《My Daily Life With Lewd Monstergirls》prolouge


A young man sat his desk in his room. He stared down at his completed form. After turning this paper into the Interspecies Exchange Program, he will have to find a new place. The landowner and manager of these apartments wasn’t very kinds toward extraspecies, or liminals.

“Ok. Here goes nothing,” said Waiatto, standing in front of the main office of the Exchange Program. He walks into the front door, and sees something that he isn’t ready for. A beautiful black haired woman was standing there with the Exchange coordinator, Agent Will.

“ Hello there Waiatto!” Agent Will said cheerfully. “ I’d like to congratulate you on your success on being a host for the Exchange Program. This is your new homestay, Styx.” The woman looked up at Waiatto. She looked like your average human, except for the curved silver horns, large purple wings streaked with silver and a dark blue tail that ended in a heart shaped point.

“ Hello! My name is Styx, and i’m a succubus!” Her voice was very cheerful and bubbly. She walked over to shake hand. Wow, she has a very firm grip. This could be very interesting.

“ It’s good to meet you. My name is Waiatto. I apologize in advance, but for now we will be staying in the Mountain Lily Inn until I can get a place. My landlord doesn't really like liminals after a lamia broke through the ceiling and landed on his desk, doing very, uh lewd, things on the floor above.”

“ Oh that’s fine, my friend Lethe actually is good friends with the owner, Yuisu. She can hook us up.” Yuisu, where have I heard that name before. Before he had a chance to put any thought into it, Styx was dragging him out of the building and to the awaiting taxi, where a vibrant papillon was sitting in the driver's seat, two arms on the wheel and the other two fixing her hair.

While driving up the mountain Waiatto wondered how this life would be. He thought it would be easy. He was far from off.

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