《My Daily Life With Lewd Monstergirls》Sneaky Succubi- The Dream


“So Waiatto, where is our new place gonna be?” Styx asked, looking up from a shopping catalog. “I hope that it is some place beuatiful and relaxing. I really hope that this mountain could work.” She looked at him hopefully.

“ Yes, we can live on this mountain. But I looked into it, and it will cost about 250,000,000 yen to buy a property on the mountain. I plan on going back to the main house and asking Yuisu if we can work here until we get enough money to buy a property.” Waiatto said, noticing how cute Styx looked with that shocked look on her face. Stop right there! You just met her, and it is illegal to be like that unless you marry her! And you don’t even know if she is straight or if she is lesbian!

“Umm, I already have a job. I do some restocking at Ski Lodge Kobold, and I believe that I have about 500,000 yen in savings.” Styx looked like she just dodged a bullet. She seemed pretty glad that she had a job.

“Oh. Do you have a way to get there?” Waiatto said. She nodded and said, “ Yes. I have a friend that I work with that can take me there.”

Waiatto was surprised.She just started the Exchange Program and she already has a job. “ Well, it is getting pretty late. I’m gonna go ahead and get some sleep.”

“Have a wonderful dream.” She said under her breath. She had plans to help her host have some rather pleasant dreams to keep his nightmares away.


Waiatto walked around. His dream seemed pretty strange. He was walking in around in a stark white room. The only think splash of color was an oak door with a silver door knob. He walked towards it and knocked“ Come in,” a voice answered. Waiatto thought that the voice was familiar. He opened the door, and nearly had a nose bleed. Styx was laying on the bed, wearing nothing but thigh high leggings, long white gloves,, and a very see through white nightgown.


“Um, what the hell is going on?’ Waiatto asked with a look of shock on his face.

“ Making sure you have no more nightmares," Styx said in a seductive tone.

“Why are you doing this? How are you doing this?” Waiatto asked, trying his best to look into Styx’s eyes. He was trying to keep his inner pervert at bay, since in junior high he had the nickname of Perv-atto because he looked up hentai during some free time in school.

“Well, since I am a succubus, I can go into people’s dreams and make there wildest fantacies come true. And since you have had a shit ton of bad dreams latley, I decided that you should have a Very sexy dream.” Styx looked at him. “ And it seems you want this dream to,” Styx said, licking her lips seductivley as she looked below his waist. Waiatto was not understanding, then he followed her gaze. He was at full mast, and realized that he was completley nude in the dream. He rusehd to try and cover up his shaft, but Styx only chuckeled.

“You know, this isn’t ileegal since we are in a dream, some come and get some, you damn niner.”

“Uh, Styx, are you sure about this, since we only have known eachother for a couple weeks?” Waiatto asked, kepping his gaze on her eyes.

“Ohh, your’e making me wait, guess I have to take charge.” Styx then lunged forward, tackling Waiatto to the ground. Waiatto, not leting her get the upper hand, side steped her, only to find that she had moved mid air. His lips fell right to her lower lips. Styx moaned at the sudden contact. Waiatto then took advantage, letting himself go, since this was a dream after all. He ran towards the bed, making Styx fall backwards, her black hair sprawling over the matress. He then started to stimulate her, licking her button and using his fingers to dig inside her honey pot. Styx moaned and ground her hips into his face. Just as she was about to burst, Waiatto said to her, “You know, I’ve always have had a fetish towards succubi. But I think you know that already knew that, right Styx?” He then plunged his face into her nether regions, drinking all the honey Styx released with a loud, satisfied “AHHhhhHHHhh!”


Waiatto backed away, then Styx rose in the air, and said, “ My turn Perv-atto!” Waiatto was suprised. Only his close friends knew that nickname. Before he culd realize what had been done, Styx threw him to the bed, stratled his face, and went to town on his manhood. She licked from base to tip, massaging his sacks as she went. He motorboating her, while massaging her asshole with his thumbs. Styx then suddenly rose, turned around and said, “Alright horsey, time for this cowgirl to ride you!” Waiatto looked at her in suprise, since she some how had a cowgirl hat on her head, which just added to the sexy look. She then grabbed his stick, and lowered herself on his shaft. To say the least, that was the best dream that Waiatto has ever had.

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