《Tera: Still Untitled》Chapter 3


Estellda's talking to herself again, at least that's what it looked like to me as I watch her mumbling to herself, gesturing and then laughing out loud occasionally. She caught me watching her and recognised the judgy look on my face. She smiles and said "Just gimme a moment, I got a priest coming."

I nod briefly in acknowledgment, turning my attention back to the mystery that is my awakening. So according to Estellda, she loves to just sit around in the middle of Baldera when she's alone and don't really feel like doing anything, she liked the quiet and serenity. She told me she found a way past the magic barrier by jumping. I have my doubts but I'll believe her for now. With a grimoire called the Travel Journal, she was able to freely teleport into Baldera bypassing the obstacle of the magic barrier. A really convenient magic I would like to acquire too if possible.

Apparently I wasn't always there, and it was only recently that I start appearing in Baldera. She spotted me one day and I was apparently hostile to her, attacking viscously and relentlessly. She would fight me and die over and over, I was new to her and apparently unpredictable unlike other world bosses, a type of NPC as explained by her. She kept coming at me repeatedly after each death and resurrection, when I asked why she didn't look for help, she said she wanted all the loot for herself, whatever that means. I later find out that it meant she intended to kill me and loot my corpse. Imagine my disdain.

She would do that whenever she was bored and then one day, like all the other times before, she died to my attacks. As she fell, struck down by my attack, she noticed a bright light emitting from me as wings of light exploded from my back. She watched me collapse onto my knees, a look of horror on my face as I noticed her corpse before me. Now that I think about it, how is she seeing all that while she's supposedly dead? Her body fades away and the usual bout of confusion, headaches and physical pain ensues. She rushed back to find me collapsed on the ground, no longer hostile. She still chuckles whenever she recalls our first encounter, how pale I got after seeing her revived. I apparently went "ape-shit" crazy and started screaming my lungs out, running away from her as best as I could. Who can blame me? I saw her dead just moments before. It's not normal to see her alive again, not normal at all. That was 4 months ago.

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