《EU: Novum Orbis Terrarum》Conversation and First Contacts pt.1


Sea of Alasteria, 250km away from the Kingdom of Alasteria, 3PM, Floreal 12th

Its been 3 hours for the Navy and the Special Warriors since they got out of the port trying to find the said dragon that has fled west as the king ordered mobilization of the Navy and the Special Warriors to take down the beast but no land was in sight yet as they knew that the dragon should have a landmass that was likely resting.

"We've been at sea for 3 hour straight and yet we haven't sighted any dragon."

Big Man Kenji complained so hard that he is much of a hardcore tank wanting to pin down the dragon with brute strength that he was so really eager to fight.

"Relax big man, We'll get there soon to take down that dragon."

Fuji replied as he told the man to calm down for a bit as they may likely see land and there will land to pin the dragon down.

Meanwhile the girls are conversing too about 'girl talk' as they are bored to do anything aside from watching the calm sea and sailors of the Alasterian Navy cleaning and doing random things like mapping, checking inventories, and eating rations of hard tack and porridge which are the only things for an average sailor to eat in which some commented its bland and so far as to say it a terrible taste which is much true for the Special Warriors and the sailors in the ship indeed.

"Hey Kaede, What would you do next if we somehow are able to go home?"

Hoshino asked Kaede with a curious tone as that's what on their mind right now. Going back home as if they feel the nostalgia of going back to Japan after this very adventure to serve the King of Alasteria once again hoping the Royal Mages could find a way to be able to get the fellow Special Warriors back to Japan.

"Well, I want to reunite with my family first which they might be worried sick and then get familiarized with Japan again since we got used to life in the Middle Ages"

Kaede replied

"I see, How about you Angel? What would you do when we are able to get home."

Hoshino said to Angel

"I miss my home in the UK, Though I like Japan because my friends are there and my papa."

Angel replied with a smile as she clearly liked Japan because her friends are there and they might be worried sick at this point.

"The usual Brit I might say, Well, Anyways If we are able to go home, Let's contact each other and maybe we can hang out together as girls!"

Hoshino said cheerfully

They then continue to talk about other irrelevant things like who is hot between Fuji or Kenji to which Angel said that Kenji looked better but the two girls said that Fuji looked cooler than the big man Kenji. They have been at it that the sailors started to eavesdrop on these lasses that their conversations sounded much interesting and even though they only speak Pictish and not Japanese they still continue to listen to their conversation while doing their work like mopping up the decks.


Meanwhile on the helm, The captain and the helmsman are conversing too well not really as it will the both of them are just doing their job navigating the ship alongside with the rest of the Navy as they are literally in the lead due to the presence of the Special Warriors in the ship they are in.

"Sir, Are you sure this is the right way? We might get lost at this point."

The helmsman asked the captain with concern as it is just nothing but open sea as no land has sighted yet in a span of 3 hours.

"Well, They said the dragon headed due west according to Royal orders..."

The captain of the ship replied

"What are the royals up to now or the Duchy? I hope this is not some mission about fucking up the Duchy, We've been at war with them for like 20 years and I can't let these kids fight for the Kingdom... or some kind of deception..."

He also said in his mind as he doesn't want these poor children who were summoned 9 Months ago to be killed by the traitorous Duchy.

"Alright then sir... If what the Royal orders said the direction is then we press on till we reach land"

The helmsman said in agreement though he still has concern regarding if the fleets get lost.

The conversation between the helmsman and the captain was brief though it was all about the Navigation concerns and also the Captain's doubts on the Royal Orders that he already assumed that this must be the Duchy's deception to ward off the navy of the Kingdom so that the Duchy could launch a Naval Invasion of Fluctus.

East Sea (Sea of Alaster),50km away from Poland, August 12th, 3:30 PM

Ever since confirmation of Russia's disappearance, The Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Finnish Navies reorganized their fleets to comprise the East Sea Fleet that will patrol the East Sea. Though, The Polish and Romanians contributed to the East Sea Fleet patrols as the Finnish Navy only is designed for coastal patrols, It can't patrol the much wide East Sea and they are now solely going to patrol the coasts of Finland while the Bulgarian Navy has yet to prepare for patrols as it would be their first day and lastly the Greek Navy is still in a middle of reorganizing their fleet for the East Sea Fleet debating on which ship they will send. So for now, The Polish and Romanian Navies comprised of 1 Frigate, 2 Corvettes, and 2 Fast Attack Craft Missile to which they formed the Polish East Sea Fleet while the Romanian East Sea Fleet comprised of 2 Frigates, 2 Corvettes, and 2 Missile Corvettes. These 2 Navies will be contributing in the Patrolling of the East Sea for now as they will be joined by both the Bulgarian and Greek Navies afterwards when they are ready to do so.

East Sea, ORP General Kazimierz Pulaski, Bridge

The bridge was busy with officers checking and maintaining comms and weaponry while the others pointing out in maps to pinpoint the current location of the vessel as that is much tedious than relying on the GPS but its their only method of Navigation.


"Captain, we are still on our planned route as usual, Navigation with a map is so much tedious especially when we are using the pre-transfer map than relying on the GPS..."

The officer of the ship said

"Good and well, you better deal with it, GPS is down for now and navigating with a map is the only thing that we need to do as sailors of the Polish Navy."

The captain replied sternly to the officer.

"Aye aye sir."

The officer said in concern as this would be the most tedious day for an average officer in the bridge.


East Sea, F-221 Regele Ferdinand, Bridge

"Officer, What is our speed and position?"

The Captain asked the Officer for updates as he is also aware that this will be much different than the Black Sea

"Speed is 20 knots currently matching with ORP General Kazimierz and our position should be somwehere where Moscow is right now... Mapping our position especially with the use of the pre-disappearance map is tedious sir..."

The Officer said and complained about using the disappearance map since it'd be troubling for the navigators to pinpoint their current location.

"Good, I understand if our location is inaccurate and I have to agree with our position being mapped using the Pre-disappearance Map has made the Navigator's job complicated..."

The captain in turn replied that he also complained about the map being used but it can't be helped as that would be the only map for them to rely on sea navigation.

The Polish and Romanian Navies have been constantly updating their speed and position so they won't get lost at sea and also to match up with the rest of joint fleets of Poland and Romania until a voice was heard from the Polish Frigate General Kazimierz.

||"All vessels, Keep your eyes peeled for any unknown contacts, We don't know what lies in this newly designated East Sea and we might come across some fantasy monsters if they were there."||

The Polish Captain from the ORP General Kazimierz said through the radio notifying every vessel part of the fleet.

||"Copy that."||

The Romanian Captain of the Regele Ferdinand replied


Special Warrior's Galleon, Deck

The captain looked through his spyglass for any sight of land and so far its nothing


"No land still, Tell me boy, Do you think the Duchy deceived the entire fleet?"

The captain asked the Helmsman for his opinion

"I think so sir, I mean, Why would the fleet go this far? Don't you think its a deception?"

The helmsman replied with nervousness as he is focused on the wheel.

The captain nodded in reply and then looked at his spyglass again which he sees a fleet of ships made out of steel in formation in the distance going east away from the Alasterian Fleet's current position as he is fearing the worst if that was the Duchy Navy or something. Then, he saw the fleets turning facing the Alasterian Fleet and he was alarmed by this development that he ordered Battlestations.

"Ship spotted east of us!" The captain shouted "All hands on deck! All hands on deck! Get to your stations now!"

The captain said ordering his sailors to man their battlestations while also telling his 2nd-in-command to get the other fleets to do the same by blowing the horn and even the Special Warriors are readying themselves for a fight especially big man Kenji who is eager for some action

The Polish and Romanian Navy officers in their binoculars have seen a fleet of ships heading this way and so an order was given to go starboard and face these ships for possible first contact unaware that their first contact would involve presence of multiple Japanese and one British Nationals with one of the officers rushing inside the bridge to report the Captain.

"Captain, I see multiple contacts with what looks like Galleons and Sloops in formation. Orders sir?"

The officer said

"Give them a Warning" the captain continuing on "If they fire the first shot, Don't hesitate to fire back"

The captain said

"Alright sir, I'll issue them a warning."

The officer replied

The officer would be reaching out for the Communications to allow issuing warnings through voice so the vessels seen in the distance can hear this warning.

Meanwhile, Deck of the Special Warrior's Galleon

"Sir, It seems those things are still going forward, should we prepare the cannons?"

The first mate asked the Captain for orders.

"Prepare the cannons and-"

Suddenly a voice was heard from a distance which the Captain of the Galleon assumed that it came from the vessels heading towards the Galleon and the fleet

||"This is the East Sea Fleet of the Romanian and Polish Navy Contingent, You are trespassing EU Waters. Turn away now or you will be boarded under EU Maritime Law and be searched thoroughly"||

That came from the Romanian Frigate as they are getting ever closer to the Galleons that the Captain hesitated for one bit because he doesn't understand what they are saying and though he heard 'Romanian' and 'Polish' which is unfamiliar to them. Until one particular Briton rushed to where the captain is said this to him.

"Captain, I know what they are saying, They are saying we should turn back or we will be boarded"

Angel said to the captain with urgency as she of course know what they are saying.


The captain of the galleon was shocked that they are gonna be boarded if they won't turn back but they are curious about those ships approaching as they may seem few in number that their magical cannons might sink them easily but they have a weird design and a single gun to which he deducted that these vessels might be superior than our Galleons. He also saw the Japanese in awe too with their minds being that they are saved and they may return back home.

Thus, This will be the first contact of the EU and the Fantasy World

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