《Verlorene Seele(dropped)》just a notice(not a chapter)


well i decided that my writing skills suck and i need to desperately improve.

I started this whole thing on a whim, dont get me wrong, i love writing and reading.

But after reading countless web novels, light novels and mangas, i realise that my attitude and knowledge of writing is holding me back.

When i read other web novels, they have idioms, sayings, teachings. I can understand them very well, but am not able to reproduce it into my own story

Im gonna do some self study and reflection and when i find my own writing style and shape up to be able to describe better and the like, i will resume.

I expect that when i return there most probably wont be anyone left to read this story, but i am not satisfied with writing half baked trash like a drunkard trying to make a game when i know i am capable of alot more.

TL;DR Im gonna stop writing until i am able to write a hell lot better and satisfy my own desire and thirst for self improvement

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