《My Daily Life With Lewd Monstergirls》Sneaky Succubi- The Inn


Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. The scared little boy looked up from where he was hiding. His mom and dad were hitting something. No, it was someone. He was screaming for them to stop, but they kept on beating his babysitter. He didn’t understand. All she did was take her beanie off. All she had were a pair of horns, and a tail. Yet her mom and dad kept on hitting her. And they wouldn’t stop.

“Waiatto, wake up,” a voice said. Waiatto didn’t recognize the voice at first. He opened his eyes, and shot back with surprise. The woman looked like his old babysitter, and he looked at her in terror. Then he realized that it was his first homestay, Styx.

“What's wrong Waiatto, did you have a bad dream?” Styx said, with a concerned look on her face. He didn’t want to tell her about it, but from that look, he thought that he could trust her.

“ Yea, I had a bad dream, but I really don’t want to talk about it, OK,” Waiatto said. She nodded, and then walked to the kitchen. Then she hopped back in surprise. Waiatto looked out the door to see what was going on, and saw nothing at first. Then he saw it. It was a 15 inch tall girl, with strawberry blonde hair tied into pigtails underneath her small cat-like ears.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!” lhe little gremlin said.” My name is Rem, and I am one of the maids here at the Mountain Lily Inn. I was just restocking the snacks, and I thought I would see the source of the loud shouting.” She looked concerned too.

“Sorry for the disturbance MIss Rem, I just had a nightmare, “ Waiatto said.

“OK then, i’ll finish restocking and then i’ll be on my way!” Rem said cheerfully. “ And Rem is just fine”


“So, do you have any ideas of where to move to?” Styx asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Actually, yes. I heard that there is some space available to buy right here on Mt. Yuriyama, “ Waiatto said. Styx nodded, and sipped from her cup of coffee. Waiatto planned on going the the owner Yuisu and asking about it.

Later that day, Waiatto went to the main house to see the owner, Yuisu. What he didn’t expect to see was a gorgeous harpy with black tipped white feathers and a girl with long white rabbit ears and large paws.

“ Excuse me, but have any of you seen Yuisu, I am currently staying hear and I would like to speak to her.”

“What would you like to say to Mrs. Nakahara?” the harpy asked.

“ I would like to ask if I may purchase some land on this mountain so I can have a large enough space for me and my homestays,” Waiatto said. The rabbit-eared woman looked at him with a look of surprise.

“ That question would be for me, “ the rabbit woman said, “ since I am the residential mountain goddess that lives here.”

Waiatto was surprised. So this is Hakuto, the goddess that he was told about.

“ Oh, sorry I didn’t realize that that was you, Goddess Hakuto.” Waikato looked at the goddess with newfound respect. “ May I purchase some land to raise my homestays, Kamisama?” Hakuto’s face went red.

“ Oh, Hakuto is just fine, “ the goddess said, “ And why can’t you live in town?” Hakuto asked. “ Isn’t there place that can adjust your house to fit a linimal?”

“Well, you see, my landlord doesn’t like linimals. Not after the, uhh, incident, that happened at the apartments,” Waiatto said. Hakuto nodded, than said, “Well, then I suppose that you could live on Mt. Yuriyama.”

“Thank you Kamisama. I hope that we meet more in the future.” With that, Waiatto left the building.

“Well, he was something else, wasn’t he Hakuto. I’ve never seen you so flustered at that much respect,” Haru said. Hakuto just looked down and walked away.

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