《My Daily Life With Lewd Monstergirls》Familiar Faces: The Incident


After Waiatto and Styx’s heartfelt conversation, Waiatto heads out to talk with Yuisu. He still has the conversation on his mind. He notices a fluttering in his chest as he thinks how kind the Succubus is, since every other encounter with a Succubus ends up not going so well. As he is thinking about his feelings for Styx, he stubs his toe on something, causing him to fall. He falls to the ground, and lands on something hard. He notices that he is surrounded by something soft and squishy. He sees a skimpy thong-like pair of panties, and some very fluffy stocking

Then, Waiatto heard a familiar voice, “So, was the reason that you came here was to harass a goddess? Have you no shame!” Styx looked at Waiatto with a teasing look.


Hakuto interrupted him, saying, “Hey, it is all okay. Accidents happen, just make sure to be careful.” At that moment, Yuisu came into the room to see what the commotion was. She saw the toy, a flustered young man, an embarrassed goddess, and a snickering succubus. Her face turned beat red, and her jaw dropped to the floor.

“Perv-atto, what are you doing to the goddess!?” That's when Waiatto remembered the name Yuisu. She was his lesbian friend, and also his former neighbor, before he moved to Kyoto during middle school. She stood there in a loose t-shirt, and a little bit of slime on her face and fingers.

“I could ask the same, Yuri-su.” He stood up, offering Hakuto his hand to help her up. Styx picked up the toy, staring at the thing with a mischievous look on her face. She handed the toy to Yuisu, whispering something in her ear, and Waiatto only heard a little wisp of a word, and it strangely sounded like ‘orgy’


“The reason I came here was to see if I could get a job up here, like mowing or making the customers some breakfast. I plan on living on the mountain, and having my homestays up here to enjoy the scenery, and since having linimals in the city usually ends up making the house hold a big mess.” Yuisu had went back to her room, and was now dressed in a loose gray hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans. Next to her was the harpy, wearing a loose baggy shirt, and a pair of snap on sweatpants. Running around with styx was a little harpy, and both of them looked like they were having a lot of fun, playing tag and doing each others hair.

“That seems great, but the only place I have open for you is one of my homestays old rooms. It's quite large, but there is only one bed. Are you comfortable sharing a bed with Styx, after what had happened in 5th grade?” Yuisu smirked, shooting the harpy, which was introduced as Yuisu’s wife Haru, giving her the I’ll tell you later look.

“First off, we don’t talk about that incident. And yes, ill be fine sharing a bed, just as long as you don’t leave your toys out.” Yuisu nodded, handed him a key, and sent him on his way. While he was getting his stuff, he was questioning the look Styx had when she had picked up the toy, wandering if sharing the bed was a good idea.

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