of revenge! The lord can heal, but so can the dark one! You will become the dark

terror fighting against the evil white man. The good old boys’ days are numbered.”

The crone laughed, alone the trail into the swamp.

She brought the remains of Henry into a shady grave yard with a blood painted pentagram. The coffin was placed dead centered on the satanic pattern.

The white skinned crone started to chant some sort of evil tongue as the coffin begun to shake.

Soon, the top of the coffin flies up into the nearby trees.

John Henry’s body was whole again, while only wearing boots and a pair of black blue genes.

The voodoo priest painted some sort of white paint on John’s face in the shape of a skull.

She spoke,”Arise, my ghost faced killer and obtain your revenge! You are more powerful than any man on Flinkaz. “

GFK climbed to his feet without a word and walked into the unknown.

The crone spoke,”I have done as you have commanded, now give me my youth back as promised.”

The nearby flames rose into the shape of a face.


It spoke,”Banshee, I have kept you alive for over three hundred years, despite being killed thirteen times! You have followed my ways and loved me as a dog follows after it’s master! You will spend the rest of your unnatural life, as the lusty harlot that you were in your youth! Help the ghost faced killer in his murder spree and you will remain immortal!”

The flames jumped from the fire pit and unto the cloak of Banshee. Her wrinkled body

disappeared and in it’s place was a smooth skin of a twenty year old woman. Her form was that of a

hour glass, with the bosom of two thick torpedoes and the bubble butt of a young black woman. Her

upper body was thin, despite her large breasts. Her thighs and hips of Banshee were that of a fat woman. Her face was that of an angel and she had the eyes were that of a devil that pierced through your very soul. Her face and nails were covered in the paint of a woman of the night. Banshee’s black hair covered her body down to the ground.

The skeletons arose from their graves and bowed to the voodoo priestess.

Banshee spoke,”Go kill them all my lover! I will be here to satisfy your carnal needs, like no other woman can once you return here to rest.”


GFK walked through the swamp with no sense of urgency or direction. His mind was now that of a zombie and not that of a man. But one thing he knew for sure, his utter hatred of the WPO and other white supremacist groups. Anyone be damned that dared to cross the path of the Ghost faced killer!

The ghost faced killer was walking out of a swamp and into a nearby village. The place was the home of poor black people that were debt slaves to the nearby white plantation owners.

The black man caused fear to cover the people, as they rushed into the nearest home.

One person speaks inside a home,”That witch has made a new zombie to serve her! This monster is stronger than the rest of her pets.’

GFK walked towards the plantation, as he gets within eye shot of the tower guard. The look out shouts, which alerts all the guards that were on duty.

One of the guard speaks,”Get back nigger or...”

GFK punches two holes into the two guards.

The look out fired upon the black man with a long sniper rifle in the head.

The attack barely caused the trespasser to even flinch.

GFK grabbed a nearby two by four that was being used to rebuild a nearby building and threw it

through the head of the sniper.

One hundred men encircled the ghost faced killer and they fired upon him.

The smoke cleared and the bullets had only pierced the outer skin of the zombie.

GFK grabbed a nearby wooden support beam and smashed the frozen men into shards of flesh and bone.

The plantation owner saw the scene and rushed into the house. The man had locked the door behind him and commanded his family to enter the basement of the large mansion.

GFK went to the nearby parking lot and saw a three ton hummer.

He picked it up over his head, as if it was a paper airplane! What happened next, was truly amazing.

The ghost faced killer threw the hummer through the side of the house!”


GFK had destroyed the entire mansion down to the basement. It was made out of steel reinforced concrete. The zombified man had only used his base strength that he had, while alive. His newfound toughness allowed him to move very sluggishly and still have the advantage.

His intelligence was very basic and that of a normal zombie. Yet, he knew within his soulless body that he had to kill everyone that had cause pain to his black brothers and sisters.

GFK used his magic power up to punch a hole into the concrete with just one punch!

He leaped down into the basement to see the plantation owner in his three piece suit with his family. He had a middle aged wife with three teenage daughters. The family was terrified to see the ghost faced killer.

They ran for their lives down a large hallway, which caused the killer to chase after them. GFK

walked slowly, as if him killing his target was a certainty.

The mansion had an underground tunnel used for the family to escape. GFK was getting closer

and closer somehow without being forced to run.

Now he was behind the family, when the youngest daughter tripped on the ground. The father stopped to get his daughter to safety.

The father spoke,”You girls run, I will save Sofia!”

The females did as they were told and ran away down the tunnel.

But it was too late, since GFK was on top of the father and daughter.

Sofia fainted from the sight of the killer.

The fat father was picked up into the massive arms of the ghost faced killer. He was pressed

above the killer’s head and ripped clean in two.

Blood and guts covered the black man and fell upon the unconscious daughter. Then the GFK did something strange.

He left the daughter on the ground, between each half of her father’s severed corpse.


The black skinned zombie walked back into the mansion basement and climbed back up the hole he made in the concrete. He then walked back into the swamp and unto Banshee’s compound.

She was making some sort of potion inside a huge cauldron, white stirring it with a long wooden spoon.

Banshee stopped what she was doing and ran into the arms of the ghost faced killer.

She spoke,”You look so sexy lover covered in blood of your victims. Let me lick the blood off of you.


The priestess’ face was covered in spit and blood that was once was on GFK.

Banshee put her hands up into the air, as thunder crashed in the heavens.

“My Lord, please power up my lover! He has given you the blood of several people!”

The four giant idols that was around the duo came alive and laid hands upon the ghost faced killer. The spirits of his victims were flying around the nearby area as GFK were covered in magic.

The idols spoke,”We have done what the master had wanted, now go kill some more!”

The statues returned back to their original position and became stationary.

Banshee was wet with glee over her new sex toy and made him fuck her for half a day.

GFK started to groan, as he entered the coffin that he had appeared out of.

Banshee had fainted due to the pleasure that she had received, as she was covered in her lover’s seed

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