《Zero Sanity》Test 5: Finish


"Christ, this warehouse is like a maze."

Minutes ago, the game started. The objective of the game was to get the flag in the center, and avoid those fucking robots. There were 2 sides of the warehouse, the Office rooms on the left, and the box arrays on the right. Logically, I went with the box arrays, because they seem to be easy to navigate and it gives us the advantage of hiding inside those boxes. Those retards will follow me if they want to survive on this game, because apparently, I'm the only one with a brain here. So I ran right and, as I expected, everyone followed me.

Well not everyone, 3 people, Ken and Gab, decided to go left while James decided to follow us but he ran off somewhere. Bunch of fucking idiots, it's their fault if they die. Good fucking riddance.

We were running for about 5 minutes now, and all that I could see is the same damn array over and over again. What the fuck, there's no signs to indicate if we've been in the same array, or another different one because THEY ALL LOOK THE FUCKING SAME! And, good thing, I'm not the only one who realized that.

"Hey, where are we now?"

"I don't fucking know, they all look the same to me."

"I thought you already know where the hell you're going, you ran off right without hesitation and now, everyone here's thinking that you may have a plan."

"Then why the fuck didn't you follow Gab?"

"Well, you kinda ran off first, and if we leave you then you could die."

"Plus, you seem more dependable."

They followed me because they thought I need protection? Are these guys high? I could fucking survive here all on my own. The whole "We must work together" bullshit I said earlier? That was a fucking joke. I could easily survive here, there's boxes so even if I get seen by the robot, I could just hide!

These assholes think that they are fucking better than me? They think that I need their fucking protection? I'll fucking show them. I just need to find that robot.


Out of all the people I don't trust here, the one I don't trust the most is that know-it-all guy. Was his name Jest? Yeah, I think it was. I decided to follow them and then ditch them later for the flag.

Wait, these box arrays are the same? They look, no, they are identical. From the exterior of the boxes, this is made to confuse us! Shit, I guess going on this side was a bad idea? Fuck, wait, maybe I can do something..

I punched some of the boxes on the array to avoid confusing myself. But that wouldn't work, if I keep seeing the boxes that I punched all over again, that means I've made no progress at all. So I climbed the boxes and holy shit, there were about 50 arrays of boxes in this warehouse. Not surprised, this warehouse is fucking gigantic. I was climbing down and climbing up until I find something weird, and I did, because there was this door that was hidden behind one of the arrays. I found it by accident, and logically, I wouldn't go in yet. I haven't seen a robot somewhere yet, and if I'm lucky, then maybe they're on the other side. If I'm unlucky though, well, there's a 100% chance of those robots being inside that door.


Wait, or maybe there's only one robot inside the door and the other one is on the other side? Yeah, that seems more likely. I wouldn't go in even if there's only one in there, they have fucking guns and I'm the only one here, so I guess I'll lead those guys here and they'll be my human shield.

Wait, what's that sound? God, it's so loud, it doesn't sound like the robots, it sounds like a garage door opening. I don't know where it leads, I was not paying attention to the map earlier. Fuck, all the more reasons to lead them here.

As I was climbing box arrays, I found them talking. I secretly eavesdropped on them and it seems that Jest guy that ran first is being roasted unknowingly. I think he's pissed, good for him, he didn't even consider us when he ran right. So much for that whole working together bullshit, not that I would work with him. I peeked at them and I saw him, grinning? What the fuck, this guy, I know he's planning something, but what? I guess I'll go talk to them now..

"Hey, you fucks, I found something!"

"Where the hell have you been? We're all trying to complete this game and you just ran off somewhere."

Heh, fuck you.

"Oh, sorry, you see, I SAID I FOUND SOMETHING!"

"Well, what is it?"

"A door."

"A door to...what?"

"I don't know.. I haven't checked so I tried to go to you guys. I mean, we are working together, right?"

These guys are harmless, from what I've seen. Still won't trust them though but I could use that Jest guy as my human shield.

"Here, follow me."


"I.. I finally found.. you guys.. haaa..."




I've been running around the cafeteria and I've been hiding in the office rooms for about 35 minutes now..

I-, I can't distract him much longer.


Crap, I need to run, I can't distract him any longer, if I want to survive, I need to go to the other side. Gab already made it there, they should find that garage door by now..

Fuck, ok, I'm running for it.

I ran towards the path that leads to the other side while screaming-




Shit-, I need to hide in one of the boxes...


"Gab? Why, wait, why are you here? Where's Ken?"

"H-He's t-there with the r-robot.."

"Then.. fuck.. is, is he dead?"


Shit, I guess we won't leave here unscathed, I should've known.

The idea of death, or more like the fear of death, can make anyone insane. Having to sleep forever without knowing what you might end up there is a pretty insane thought. I don't want to die.


I don't want to die..

"... W-well, w-we should be going."

Still terrified if we're going to end up like Ken, we followed James towards the door in hopes of completing this fucking game.

"Alright, here's the door. Wait, I'll open it, I'll take a peek first."

James opened the door slowly, while I was behind the other people. What? I need to stay alive, I need to live.


The robot was already looking at the door when James opened it, and it made a fucking terrifying laugh.


"Ok,- Huh?"


I looked at my back slowly, and saw a huge 9 in the face with a cartoon-like smile, and it was closing in on my face while laughing. Aiming a gun at my head, I fucking cried like a bitch. Who wouldn't?

The robot lifted me up, still with a gun aimed at my head.

I wonder, what did I do to deserve this? Why the hell am I here in the first place? Why did I get picked here?

The idea of death went past my head, and I questioned myself. Then I remembered James' words. Something is odd, somehow we got picked here. Maybe we got picked randomly, but I highly doubt it. Then-




Was that.. Ken?

He's not dead! But he's bleeding, then I saw a gunshot towards his shoulder.

The robot dropped me and went after him. He slowly ran while I, still crying, just watched him.


He may be a retard but I owe him my life. The other ran towards James, while it just past Gab, who was too scared to move.

Wait, so the robots only go after moving people? What the hell?

Still shocked and also scared, I stood up and went to the door. There were 2 moving conveyors, one leads to a lever, and one leads to the flag in the center. I ran and climbed the moving conveyor and went towards the flag.

The door, wait I think it's a garage door, ok, the garage door was... closing?

I ran like hell, then I eventually tripped because of the moving conveyor. Fuck. I got up and ran towards the closing garage door. Miraculously, I passed the closing garage door and hurriedly plucked the flag.

"Haa... haaa... haaaa, I-In your fucking face."


"Good job! You managed to complete the 1st game! So I guess that you guys figured it out? That the robots only shoot "moving targets". HAHAHAHAHAH!"

The robots stopped and the every light lit up inside the warehouse. The door opened and we all dragged Jest towards the exit because he passed out.

My wound eventually got patched up by Reim, and Jest woke up and immediately went to me.

"T-Thank you for helping me."

"Nah, no problem. Without you, I could've died back there."

"O-ok, since you saved me and all, I think I can trust you."

"Wait, so you haven't trusted me from the start?"

"No, it's just that James has a point, we all got picked mysteriously without knowing so why trust? But I can trust you because you saved me."

"Ok, ok."

"Alright, I tdon't want to spread rumors because I respect you but, while I got the flag, there was something on the floor."

"Huh? What?"

"There was a photo lying on the ground. I got it here, look."


"Wait, that's me? In an office? What?"

"Are you lying to us?"

"I-I don't know, I don't remember this at all. I told you all my memories, right?"

"How could I prove that you're not lying?"

"How could I prove that you aren't as well?"

"Good point. I don't think you're the type to hide shit from us so I believe you. You can hold on to this picture, its up to you if you want to tell everyone or keep it a secret."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem."

He left the room, and damn I have newfound respect for him.

Still, what the hell is this picture? I'm 17, I should be a student. At the back, there was something written,

"Takahashi... medicine? Did my father own a medicine company? I doubt it, I don't have one.., so what is this?"

Aaah, the feeling of overthinking, I doubt I missed this.

The first game is done, and it already crushed us but we managed to survive..

How long will we be in here?

I don't know, but the question that has been in my mind since the beginning that I know I can't answer still and now from the picture, it just made me think again..

Who the hell am I?

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