《The Fox With No Tails- REVAMPED!》Chapter 19- Looking for A Little Sister II-


Yone and Keishi were continuing there way down the dirt path, fallowing Mayako's Ghost Trail, both of them had a look of worry on their face as Yone had found something disturbing as they had continued fallowing Mayako's Ghost Trail. Yone had found that the unknown Ghost Trail she had seen that signified someone fallowing Mayako was now appearing right next to Mayako's, at first the unknown Ghost Trail was behind Mayako's but now, the two were side by side, it was almost like the two of them were walking together. Yone just hoped that Mayako was with whoever the unknown Ghost Trail belonged to of her own will, if she wasn't, that person would have to answer to her but, not just her, Yone looked back at Keishi he had a real furious look on his face, he had kept that look ever since she had informed him about Mayako possibly being with someone that she fought with.

Keishi saw a spilt in the path they were on come up, "Which way!?" he shouted which made Yone snap her head forward in fear, she wasn't liking the way Keishi was getting, she put that thought in the back of her head, the only thing important right now, was finding Mayako, hopefully well and okay. Yone saw the Ghost Trail's take the left path, she signaled to Keishi to fallow her he grunted and nodded and fallowed her fown the left path, as they ran down the path Keishi suddenly stopped in his tracks. Yone stopped as well, she looked back at him "What is it Keishi?" Keishi didn't answer he was frantically looking each and every way, it was like he was looking for something, "Keishi!" Yone shouted, that got his attention, he looked over at her "I...I smell Maya around here" Yone's eyes went wide. Keishi went back to looking around like a madman, he would ocassianaly sniff the air and it seemed he was closing in on something.

Keishi suddenly gasped, he looked at one particular area of woods, he smiled "Over there!" he quickly rushed off in the woods "Keishi! Wait for me!" Yone rushed after him, "Maya! Maya! Maya!" Keishi chanted as he rushed through the brush and trees, the stronger the scent got the faster he'd go, "Keishi wait for me!" Yone called as she nearly fell flat on her face after he foot caught in a tree root. Keishi didn't slow down, all Yone could hear was him laughing like crazy and calling out Mayako's name, Keishi's heart was racing, Mayako was here, he had found her, he couldn't wait to see her face come into view as he could tell by how strong her scent was that he was getting closer to her. Keishi rushed into a clearing and shouted "Maya!" but, his smiling face was wiped away quickly as he saw no sign of Mayako at all, "What the?" he looked around like a lost child, where was Mayako?


Keishi knew for a fact that the scent he had was Mayako's, there was no way he'd mistake it, yet, Mayako was nowhere to be seen and her scent filled the place, as Keishi stood there at a loss Yone finally caught up with him, she panted heavily, "You could have slowed down!" she growled, she looked at Keishi and was about to chew him out when she saw the lost look in his eyes. Yone's angry face soon turned to one of concern. "Keishi, what's the matter?" Keishi said nothing, he just kept looking at the empty clearing like a zombie, Yone's concern grew, she grabbed Keishi's arm "Keishi! Whats the matter!?" she shook him, she then heard him mumbled something she couldn't quite make out, "What was that?" Keishi went silent again, Yone shook Keishi hard, "Keishi! What the hell is wrong with you!" just then Keishi looked back at Yone. Yone let go of Keishi's arm and jumped back in shock, Keishi had a really grim look on his face, it made Yone nervous, "She's not here" Yone shook her head, "What?" Keishi chuckled "She's not here, Maya's not here, but, her smell, it's all over the place" Yone felt a chill go down her back.

"Keishi, your scaring me" Keishi looked back at Yone, his face looked like the face of a broken man, "She's not here Yone, Maya's not here, then why is her scent all over?" Yone couldn't take anymore, she wasn't liking how Keishi was falling apart right in front of her, she rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. "Yone?" Keishi muttered as he looked down at the trembling Yone, "Please stop Keishi!" Yone sobbed, Keishi gasped, he covered his eyes, "How could I let myself get like that?" he mumbled he took in a breath, he uncovered his eyes and stared at the sobbing Yone, he sighed and he smiled sadly, he touched her head "I'm sorry Yone, stop crying, I'm alright" Yone's crying stifled. She looked up at Keishi, a tear rolled down her cheek, "I'm fine now, stop crying, I'm sorry" Keishi smiled, Yone smiled back "I'm glad" she let out a sigh, "Uhm, you can let go of me now" Keishi remarked, Yone went red in the face, she looked and saw that she was still holding onto Keishi.

She shrieked, she pushed herself away from Keishi, she looked away in a fluster "So..Sorry!" Keishi chuckled "Don't be, you brought me back to my senses" Yone's body shuddered, "What's the matter?" Yone gasped, "Nothing" she didn't look back at Keishi as her face was bright red, she let out a breath to calm herself. Keishi chuckled, "Wow, you know, it's really been a long time since you cried Yone" Yone went rigged, she then turned her head and glared at Keishi "I wasn't crying" Keishi chuckled "Uhm, but, you were" Yone growled, she produced a huge ball of foxes fire, "I wasn't crying" she growled. Keishi jumped back, "Alright! Alright! You weren't crying!" Yone grumbled and Keishi laughed and smiled nervoulsy, Yone huffed and the ball of foxes fire vanished Keishi sighed in relief. "So, if Mayako's scent is all over here then that means she was here" Yone looked around that's when she saw somehthing that made her eyes go wide, "Yone? Whats wrong?" Keishi asked in a concerned tone.


Yone rushed off to a certain area of the clearing, she looked down at the ground,her fists tightened, she knelt down and to Keishi it looked like she was reaching down for something, Keishi walked over as he was curious "Yone? What is it? Did you find somthing?" Yone's ears flickered. She looked back at Keishi with a concerned look on her face Keishi stopped in his tracks "Yone? What is it?" Yone gritted "Keishi.." Keishi could tell just by the tone of Yone's voice she had found something, and it wasn't something good. "What is it? What did you find?" Yone lifted her arm into view Keishi's eyes were drawn to a white collar shirt that had a tear in it that Yone held in her hands his eyes went wide, "Is that?" Keishi started. He hoped that what he was thinking wasn't right, Yone nodded howevere, "Yeah, this is Mayako's" Keishi gritted his teeth "Are you sure?" Yone sighed and nodded, "Yes, because I'm the one that gave it to her" Yone's gripped the shirt tightly in her hand.

Yone's eyes glowed yellow, she clicked her tounge, "The same unknown Ghost Trail is on Mayako's shirt" Keishi gritted his teeth, he stared at the tear in Mayako's shirt that made one thing clear to him, whoever was fallowing Mayako she had fought with them, Yone looked at Keishi with concern. "Do you..do you think she's alright?" Keishi shook his head "Yeah, there's no blood,so she must still be fine" Yone sighed in relief, "But, she still could be in trouble" Yone nodded, "Lets find her before anything bad actually does happen to her" Yone nodded. Her eyes went back to normal and she stood up "Come on, we should go back and fallow the path we came from" Keishi started walking off back the way the two came "Right, wait for me!" Yone rushed over to catch up with Keishi.

But, when she realized she still was holding Mayako's shirt in her hand she stopped, she stared at the shirt for a bit, she remebered how happy Mayako was when she gave it to her, the shirt had been one that Yone had worn when she was a bit younger and she hadn't worn it in a good while. Then one day Mayako was in her room, Yone was busy studying and she hadn't noticed that Mayako was going through her closet, when Mayako saw the shirt she pulled it out and asked Yone about it, after Yone told her about it Mayako then begged and pleaded with her to give it to her. Yone smiled, she gave it to Mayako because she felt she no longer had a want for it but, she had no idea that would make Mayako as happy as it did, after Yone said she could have it Mayako grabbed her in a hug and repeatedly thanked her. Yone chuckled, she softly ran her hand over the fabric of the shirt, she stopped at the big tear in the chest area, she gritted her teeth and her eyes were filled with concern "Mayako, please be alright" just then she heard Keishi shout "Come on Yone! I need you!" Yone jumped.

"Co-Coming!" Yone looked at the shirt for a second before with a heavy heart, she let it fall to the ground as she ran to catch up with Keishi, as she ran she looked back at the clearing and smiled, "When we find her, I'm going to have to take her to get a new one" with that she looked forward and met up with Keishi. [Ch.19 END]

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