《I'm just a Side Character》Chapter 5


[A side character's abilities and a man's blooming dedication]

After I’ve resolved myself on what is truly important, it was now our lunch break. Kazuto, me and the others got all together and we ate lunch at the roof. All of us have taken our seats. Kushi and Kazuto was obviously sitting together while Saena and Hana sits just beside Kazuto. Mash was right infront of Kazuto being oblivious to the 3 girls just beside him while I was at the back observing everything that was unfolding. “Uwah!!! Just look at that. Kazuto is too honest he just looks at Kushi being lovestruck and all that while Kushi is just glaring at both of the girls while the two girls are just snuggly up and infront of Kazuto’s face while Mash is talking about the perfect poop he found walking to the school. God! what a messy show this is.” The girls were showing a lot of hints towards Kazuto but Kazuto is too blinded on his love for Kushi. They should just give up if I’m being honest. Mash is literally there. The man’s glowing for goodness sake.

What I didn’t know that time was that… Mash really liked Hana. He was doing his best to get her attention but none. He sucked up his feelings because of Kazuto and Kazuto being Kazuto didn’t know that. Even I didn’t sense it with my [Absurd reading of the room] ability.

While they were all talking and laughing my ability called [Background charaflage] was in effect. [Background charaflage] is an ability in which I can’t be perceived by a viewer from the real world. It is fictionally impossible for me to be the spotlight. If I were in a manga, I would probably be drawn as just nothing or a character with no details at all.

Our lunch ended, we packed up and started heading to our class. Kazuto, Kushi and Saena headed out first. I was following just behind them when I noticed Mash and Hana wasn’t with us. I headed back to the stairs leading up to the roof when suddenly…


“Ah! HELP!- ”

It was Hana! I rushed up the stairs only to see Mash hugging Hana tightly as he took most of the impact from the fall. They weren’t seriously injured but Mash got a slight sprain in his arm. I called Kazuto and we carried them to the nurse’s office. They were unconscious from the shock of falling and we let them rest up as we headed for class.

‘This is a part of a story which have never been seen by our side character, a story on what happened before he saw them falling down a flight of stairs’

‘Mash and Hana were left alone as the group headed out first.’

“U- uhm H- Hana?”


“So, like… uhm. Want me to help you get together with Kazuto? I’m not dense enough to not notice the hints you’ve been giving him you know.”

“Oh! that? I have no feelings for Kazuto.”

“Wait… what? Wait, w- what do you mean?”

“I’m just making someone a little. bit. jealous. Well… not really a little bit. I want them to suffer! and it seems I’ve already succeeded. I mean, just look at his dumb broken face! Ahhh it’s a bliss really.”

“Hana. What do you mean? Who is that person? W- Why?

“Oops! My thoughts have leaked. Can you forget that part Mash? Oh! We’re going to be late! I’m going now. Ciao~ “


“Ah! HELP-

My body moved on its own. I ran as hard and as fast as I could to catch up with her, I felt like I was the fastest man alive... and then I jumped.

(Ah! I’ve caught her in my arms. You’re safe now-- -





“Wait… Where?”

“Oh! You’re finally awake! We’re in the nurse’s office”

(Right! We were about to fall and then… I jumped in to save her. Why-


“Hey… uhmmm Mash, thanks!”

(Ah… She finally smiled genuinely. I didn’t know she can be this cute.)

“Yeah, no problem. You can always count on me hehe”

“Also, about the things I’ve said when we were on the rooftop. It was really no big deal so you can go ahead and forget about it. Just remember that I don’t really like Kazuto. Why would I like someone who’s happily in-love with a person who’s also happily in-love with him. It seems weird don’t you think?”

“Haha yeah. I guess so.”

(Yeah, I think I like her. Why? Well.. I don’t know myself. Why would I like someone that feels toxic? I don’t know myself but she’s a poison I’m willing to take.)

“Well Hana, If you ever need me. You can always ask okay?”

“Yeah, thanks Mash~ “




Mash and Hana got back right after the classes ended. “Are you okay?” is what I asked and good thing they we’re both fine now. Mash just needs a little bit of rest and he’ll probably be fine. He’s a big ball of athleticism, what could harm him? Also, doesn’t it seem like Mash and Hana got a bit closer? Well that’s good I guess. Our little circle is starting to close up a tiny bit closer each day and then there’s me! Who’s just at the borderline of that same circle…

Well no need to start getting negative again Hitoka! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts…

We went our separate ways as we all headed home. I deviated a bit from the path I was taking home to fix my thoughts and overthink a little bit. At least this time, I’m finally alone and the sun is about to set. Orange. I love and hate it at the same time. Orange is supposed to represent warm feelings and yet its not warm at all and lately… I’ve come to hate sunsets now. Why would I hate such a beautiful scenery? The scenes that comes with it aren’t beautiful at all. They’re just plain bitter scenes...

I’ve walked for a while now as stars started appearing and the orangey sky turned dark. I feel at ease at the embrace of the night sky. Its silent and peaceful in my opinion. I started heading back home when I saw a... girl? Just waiting- or no, she’s hiding? Why? I approached the girl and said… “Little girl, its dark out. Shouldn’t you be at your house right about now? A lot of bad people appears during this time you know so go home now okay?” She’s maybe a middle schooler- wait no, she’s a first year from our school!?

“Hey! You’re distracting me!!!- AH! SEE! I MISSED MY MARK!”

Wait, what nonsense is this girl saying.

“ARGHH!!! I have to get going or else plan B might miss as well! Bye Bye Mister Plan Destroyer.”

“Wait-… and she’s gone. She’s pretty quick I guess and really weird. What’s with kids this days. There was another kid-- - wait was she tailing him? Oh god kids are really scary now too- AND I GOT SIDETRACKED. AGAIN! ” What a random way to end the day. I got home with my mom greeting me as usual as well as asking me where I went and I just told her I admired the night sky or something. We ate together and all that, got to my room and slept.

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