《My Daily Life With Lewd Monstergirls》Sneaky Succubi- The Flashback


Please tell me that I was dreaming. I don’t want to believe that that had really just happened. Waiatto was still confused after his interesting dream that had Styx in it. He was dreaming, yes, but with one look at Styx, he knew that he actually had sex with Styx in his dream. She had looked at him and seductively licked the honey off of her finger that fell onto the table from her toast.

“So, how did you sleep, Perv-atto?” She looked slightly amused at her little joke. Waiatto said nothing as he walked over to the coffee pot to pour himself some coffee. Why did she have to do that? What have I done to get her to do me like that in my dream, AND in real life since I woke up to wet bed sheets and her sleeping next to me.

“ I slept well, thanks to you. And also, can we talk?” Styx nodded and asked, “About what?” Waiatto walked over with two plates of eggs, bacon and pancakes. He then grabbed his cup of coffee and sat down.

“So about that dream, although I enjoyed it, can you at least let me know first before you do that?” Styx looked surprised, but nodded and said, “Yes I will. But I only did that because I know that you have nightmares. Do you care to tell me what they are?” Styx looked concerned. Waiatto nodded, and began.

Waiatto was playing a game of go fish with his babysitter, Toki-chan. Waiatto laid down a pair of twos and said, “ Go Fish! I win!” Toki-chan looked at him with a warm smile. Waiatto then looked at her closely. He asked her if she was overheating. She had said no, but it was obviously a lie. She was sweating and her scarf was damp with sweat. Waiatto wanted to help his babysitter out, but that didn’t go so well. He tried to take her scarf and hat off, but she rejected it. Later he snuck up during his nap time to take the scarf off, but he didn’t need to. Toki had taken her scarf and hat off. And Waiatto was surprised. Toki had red ears sticking out of her brown and blonde hair. She also had a red tail wrapped around her waist. “Miss Toki, why are in a halloween costume on christmas eve?” Toki looked surprised. She quickly covered her ears and hid her tail, saying, “Umm, these are not fake. But keep it between us, OK?” Waiatto nodded.


Later, Mr. and Mrs. Nazo went to there front door. They had just came back from christmas shopping. Mrs. Nazo walked to the front door. When she went inside, she did not expect to see what she saw. Her son was not asleep, and the babysitter was playing with him. But the babysitter was not what she thought. She screamed in terror. “Akinari! There is a crazy cat-bitch attacking our son!” Waiatto was confused. The babysitter wasn’t crazy. She was just playing tag. But that didn’t matter. His parents went in and started beating her. She screamed in terror. Waiatto screamed at his parents to stop, but they just kept going. They didn’t stop. Waiatto ran towards his dad, trying to keep him from hurting Toki, but his dad just threw him backwards. Waiatto ran upstairs to his room. He locked the door, and curled up with his stuffed dog, and sat there for hours. He didn’t want to face his parents after that. He just sat there, hating his mom and dad. From that day forward, he would never let anyone harm anybody that was non-human. He would do anything to keep them safe. Anything at all.

“Wow. I am so sorry.” Styx said. She went up and hugged Waiatto, who was crying. “It’s ok. I am here for you. Don’t cry, it won’t happen again.”

Waiatto returned the hug. “Thank you Styx. Thank you for everything.”

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