《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 77: Battle of Bloodlines


It felt like a storm covered Joaolong. It spiralled around him and pulled all his anger to the surface. All he thought was to attack. Nothing could have stopped him, not even his own logical mind. Suddenly, he heard the clash of metal and saw his sword stopped by Huli's weapon known as Viper.

"Isn't this just wonderful," Huli said. "Your friend dies to protect you and you don't try protect yourself. Can a weak boy like you even hold a sword properly?"

Joaolong grit his teeth and tried to strike again. His muscles tensed as they remembered the sequence Disung showed him. However, Huli blocked it languidly with his sword and blood-smeared hands.


"Back off!" Huli commanded his soldiers. "They are all mine!"

Their swords clanked again. Red splurted over Joaolong. Had he been hit? So quickly? Where had Huli hurt? However, when no pain whispered of the wound and a feminie chuckle sounded, he came to his sense; Mingzhu followed him. To his left, a soldier fell to the ground and the minx stood on top of the body. Despite her tiny frame, she looked like a hunter with that remarkable fire in her eyes.

"How many Foxes do I have to kill?" Huli remarked but his lips remained in their pleased crescent shape.

"If there are this many Foxes, imagine how many other Masked Masters wait for you."

"You aren't the real Masked Fox. I know there is only one true master for each animal."

Another soldier ran towards Mingzhu and with a spring in her step, she dove under him and attacked with three jabs. These withdrew blood, revealing blades hidden in her hands. The man fell to the ground.

"Of course. We are just his puppets. I would be fearful when you do meet him though. That is, if you live after the true heir battles you."


This was the only advantage he would get; Joaolong attacked while his enemy remained distracted. He lunged at Huli once more but his opponent proved faster and greatly skilled. Viper sliced his arm instead. It tingled, the pain dulled by the adrenaline pumped into Joaolong. He sucked in a breath and stumbled out of range before he was cut again. Dodge, Disung always instructed in their practice. Dodge and run. You aren't good enough to fight yet.

The pair continued this dance; Joaolong weaved away while Huli managed to injure him in small increments. In the background, he saw blurs of Mingzhu taking out the soldiers by herself. A pang of envy fuelled him to try an attack, which only caused him another cut to his forearm. This was deeper than the rest and judging by Huli's chuckle, he felt it too. Huli played with him, like a cat toying with a mouse.

"Giving up already, almighty Wang Joaolong?"

"Never!" Joaolong swung again and missed.

"You never had a chance. Weak in every way. Take your friend for example," Huli said and stood on top of the severed head discarded earlier. Joaolong felt himself shake in despair and rage. No. He isn't dead. He can't be dead. "He was too weak to protect you and you were too weak to protect him. Mother always said you were glued together and so it must be fitting to die together!"

Huli kicked the head at Joaolong. It flew through the air. Blood stained the courtyard a deeper red as it sailed. Joaolong felt the weight collide against his stomach in a sickening, indescribable way. He fell while his confused hand both tried to catch his friend and push him away. He didn't want to see it. But he did as well. He couldn't comprehend a world without him.


"Where is that intelligence now?!" Huli shouted from above. Viper swayed in his hands. "You outsmarted every other chance to die! First my birthday, then the hunt, then the funeral but now, you act so dumb! If only father saw you now! When I killed him, he knew my cunning! I hope his spirit can see how much superior I am to you!"

Any tactics to escape were futile. Joaolong held no hope. From his peripherial vision, he saw Mingzhu far away pinning soldiers to the ground. Despite her agility, she wouldn't reach him in time. It was over. Huli won. Joaolong, known as the intelligent man, fell into a trap like a stupid mouse to meet his demise. He only prayed that when the sword striked hard, it striked true and gave a quick death.

However, Huli did not know mercy.

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