《Guns A Blazin'》chapter 3


Chapter 3

Back at the national sponsored hotel, Johnny went to his room to get clean up, for his return back home. He has his clothes lined out and then he dressed into his simple street clothes. He goes to

the closet to get the dress clothes, he wore to the press conference leading up to the event. He opened the door and someone jumps out at him with a butcher knife.

Johnny was taken by surprise as he struggled to keep from getting stabbed by some weirdo in a

rabbit suit.

Johnny spoke,”It is ether the infernal bunny man, or his cohort the serial rabbit! What the...”

The killer sliced Johnny on his face, which left a shallow cut on his right cheek.

Johnny grabbed the knife out of the assassin’s hand, and stabbed the attacker in the neck.

The rabbit suited killer grabbed his neck out of pain, while Johnny punched him the jaw as hard

as he could.

The fiend was knocked down to the floor and soccer kicked countless times in the head.

Johnny spoke,”Your are helpless without your weapons and you know it!”

The killer grunted out of sheer pain that he was feeling.

The champion spoke,”How does it feel bunny man to get beat, by the better man.

The assassin shook his head in disagreement.

Johnny spoke,”You must be the serial rabbit then! Be prepared to get your arm snapped in two.

He put the rabbit into an arm bar and snapped his arm beyond what any surgeon could put back together.

The serial rabbit pulled out a flare gun from his unzipped top and fire it Johnny’s face.

He gets out of the way in time, as the flare gun goes right through the window. The whole window glass was shattered by the attack. Johnny had got back to hid feet as the serial rabbit tackles him unto the broken shard of glasses, where the window glass once was.

Johnny spoke,”let’s find out how it feels to land on cement from out of a twenty-three window(at least two hundred and thirty feet). Tell me how it is, if you survive the fall!”

The gold medalist suplex him out of the window to the killer’s death.

Johnny turned around to see that the rabbit assassin was gored by fifty foot tall flag pole, to his enjoyment.


He spoke,”If they are trying to get at me, then they will probably travel back home to get

home. I will wear my lucha mask that Fred had gotten me for a going away present to get on the plane without being notice on the way home by fans.”

Johnny got on the plane without any further incident.


Back home at the orphanage, Jopo, Wildrun, and Funky Mumkey had gotten out of a van, with free candy written on the side. They all got out and were preparing to attack the orphanage, when Wildrun gets shot in the back of the head with some sort of sniper round. A few seconds later, the others hear the sound of their friend’s head bursting into oblivion.

Jopo didn’t have the time to scream, since his head was blown off as well.

Mumkey tried to run for his life, when he shoot in the heart from behind.

Johnny has had his revenge against the fiends indirectly, through an unknown killer, He had been hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. But who was the assassin of the former mafia associates. The shots had come from the soon to be destroyed clock tower at the front of Johnny’s property. It was to be rebuilt anew, after the old tower was destroyed, as Momma and Johnny had arranged to be done by the nearby construction company. It was Sunday and it was the workers’ day off. It was their blessing to be gone on this day or they would had been murdered as well.

One of the kids, are trying to catch a baseball that landed near the tower. He was only five years

old, when he saw the end of his little life.

A man appeared out of the clock tower, with a Gatling gun.

The boy screams,”Run everybody! It is the bunny man!”

The rabbit suited killer shot the boy into shards of flesh.

Ninety nine victims remain.

The bunny runs bizarrely fast for carrying such an enormous fire arm.

He shoots up eleven more kids into gobs of gore.

Eighty eight victims remain.

The bunny man drops the weapon down to ground, and opens up the front of the bunny suit. Somehow an entire chainsaw comes out of his suit. He revs the chainsaw and runs after the escaping children in the yard. He cuts up child after child, until he bores of using the chainsaw.


Sixty eight victims remained.

Momma goes storming out of the mansion with a shotgun. She fires it at the bunny man, but he

bends over to pick a carrot that he had dropped unto the ground.

Momma missed time and time again by a hair’s breath, when she is shot in the eye with a blow dart.

The mother aims the shotgun at the bunny man’s feet.

But, the killer danced out of the way of the blast radius.

The Bunny man shoots another blow dart in her other eye. This causes Momma to scream out in horror.

Fred hits the killer in the head with a baseball bat that one of the dead boys had dropped.

The killer’s bunny mask was knocked backwards by the strike. The bunny man was struggling to get his head back around, while Fred beats the crap out of him.

The killer gets his head back on right and he is mad as hell.

The mass murderer grabs the bat out of Fred ‘s hands and knocks the supposed savior’s head

clean off his shoulders.

Sixty seven victims remain.

Kids start throwing all that they could put into their little hands at the bunny man, while the killer struggles to get out another weapon ready to use.

The bunny man now has a flamethrower with a gas pack on his back.

The killer burns thirty more kids to a burnt crisp.

Thirty seven victims remain.

The bunny man sets the mansion on fire and kills most of the remain children and caregivers.

Only seven victims remained.

Momma cried,”Why kill all of us? We did nothing to you.”

Six kids appeared to try to protect their mother.

Momma spoke,”Run kids! Don’t try to save me and just run.

The bunny spells out with his hands,”J-o-h-n-n-y”

A little girl sees what he was spilling and yells,”He is after big brother!”

Momma spoke,”So you are working for the Corbello family.

The bunny man nods his head in agreement, but Momma couldn’t see that she was right.

The killer butchers the remaining kids apart, as Momma is beaten back down every time that she tried.

Only Momma remained.

The attacker used a sledge hammer to break both of her knees and then both of her elbows. Momma screams as she is dragged back to the front of the clock tower.

She is impaled trough the stomach with a ten foot long rebar. Momma is struggling to hold unto her life, as she wails for the lost of her family.


Johnny arrives at his home and he he sees that has been completely wrecked. What he sees next

brings him to his knees.

He falls unto the ground and yells, why did I have to mention Momma and the others.

It is all my fault! I am scum beyond scum.

Johnny didn’t know that the bunny man was inside the top of the clock tower preparing to strike. The grieving son is fired through his abs and falls unto the grassy ground. Johnny dies in a pool

of his own blood.

The End

Johnny screams out,”It is not the end yet!”

He rips the rebar out of his mother’s body and throws it up towards the clock tower.

The bunny fires down at him and hits Johnny in his side to punish him, before he would kill him. Nobody dares to take his attacks head on and dare to live to tell the tale.

The rebar pierces clean through the bunny man’s neck. The killer drops to the ground from atop of the clock tower, while dropping his rifle down to ground.

The bunny man is held to the ground by the rebar being deep into the sturdy ground that was under him.

Johnny slowly walks over to the nearby rifle as the bunny is pulling himself free from the rebar, while it was still stuck in the ground.

The killer was free down the rebar as he stood to his feet trembling due to pain.

Johnny shots,”Eat metal, you bunny slut!”

The slayer’s head was blown clean off, but Johnny didn’t stop there. He shot the remaining rounds and viscerated the dead bunny man, beyond recognition.

Johnny falls down unto his back and manages to flip unto his belly. He is struggling to get near his Momma.

He grabs her mangled hand as he says,”I am coming to meet you Momma!”

Johnny dies as well, covered in his own blood.

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