《Tera: Still Untitled》Chapter 12


The air inside the Allemantheia headquarters feel dense and heavy, intimidating, small blue windows close to the high ceiling let light into the long room. Although not strongly lit, the lighting is comfortable on the eyes. A short flight of stairs on each side of the entrance lead down into the central area of the room where eight tall pillars line it length wise, four on each side, the same golden elvish figure with wings for arms atop each structure. In the middle, an administrative counter for battle grounds and guild administration.

We move down the stairs and walk swiftly past the administrative counter, heading deeper into the room. At the end of it, a flight of stairs extend upwards onto an elevated platform where Commander Fraya resides. Fraya sits relaxed, leaning against the arm rests of her tall golden chair, taking long drags from her pipe. She appears restless and tired, above all she appears bored. Beside her stands Eyhian, her deputy, along with Loana, the garrison captain. A large oval table, various maps, documents and empty bottles of wine scattered across the surface separates them from Helean, Gellon and Karne, heralds of three of the provinces under the influence of Allemantheia in Southern Shara.

With the exception of Fraya, they are engaged in heated discussion, the tension rising rapidly as each of the heralds fight to state their case.

"It's the same argument again, Karne's going to be asking for reinforcements in Westonia, Gellon will want supplies for Val Palrada and Helean will say she needs both that and at a higher priority." Estellda whispered to me.

"Again? It's not the first time they argue about this? I guess I can understand, fighting on so many fronts. Must be hard allocating resources in a fair man-" I stopped when I see Estellda chuckling.


"No not that Red, they're NPCs, they always say the same thing."

Fraya stirs in her chair, looking in our direction, she uncrosses her legs, standing. Everyone stopped talking as the Commander rises, waiting. She walks pass Eyhian, around the table towards the edge of the platform. "If it isn‘t the Guardian of Velika. Have you come to rescue me from this monotony?" her voice booms with authority, echoing off the walls in the silent room.

"Well that's new..." Estellda quickly whispered to me before turning her attention to Fraya, she bows politely before replying, "Normally I wouldn't dare disturb you from your responsibilities Commander Fraya but I have someone special with me today and we really need your help."

I step out from behind Estellda, looking up at Fraya, meeting her gaze. Her eyes narrow, the glyph lines on her body glows faintly, pulsing as she look me up and down. The arcane scars on me started to ache, a dull pain rising from the depths of my being, nothing but a mild annoyance.

"I sense a strange arcane presence from your companion Estellda, strangely familiar but I can't quite put a finger on it. It's strong, erratic and raw. Resonating with the Core within me in a way I've never felt before." Fraya leans forward on the chains at the edge of the platform, taking a closer look. "Those eyes..."

Without warning, Freya grabs her cloak, pulling it swiftly off her shoulders as she hurls it towards us. She leaps off the platform high into the air as her massive axe materializes in her hands. We caught a glimpse as parts of her body glow, just before her form disappears behind her cloak she threw in our direction.

The shadow of the cloak grows as it quickly approaches and then just as quickly we are blinded as the cloak gets slashed cleanly in two. A fully armoured Fraya emerges fast approaching, axe held high and glowing as she smashes down on me.


Estellda leaps over me, landing deftly on her feet as she let out a short cry and immediately brought her twin swords up into the shape of a cross before her. Fraya's axe smashes through Estellda's defense, pushing her body into me sending us hurtling through the air before crashing into the administrative table.

Seeing their commander literally leap into battle, Loana was the first to react, drawing her sword form her hip. Next the guards in the room all moved towards us, spears raised. "You dare raise your swords against the Commander!" barked Loana.

"Stay back!" Fraya shouted, her voice alone rooting everyone else in the room. "Estellda, explain yourself. Why have you brought an exiled into my home? How did you even get her out of Baldera?"

She knows I came from Baldera! We staggered to our feet, Estellda propping herself upright with her swords, standing in the midst of splinters and debris. "Ex.. Exiled?" Estellda exclaims breathlessly then turns to me, "you didn't tell me you're a criminal Red. I trusted you..."

"I didn't know!" I reply exasperated as I help Estellda steady herself on her feet. "And I most certainly am not!"

"Red..." Fraya hissed, she turns back and looks up at Eyhian. "didn't Red perish along with Blue in the thetan will trial? At least that's what you wrote in your report. Once we have her subdued, you better have a good explanation for me."

Fraya turns her attention back to us, she lifts her axe off the shattered ground, the blade immediately starts glowing as she charges yet again towards us. I move away from Estellda, Fraya continues coming at me, perfect. Rapidly rolling out of the way as I reach behind my back, activating my arccannon. I'm still not exactly sure how long I was out for but once my hands come into contact with the cold metal of the arccannon, everything felt strangely right. Hello old friend, it's been a while.

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