《Tera: Still Untitled》Chapter 14


Everyone in the room fell silent, accentuating the sound of the howling wind as the cold internal air rushes out the hole meeting the hot desert air. Bree walks slowly towards Estellda and Fraya, keeping an eye on me as she approaches.

“Since when did we get destructible environments?” Bree asks aloud, “and why are we fighting with Red?”

Destructible what? Is she referring to the hole in the wall? Is that supposed to be something new? Having breakable walls?

Estellda turns to face Fraya, taking a few short steps back then kneels, placing her swords on the ground before her. “My apologies Commander Fraya, we harbour no ill intentions. We are here purely to uncover the truth. We just... Reacted when you suddenly leaped at us.”

Fraya looks down at Estellda, kneeling before her, then towards me. Her face expressionless as she stares into my eyes. I raise both my hands, showing my palms before slowly kneeling. I look up at Fraya again, the same expressionless look on her face, she tilts her head towards her axe, visibly tightens her grip on the weapon, then looks at me again. Recognizing her hint, I slowly reach behind my back, activating my arccannon then slowly places it on the ground before me. Satisfied, her grip relaxes, then she turns to Bree.

“What? I just got here!” Bree grumbles then relents, dropping on one knee, presenting her staff before her. The axe disappears from Fraya’s hand as she slowly walks pass Estellda towards me. At the mid point between me and Estellda, she kneels down reaching under the lose rocks and rummages around before standing back up again holding her cloak, covered in dirt and slashed cleanly in two. She sighs and throws it towards one of the many guards surrounding us, “I want that fixed. I don’t care how.” She turns and continues walking towards me.


She stops before my arc cannon, reaching down, wrapping her hands around the handle. Ugh! Such bad manners! It’s common etiquette to never touch anothers’ equipment, it’s soul bound for a reason. Clenching my teeth I glare silently at her as she turns my cannon around in her hand, looking closely at all parts of it. “Fascinating, I’ve never seen a prototype cannon so... bare... before. There are no fail safes built in at all. I’m honestly surprise it didn’t just disintegrate in my hands after the stress from that Baldar’s Vengeance.” She places the cannon back down then kneels, staring me in the eyes again. “Those eyes and the arcane burns, yet you do not appear to have lost your senses, highly irregular indeed. Eyhian, why was Red exiled to Baldera? She doesn’t seem that dangerous. I mean she clearly is, judging from that hole in the wall, but she doesn’t seem Baldera level dangerous. We reserve that status for the likes of Shandra Manaya and quite possibly Dakuryon. If Red is alive, what about Blue? What else have you hidden from me Eyhain”. Eyhain remains silent, seemingly unfazed.

“Captain Loana, please take the guards and escort the heralds and administrative staff to safety.” Eyhain ordered, his voice flat.

“Commander? ” Loana turns to Fraya, unsure if she should follow the Deputy’s orders.

Fraya stares at Eyhain, raising her brow, amused. “So it’s that kinda explanation. Clear the room captain. Make sure we’re not disturbed.” She turns to look at us, her gaze moving from Estellda to me then Bree and back to Estellda again. “Guardian Estellda…”

Estellda meets Fraya’s gaze, then nods. “very well, Captain escort Guardian Bree out as well-”

“What?!” Bree exclaims annoyed, protesting as Loana and her guards close in around her. Estellda puts her hands together, bowing apologetically at Bree. “this is so unfair! I wanna play too!”

“Keep an eye on her.” Fraya adds just as they exit the room.

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